
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

{Our Somei Yoshino Cherry in Bloom}

Love to show you our one surviving Somei Yoshino Cherry in Bloom. We also once had a Taiwan cherry or Prunus Campanulata, but we lost that one and another Somei Yoshino Cherry. Sad to see such lovely Flowering Trees die.
Lots of petals are already floating on the pond...
Through the blossoms you also see our Acer Negundo Kelly's Gold and our Japnese Red Maple trees with the newest bridge to the right...
We were so happy to see those blossoms as we did have icicles on this very tree in January! If you want to see some gorgeous photos from our Somei Yoshino Cherry in Bloom, please do click here: {Our Japanese Somei Yoshino Cherry in Bloom + Hummingbird Hawk Moth} 

Related link:
{RARE Icicles in Our Garden} | previous post by me showing the icicles on this Somei Yoshino Cherry


  1. Que lindo la llegada de la primavera amiga querida .., que tengas un óptimo comienzo de semana

  2. Dearest Mariette;
    Your Somei Yoshino Cherry look SO gorgeous and sweetly blooming♡♡♡ We had STRONG wind and rain last couple of days, Poor cherry blossoms, they are so transient(^^;)
    Your link's blossoms are also wonderful and made me realized that I was new in the blog land p;)

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  3. How wonderful your spring is! I can hardly wait until our blossoms come out.
    Enjoy your week Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    isn't it georgeous to see the trees blooming like this Cherry?
    Have a lovely new week,
    Love and hugs

  5. Oh the joy of spring and flowers blossoming ... They are so gorgeous! I remember back home there are 3 huge cherry trees - fantastic when they blossom - but only for a very short time.. Sending you big hugs from India dear Mariette:-) So happy we have connected.-)

  6. Hello Mariette, Congratulations, you are finally getting some Spring weather. All of your hard work must seem worthwhile when you can walk in your yard and encounter sights like these pictures.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Oh sure, when it comes to pay-back time in spring; it is all worth the hard work!
      However short lived as yesterday the last petals got knocked off by heavy rains and thunderstorms. We got the photos as memories...

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    in gewohnter Schönheit.
    Sonnige Grüße

  8. Good Morning Mariette, It is so lovely to be treated to the wonderful sight of your Somei Yoshino Cherry in flower. The flowers are so delicate and I feel sure, that as the blossoms fall to the ground, it looks as if there is a light covering of pink snow. The Japanese Red Maple planted in the background looks a lovely height and the colour is stunning.
    I love Spring, when all the plants and trees come back to life after a long winter.... it always feels like a new beginning in the garden.
    Have a lovely week.
    Best Wishes to you.

  9. Het is zo mooi wanneer de bomen bloesems krijgen, het is ieder jaar weer een sprookjesachtig gezicht.

  10. Nature is so amazing. Icicles on the tree one min. and the most stunning blossom the next.
    Enjoy every minuet of it.
    Hugs Kay

  11. Hi Mariette,
    what a beauty!!! Congratulations you seem to have a green thumb!
    All the best

  12. Dear Mariette,such beautiful Spring images!! And how nice,your Cherry tree has bloomed!!So preety flowers!!
    Wish you a lovely weekend!!Hugs!!

  13. Hi Mariette, your Somei Yoshino Cherry blossoms are gorgeous!
    Glad they survived icicles and got such beautiful flowers :-)

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    wenn auch nur kurz, so entzücken uns die Blüten in jedem Jahr
    wieder aufs Neue. Die Eiszapfen auf dem Baum sind spektakulär.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht Dir

  15. That is a beautiful cherry tree. And such a sight for sore eyes here. We still have snow in our parts and Spring is just now slowly waking up. I can't wait to see flowers again. Deb (Ontario, Canada)

  16. So beautiful! I've always wanted to go to DC to see the cherry trees in bloom. Thanks for sharing your pretty blooming tree.

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    Some Yoshino cherry was beautiful blossom look so nice,
    Hugs and happy weekend!

  18. Zo prachtig altijd die bloesems.ieder jaar weer een feest. Wat zal je ook lekker wandelen door je tuin.
    Groeten Janny
    Paper Roses

  19. Liebe Mariette,
    danke für deinen reizenden Besuch! Du sprichst ein hervorragendes Deutsch!!! Ich bleib bei dir, weil es schön ist und interessant!
    Eine gute Zeit

  20. Liebe Mariette...was für ein wunderbarer Ausblick. Die Bäume sind ein Traum und die kleine weisse Brücke...ach ich liebe sowas. :-)

    Wünsche dir einen schönen Tag.

    Liebe Grüsse

  21. Dearest Mariette,
    I am so glad your cherry trees have bloomed after the winter they suffered through. Cherry trees have always had a special meaning for me as I was born in Washington, D,C. when the cherry trees were in bloom.
    More rain, but it'a going to clear and be up in the sixties later today.
    Enjoy the day............*s*

  22. Looks like Spring is in full swing there. Have a great week. Tammy

  23. Your cherry tree blooms are so pretty Mariette. I also have a cherry tree but as of yet it's still too cold for it to bloom.

  24. Liebe Mariette,
    ganz wunderbar!
    Bei uns wird es nun auch langsam Frühling, obwohl gerade ein ziemlicher Regenschauer auf uns niederprasselt.
    Liebe Grüße!

  25. You have so many beautiful flowers! For the moment I'm a bit tired. The cat's and trying to help them out take a lot of my time but I'm trying.


  26. That's a beauty!!! I am pleased it has survived your icy winter!!!
    Is this only a decorative tree, Mariette? Or you get edible cherries from it???
    Many hugs!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      No this Japanese cherry is only for its incredible blossoms as it bears no fruits!


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