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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

{Retainer Wall Extension for Water Control}

Before, I already did show you that we did cut our 65 Year Old Pine Tree so Pieter could dig a trench for putting concrete blocks to divert the water from our neighborhood. Below this post you find the link to the New Retainer Wall & Vinyl Picket  Fence as well as Pipe under Brick Walkway & Trench for Water Control. We do live in Holly Hills, and water runs down hill but that can cause major problems at times. So here I show you another part of our Water Control by building a Retainer Wall Extension. 
While scanning our old slides I did come across this lovely Spring picture from April 2, 2000.
You can see the retainer wall here and the Post Lantern is placed on the corner.
The Magnolia tree is still a baby and so is the blooming Indian Hawthorn; both are to the right of the lantern.
Of course, we never can stop heavy rains or tropical thunderstorms but we can do as much as we possibly can for diverting the water + mud stream. 
Like here seen at the end of the retainer wall where it always came across our driveway in a muddy stream...
So husband Pieter opted for building a Retainer Wall Extension for Water (and mud) Control...
Those tiles in front of the retainer wall are to be used in the final Water Control Project. You will see that soon in another post!
Would you believe that to the left you see the very same Indian Hawthorn from the 1st picture?
Meanwhile it is huge.
So here is the newly built concrete block retainer wall extension. 
That will keep the water from running down again, together with the final plan that will work.
This is January 12 and the extension is up. What do you think?
Here it is January 20 and the extension has been painted.
Did you notice that we had to replace that Post Lantern (see 1st picture) to the end of the retainer wall because the baby Magnolia and Hawtorn grew into big ones.
Here you get the idea about the different heights and water runs down, towards the creek which is further to the left. But I guess this will prevent the water + mud from soiling our driveway again.
You see the wooden plank here?
That will be the Final Stage of our Water Control Project and you will see it soon. 
So much about the battle against water...
Do you, or did you have to fight water too?

Related links:
{Pipe under Brick Walkway & Trench for Water Control} | previous post by me
{Our New Retainer Wall & Vinyl Picket Fence} | previous post showing you part I of Water Control
{65 Year Old Pine Tree Cut Down} | previouis post showing you preparation of Water Control


  1. the extension looks really good! like it was planned the whole time.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Yes, it perfectly does blend in and if for sure will function well.

  2. You certainly are having a battle with the water. I hope the first big rain you will see the water go where you want it to. When we have big floods here, it washes away walls and drives and every thing.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      We at least tried to guide the water away from the home. The creek is untamable we fully understand that and when it knocks out our bridges, that is bad luck... Nature is strong!

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    always so much to do, but to do things for water control is a good thing and when it is done, you will be happy :O)
    Love and hugs,

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Sure this water control is something that pays off and gives us peace of mind. So glad that all is done; technically speaking not yet finished with the tile work due to the heavy frost but it functions!

  4. Replies
    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, ein eigenes Haus mit Garten fordert schon ganz viel Arbeit, Zeit und Geld...
      Lieber Gruss,

  5. LiebeMariette,
    der Kampf gegen das Wasser ist ein goßes Problem.
    Aber diese Lösung ist wirklich genial. Hoffentlich bleibt
    ihr jetzt etwas verschont von Schlamm, Wasser etc.
    Einen schönen Dienstag wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Jaja, gegen Mutter Natur kämpfen ist schon etwas schwieriges aber ich glaube unsere Massnahme wird funktionieren um wenigstens den Schlamm nicht mehr über die Einfahrt zu haben.
      Lieber Gruss,

  6. Il tuo giardino ha da raccontare sempre tante storie.Un abbraccio,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Sì il nostro giardino fa tante storie ma anche tanti lavori!
      Abbracio grande,

  7. Jullie zijn echt hollands goed bezig, weten hoe je het water kunt keren, dat zit in de genen! Ik verbaas me iedere keer weer over Engeland dat elk jaar overstroomt, huizen onderwater en niemand die er wat aan doet, alleen ieder keer het huis weer opknappen en klagen. Laatst zag ik in de Daily Mail dat er eentje eindelijk slim bezig was geweest en een dijk om zijn huis had aangelegd, hij was de enige die droog was gebleven en haalde daar de krant mee! Moet haast wel een Nederlander zijn geweest :) New York heeft nu ook de hollandse experts binnengehaald om een nieuwe overstroming te voorkomen.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja als goeie Nederlander ben je geloof ik met het watermerk geboren! Als je de natuur gadeslaat en je gebruikt je gezonde verstand dan kun je al heel wat water keren. Niet alles natuurlijk maar zolang het maar weg kan stromen via de creek. Deze overstromingsproblemen manisfesteren zich steeds meer ook vanwege de overbevolking op delen van de aarde waar mensen gewoonweg niet zouden moeten wonen. Om er land te bewerken is nog iets anders maar huizen neerzetten is iets wat dágelijks aanwezig is; ook tijdens rampspoed zoals overstromingen. Maar mensen zijn toch verknocht aan hun stekkie en blijven. Die ene man was dus smart genoeg om een dijk aan te leggen en tja, hij kan best wat van onze kikkerland genen gehad hebben! Een koele kikker die het zich goed bekeken heeft.
      Overal hier, ook in New Orleans is de nederlandse expertise al in gebruik, over de hele wereld zijn we goed in het delen met watersnoodproblemen.
      Maar we proberen het voortaan dróóg te houden in huize Vedder!

  8. Hi Mariette,

    The extension looks great :) and I like the yellow colour
    Have a great day!


    1. Dearest Eva,
      Thank you, that extension looks great and above all is functional.
      Hah, that is the artist's eye for noticing at once the Benjamin Moore Golden Mist color. It gives our home a lot more character indeed.
      Hugs and stay warm in your Dublin too.
      Mariette from the little Dublin...

  9. Dearest Mariette;
    You two must be feeling great accomplishment as well as relief for your project being done well or rather magnificently by both of your hard work. The beautiful wall sure will work well, my friend. Lots of admiration to you and wonderful husband☆☆☆
    Your return comment for me about your father made me really amazed. You must be SO proud of him and happy for you for his mental and physical health♪ Bless and admiration to your wonderful father, too!!!

    Sending you lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Oh, we both are over the moon for having tackled this nasty water problem during this winter season. Ready for the next heavy rain and never having to face the same problems again.
      Being 93 and that fit is anything short of a miracle and for driving your own car with good eye sight; my Dad is lucky!
      Hugs and love to you as well.

  10. Replies
    1. Dearest Dee,
      Sure, such a big job is paying off big time!
      Hugs to you and hope you are making good progress with your entry hall as well.

  11. Dear Mariette,The extension looks great , and I like the yellow colour !!Pietre did an excellent job as always!
    He's so creative!!!Wish you a lovely new week!!!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Tahnk you for your compliments and yes, the Golden Mist color looks far better than the original color of our retainer wall.
      Enjoy your new week as well.

  12. Hi Mariette, the extension looks very nice. It looks very natural, like it's always been there.
    You've been working hard for water control, but you sure do very beautifully :-)

    Thank you for your comment about the stuffed kitty. That is actually custom-made stuffed Goro. I got stuffed Niko made as well. Will post more pictures in future posts :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you for your kind words and we both are real pleased with the way it looks. Minus the mud for the spring and summer that will be an added bonus.
      Well, somebody deserves a compliment for creating such a perfect stuffed kitty look-alike Goro. Anxious to see your future post about them.

  13. The extension wall looks beautiful, Mariette! Your darling Pieter has been working hard to keep your lovely home and property protected from flooding. We do have a seasonal stream that flows during heavy rain and once it overflowed and saturated the ground. We were very worried. So, we expanded it and now it is working fine. Like your state, we do get heavy rain at times that causes intense flooding. I do hope this solves the problem permanently for you now! Hugs xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you dear and yes, Pieter is such a treasure to have as a husband! Otherwise our budget would not allow us to do all this... and this has to be done to avoid bigger problems in the future. You too are on a very uneven property in the mountains and that takes different precautions than on a flat area. Glad you got it under control by expending that seasonal stream. We never know what Mother Nature will send down upon us when rains are concerned. Glad that the huge pine tree is gone, that would have been another danger in the future and in its spot is the retainer wall for diverting the water and letting it run down to the creek instead of towards our home.
      Things really look like being in control. You will get to see the final stage soon.

  14. Good work!!! You could never guess it is a new extension!!! Bravo to Pieter!!!
    I hope you will never have any flooding problems in the future.
    Hugs, my dear Mariette!!! And keep warm during the cold days!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you and we love this extension and it makes us feel really happy. Now it rains so all the hard work got done in time. We are waiting for mild weather for having the tiles put on but maybe next week? Will post that part soon.

  15. Lieve Mariette,

    Voor zover ik het op de foto's kan bekijken hebben jullie niet alleen een goed plan bedacht om het water in goede banen te leiden.....maar het idee ook ten uitvoer gebracht.
    Het ziet uit of het altijd zo geweest is,was dat maar waar, dan hadden jullie niet telkens weer de modderstroom op het pad en in tuin gehad,maar laten we hopen dat dat vanaf nu tot het verleden zal behoren.

    Krijg zin in het voorjaar bij het zien van je lente foto van lang geleden.

    Ja,Mariette de foto op mijn blog is de Eryngii,ik maakte er vorig jaar een blogpost over
    Jij/jullie als deskundigen weten natuurlijk al die paddestoelen namen uit het hoofd☺
    ik moet de meeste soorten Google op afbeeldingen om hun naam te leren kennen,niet erg ik zoek graag;-)

    Lieve groet,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja, we hebben erg hard gewerkt het eind van 2013 en begin van 2014. We willen dit van de baan hebben zodat we ook veilig zijn. Het kan maar gedaan zijn en ook voordat het lente wordt zodat we daar straks geen tijd en werk meer mee hebben.
      Ze zeggen niet voor niets dat je eigenlijk 3 x je huis zou moeten kunnen bouwen. Dan had je veel ervaring en wij als Nederlanders van een land zo plat als een pannekoek hebben weinig kaas gegeten van water in een gebied met hellingen. Aldoende leert men!
      Ja, die lente foto doet je wat; je krijgt de kriebels maar we moeten nog een week of zeven geduld hebben.
      Ja, ik las je blog van 2012 nog weer eens, had er ook op gereageerd destijds. Zag er overheerlijk uit zeg!

  16. Zo is er veel werk te doen om het water in goede banen te leiden. Fijn dat je man veel zelf kan doen. Fijne dag, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Jazeker, met water ga je heel wat aan en de kracht ervan moeten we nooit onderschatten. Dus voorlopig zijn we wel voorbereid denken we. Hard genoeg aan gewerkt! Ja, het is een zegen dat mijn man na zijn quadruple bypass in september 2010, dit nog allemaal kan doen.

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    You and Pieter always do great work to make your house and its surrounding more beautiful and safer inside and out! Great job on the extension wall, and I love the color -- it reminds me so much of the Greek houses of the Dodecanese islands.
    Hugs from the Alps!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      We both are so glad that the timing for doing these heavy projects was just perfect. Now we're having an ice storm; all icicles in our garden and it remains cold. Tiles cannot be laid yet... but the function of our final project is safeguarding us. You will see it soon.
      Thank you for your kind words of praise.

  18. Dearest Mariette, it is not easy to maintain such a large and beautiful property as yours. Your projects inspire Mr. G. and I to not give up and keep going on our property. Pieter is most skilled and quite creative ... looks great! hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      There seems to be always something but maybe that is the positive thing; never any boredom and it keeps us in shape. Satisfaction you have from living like this! The only problem at times is 'time'... but we feel like being in control pretty much of things for now.
      Pieter is an excellent husband and I cannot name anything he cannot do.
      Hugs to both of you and stay cozy and warm.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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