
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

{Our Admiral Semmes Confederate Series Azaleas}

Sharing with you our lovely Admiral Semmes, Confederate Series Azaleas, also called Rhododendron because of their larger size.
Beautiful yellow flowers with a deeper yellow blotch.
These photos were taken on April 12, with sunshine...
They also are very fragrant; an added bonus!
Their flowers are rather large too.
Love the sunlight enhancing their beauty...
It was a cloudy day as you can see from the photo below.
No wonder that they earned a place in the Georgia Gold Medal Winners' circle in 2007!
There are quite a number of flowers attached together.
As many as 9 are fused together...
Stepping back a bit further.
We got two shrubs, one we planted on February 02, 1998 after it arrived from Louisiana. The other one is home grown by husband Pieter.
Hope you enjoyed these yellow beauties and below you can find more posts.
Related links:
Rhododendron austrinum x ''Admiral Semmes'' | SOURCE to order from Woodlanders


  1. how very beautiful! and delicate, too!

  2. WOW!!! Gorgeous ... these have taken my breath away... hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

  3. Dearest Mariette;
    Wow, your Rhododendron (yellow color azalea) is breathtakingly beautiful♡♡♡ We see azaleas with white and pink but not yellow ones. Happy for you blooming so gorgeously!!!
    Have a wonderful week ahead, my friend.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  4. I don't remember having seen rhododendrons in this colour!!! They are so beautiful!!!
    Dearest Mariette, you do have so special trees and flowers in your garden!! Enjoy them!
    Many hugs!!!

  5. Dear Mariette,
    These are so graceful and such a beautiful color! I love the long stamens and the delicate way they light up your lovely landscape. So unusual and with fragrance to make them very special.
    Hope your week is lovely, too.
    xo Karen

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Your beautiful Rhododendron are lorge sige There are quite a number of frowers attacked together ..
    you have beautiful week ahead together ....
    Hugs and love to you dear friends!

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    this is such a beautiful color!
    Wishing you a lovely new week, glad the Easter-holidays are gone, now I have time to be creative again ;O))
    Love and hugs

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    wow...wie prachtvoll!
    Auch die Farbe...wie wenn die Sonne scheint.
    Wunderschöne Pflanzen.

    Herzliche Grüsse

  9. Liebe Mariette,

    ich unterschreibe die Worte hier.

    Sonnige Grüße

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    What a beautiful azalea. Yellows are rare in this family so this one is a treat.
    Our mountain laurel blooms are going to be scarce. The harsh winter led to the dear eating all the low growing shoots. There's always next year!
    Enjoy your day............*s*

  11. Yellow is such a happy spring color! We are just starting to get green here. Hopefully more colors will come soon.
    Have a wonderful week Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  12. What happy looking flowers. They certainly bring the sunshine to your garden.
    Hugs Kay

  13. Your flowers are beautiful! They do look shiny and happy in the sunshine :-)
    Happy Tuesday xoxo

  14. Lieve Mariette ,
    Wauw wat mooi .....ik heb nog nooit een gele Azalea gezien ...Prachtig !!!
    hoe lang heb je hem al ???
    een fijn Avond
    een lieve groet uit griekenland

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Heb het even voor je opgezocht en in de blogpost vermeld nu. Die is van 19 februari, 1998. Dus al 16 jaar oud! Die Pieter gestekt heeft is wat jonger maar ook al een 'tiener'. Ze zijn heel bijzonder!
      Liefs vanuit een warm en zonnig Georgia; we maakten weer een lange wandeling rond 18:00u toen het nog 29°C was.

  15. Dear Mariette,what a beautiful azalea!Nice color too!Gorgeous pictures!Oh,i love your Easter eggs,header!!
    Wish you a happy week!Hugs!

  16. Beautiful flower in that vibrant yellow! Your garden is looking more gorgeous each day and I can see you are enjoying it, specially in lovely spring weather!
    Yes, the Easter weekend is very observed here in Ecuador, as is a very Catholic country, therefore, Good Friday is a very quiet day, everything is closed and you must fast and have something like a soup made of grains and pumpkin, just harvested, annd it's a Spanish tradition.
    There are many rituals observed the entire week prior to Easter Sunday too! My mom knows more than me because of course, she was brought up here and not me, but now I know them all, lol! Yes, that movie Noah is terrible, not worth wasting money or time!!!

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    wundervolle Blüten zeigst du uns. Das Sonnengelb ist
    nicht zu übertreffen.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

  18. Mariette, here are two feast days, like in Europe. A time of renewal, lovely Easter!
    I hope your holiday was sweet, and blessed!
    What a beautiful flower, I like the yellow color is vibrant ...
    Kiss dear friend and a great week for you.

  19. Dear Mariette,

    Such a beautiful Azalea - love how bright and cheery the flowers are.
    Thanks for visiting me and wishing you a happy week, dear friend

  20. Prachtige bloemen zeg Mariette! Alleen niet mijn kleurtje, maar de bloemen op zich zijn erg mooi!
    Fijne dag!

  21. Wonderful images. An invitation to the nature.
    Best wishes: Geraldo


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