
Saturday, April 12, 2014

{Our Vinyl Picket Fence in the Spring}

Just to have a look at how our new section of the Vinyl Picket Fence is looking NOW in the Spring. Remember, on December 17, we did cut that huge 65 Year Old Pine Tree down. Two sections of new Vinyl Picket Fence were added, after husband Pieter did build that Retainer Wall as step 1 of our Water Control Project. 
That Retainer Wall underneath the Vinyl Picket Fence DOES keep the rain water from the higher street section away from our home.
Therefore I would love to link up to Theresa's: The Run *A*Round Ranch Report with Good Fences #3 - Just click above hyperlink and visit her incredible blog!
To the left is our Japanese Magnolia unfolding its new leaves. To the right you see the golden new leaves from the tall oak tree.
This is on December 13, only 4 days before that huge Pine Tree to the left got cut down...
The tall oak tree is to the right.
You can tell that the road is quite up high, looking over that picket fence. That's why the water came streaming down the hill towards our home.
Our cat-girl Tiggy-Tiger next to the 65 year old pine tree on December 13, is dreaming about spring I guess...
The magnolia tree was budding out here.
Just cleaned out our Bird Bath as it was filled with catkins and got slimy. Now it can be filled up again for our feathered friends.
Don't you like the new Spring Look in the first and last picture?

Related links:
{Our New Retainer Wall & Vinyl Picket Fence} | previous post by me
{65 Year Old Pine Tree Cut Down} | previous post by me


  1. The new leaves of spring are wonderful. It always reminds me of the promise of new life.
    Hugs Kay

  2. your yard looks great. :) you could link this up to good fences if you liked! :)

  3. I love the new leaves. The fence looks great. Beautiful yard.

  4. Looks like a beautiful yard. Love the tree to the left in the first picture.

  5. Dearest Mariette;
    Oh, yes awaited spring has come!!! Your Vinyl Picket Fence and yard look SO great☆☆☆ So sorry about the pine tree; we share kind of the same feeling, as we lost 3 pine trees and my husband decided to make our tiny garden tinier one making some space to a parking lot.(^^;)

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Oh, and I forgot to say I LOVE your Bird Bath very much ♡♡♡

  6. How pretty, Mariette! A beautiful spring scene. I can see how the water would run down that little hill - what a job that you and Pieter have had putting in your drainage, but the results are beautiful. Your sweet kitty looks very happy surveying her domain and your birdbath is beautiful, too. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my Dear. Hugs to you xo Karen

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for the lovely pictures, yes, I like the new Springlook and I love your Bild-bath :O)
    Happy weekend to you both,
    Love and hugs

  8. What a beautiful yard you have. And your picket fence looks perfect.


  9. HI I love your garden your fence an that spring is with you now.

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    das erfreut das Herz.

    Alles Liebe

  11. Hola Maiette. Todo lo que nos enseñas a través de tus fotos es muy bonito. Te deseo un feliz fin de semana y te mando un fuerte abrazo. Besos.

  12. In the sunlight everything look so much better, even a fence.

  13. Liebe Mariette,

    ach wie herrlich...einen weissen Gratenzaun. Ich stelle mir ein kleines Häuschen vor mit einem wunderschönen Blumengarten und alten Bäumen darin rundherum ein weisser Gartenzaun. Ja es ist ein Traum den den ich schon in ganz jungen Jahren hatte. Natürlich inspiriert von amerikanischen Filmen. :-)
    Es gibt bei euch bestimmt auch immer etwas zu tun bei einem solchen grossen Grundstück...doch man kann es sich ja zum Glück selber einteilen.

    Wünsche dir mit deinen Lieben ein erholsames Wochenende.

    Liebe Grüsse

  14. Lieve Mariette ..
    Wat een mooie tuin ...
    en een mooi hek ..
    maar het vogelbadje vindt ik wel heel mooi ..
    een fijn weekend Mariette geniet maar lekker van je tuin.

  15. Oh I definitely love the spring look of your fence!
    The fence is very lovely and spring makes everything even lovelier.
    And your bird bath is very pretty. It will look even prettier when birds are coming :-)
    We are expecitng nice, sunny weekend. I hope you'll have beautiful weekend, too!

  16. The pretty fence really frames your properly in such a great way, it makes it warm and homy...nothing more lovely than a white picket fence! Have a wonderful Spring weekend my sweet friend!

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    endlich!! - seit 3 Tagen versuche ich, bei dir zu kommentieren und habe immer nur eine Eieruhr -
    nun bin ich endlich durch gekommen -

    ich bin immer wieder so begeistert von euerem traumhaften Haus und dem Park drum herum - es ist wirklich wie im Paradies - ihr seid sicher sehr glücklich und stolz -

    ich wünsche euch ein wunderschönes Wochenende -

    herzliche Grüße - Ruth

  18. Your cat was enjoying the weather.

  19. Dearest Mariette,
    The sunlight are new spring pretty fence your lovely bird bath picture.
    Thank you for my lovery new Easter time Dear Mariette!
    Hugs to you so much the happy weekend!

  20. Meine liebe Mariette,
    wunderschöne Bilder -man kann den Frühling erkennen.
    Du hast es wirklich wie in einem Paradies. Und das
    Vogelbad wird sicher sehr gern angenommen, wenn es
    wieder mit Wasser gefüllt ist.
    Einen sonnigen Samstag wünscht dir

  21. Yes, everything springing forth with green shoots is lovely. And the picket fence is lovely, too. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  22. Another job well done by Pieter. Keep him! <3


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