
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

{Airline Baggage Weight and Campbell Dinosaur Soup}

Thinking about HOW much we have carried inside our suitcases over the years... it is hard now for bringing anything besides your clothes and toiletries for the total allowed baggage weight of 1 piece of 50.5 lbs or 23 kg at present. We did the lion share of our travel on KLM and back then it was 2 pieces of 70.5 lbs or 32 kg each! In the mid 90s when flying from the USA to The Netherlands, we did even have CANS of CAMPBELL DINOSAUR SOUP + CAST IRON DINOSAUR MUFFIN PANS as a gift for our Dutch nephews...
Courtesy of Campbell Cares is this original photo from such a can of Dinosaur Soup.
Thanks guys +Campbell Soup Company your courtesy is highly appreciated!
Having been both International Consultants, we did spend a lot of time aboard KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.
Just slightly tagging behind husband Pieter's total Mileage...
We always have valued KLM's Royal Dutch Airlines Courtesy Card!
Above is the one we had in Italy, while working and living there, just like we had before in the USA.
And again, continuing with our Royal Wing card in the USA...
We had so many benefits because of that.
Getting an upgrade to Business Class whenever Economy got fully booked.
Being allowed to check in at the Business Class counter, even with others that traveled with us.
Making use of the Business Class Lounge, we also did on the way over to the USA when all 4 of us used the Van Gogh Room at Schiphol Amsterdam Airport.
Mom & Dad even got an upgrade to Business Class, just like I had, when flying to Amsterdam from Atlanta, USA in May of 1987.
Mom & Dad sat in two seats next to each other and I shared a seat with a widow traveling back home after having stayed with her ailing brother in the USA.
Always easy for getting out of the roomier chair instead of sitting with 3 or even 4 passengers in narrow chairs.
But the Coach Class did allow Two (2) pieces of 70 pounds / 32 kilograms each!
Can you imagine?
That's how we could afford to travel with One (1) piece filled with gifts and things for relatives and friends.
Can you imagine the anxious recipients upon our arrival?
There was snow upon arrival in The Netherlands, on March 2, 1995 and we did tote all this weight into the train, with 2 stop-overs along the way.
Muscle power...

Hand delivered on March 8, 1995. Our 7 and 5-year old nephews loved their Dinosaur soup!
Were we crazy or what?
This is unthinkable for present time travel with its luggage weight restrictions!


  1. you definitely put in plenty of miles! the dinosaur items were very cute gifts!

  2. WOW many miles .... for me unbelievable ....I do not like flying .....:O( ...........but I LOVE Campells Soup ;O)
    I do not think you were grazy ;O)
    Have a wonderful week,
    Love and hugs

  3. A lot of the air fares are now carry on luggage only.
    Hugs Kay

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    interessant und lehrreich!

    Alles Liebe

  5. I miss that good times! Nowadays air fair is so high and cost a lot to check the baggage.
    I can't afford business class but I like that Delta Airlines (this is the only direct flight to Japan) implemented economy comfort seats. It's only a bit roomier but feels much better than regular coach class especially for a long flight :-)
    The Campbell's Dinosaur soup design is very cute! It must encourage kids to eat vegetables more!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      We never could afford business class either but we got lucky with getting upgrades because we were flying so much.
      Yes, on our last trip over we did buy those Economy Comfort seats for on the way over, it felt great and made us sleep at least during the long night flight. Money well spent!
      Oh, Campbell's Dinosaur soup was such a great thing and kids learned to playfully eat their good soup.
      Hugs to you,

  6. I only had several group tour to he foreign countries while 30's and 40's. So do't know about these air fare (mileage) and seats difference things; I just feel for you and Tamago-san for the trouble!!!
    Oh, lovely package♡♡♡ I might have been able to eat a lot more vegetable if I had when young p;)

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend Mariette, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      This was not so much about the mileage but about the restrictions for taking baggage aboard lately. Back then it was even for Economy class 2 x 32 kg per person versus now 1 x 23 kg per person... We never flew business class but often got an upgrade because we were very loyal airline customers due to our business as international consultants. That was such a joy and even my Parents could benefit from that privilege. It makes an enormous difference for the extra space you have and for chairs that recline a lot more to make you sleep better during long night flights.
      We often did take our baggage allowance and toted a lot with us across the ocean. Now it is impossible and it would cost you a fortune!

    2. Sorry, we never BOUGHT business class tickets...

    3. Haha, I didn't realized that you replied me here. But thank you so much for your kind explanation, my friend♡♡♡ Love and hugs, xoxo Miyako*

  7. Hello Mariette, I agree that it is becoming almost punitive to ship things. It would be almost as much trouble to ship a real dinosaur!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Indeed, we can become a bit cynical about this fact.
      Often I wonder why this is... Probably also due to the heavier weight of human passengers on average and they are trying to balance out their maximum take-off weight by restricting baggage. Not very nice!
      But also shipping parcels via airmail, as we used to do a lot, is indeed punitive at the present rates.

  8. Dear Mariette,maybe my daughter,knows about these KLM air fairs,because she's traveling always with the Dutch Airlines!I liked eating,chicken Noodle Soup,when i was in Australia!It was my favorite of Campbell's!
    Wishing you a lovely week!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Your daughter might be a frequent flyer too if she makes a lot of miles.
      But still, the baggage restrictions is what this post was about mainly. We are only allowed a bit over one third of the allowed total weight of 64 kg per person than. Now only 23 kg per person... No way you can carry a lot of gifts with you!

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    es hat sich vieles geändert. Das Fliegen ist nicht mehr
    so luxeriös. Aber man kann auch bei der Lufthansa
    Einen angenehmen Abend wünscht dir

  10. I can't believe you still have all that information. Yes, it is much more difficult to carry things when traveling from afar. Even what you can carry is scrutinized so much at times. I try now to travel as light as possible wherever I go. And only buy small gifts that are easy to pack. Hope you have a good day. Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Yes, both of us have diligently kept a diary, up till the year 2004. Otherwise, forget it for knowing all these things. Together with photo albums and such, a story can come to life again. Oh sure you are being scrutinezed so much and the fun is out of traveling. We like to get in the car and drive with the comfort of all we want and need.

  11. Ja ik vind het vliegen er niet leuker op geworden, al dat gedoe tegenwoordig, dit mag niet en dat mag niet. Verbaast me dat je zo wie zo het vliegtuig nog in mag

  12. Things were definitely different in the older days, dear Mariette! I twice happened to buy an extra baggage to fill with the gifts I had bought for my children, family and colleagues!!! I was a Swissair frequent flyer but I also flew KLM many times!
    I can imagine your nephews joy when you brought them the dinosaur pans!!!
    Many hugs to you!!!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Oh we did too, in Indonesia we often bought last minute such a weekend bag that we could fill up. It always worked out fine but not any more.
      We sure remember many times seeing happy faces of our nieces and nephews and other relatives and friends. Fond memories!

  13. No entendí mucho mi querida Marietta !, que tenga un óptimo día

  14. Dear Mariette,
    I never traval with KLM air fairs You has so much difficult when traveling from afar.
    But The cambells Dinosaur soup are highly appreciated you are enjoyed with you too!
    Hugs and love to you always!

  15. I like the look of that soup, dinosaur soup that would appeal to Little Leo he loves dinoaurs

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      That soup was a genius idea from Campbell's even though I don't know for how long it was a hit.

  16. Dear Mariette,

    It is hard with the weight limit when travelling and what to take and leave behind -
    I know how excited the little nephews would have been with the dinosaur gifts.
    Happy week

  17. Lieve Mariette ,
    Ja het vliegen is er niet leuker op geworden vroeger mocht zelfs 25 kilo meenemen bij sommige
    maatschappijen moet je zelfs voor de koffie betalen... ik ga het liefs met de auto naar nederland maar ja ..dat is wel ongeveer 2400klm ....
    lieve groet

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, binnen Europa is het natuurlijk anders dan voor de lange transatlantische vluchten die ik hier beschreef. Dat was per persoon tot 2005 nog 64 kg en nu slechts 23 kg. Een enorm verschil en ja hoor, je krijgt bijna géén service meer aan boord.
      Wij gaan ook graag per auto op vakantie. Helemaal naar Miami wat bijna tropisch is dat zijn 1,000 km enkele reis. Dan heb je alle comfort bij de hand!

  18. Non ho capito correttamente tutto, ma voglio dirti che la mia cuoriosità nel sapere che sapore ha questa famosissima zuppa è grande. Intuisco che questa in particolare, con tanto di dinosauro, era una zuppa di una compagnia aerea e sicuramente avrà colpito tutti i bambini che viaggiavano. Un abbraccio cara Mariette, di cuore ♥. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Mi scusi per non comprenderlo pienamente. Beh, il mio punto qui era circa il bagaglio consentito di prendere per un volo attraverso l'oceano. Che usato per essere fino a 2005, 64 kg per persona in 2 pezzi di classe per economia. Ora è solo 23 kg per persona.
      Mi è stato appena citano che abbiamo realizzato tanto peso sui doni attraverso l'oceano, ancora zuppa di dinosauro in scatola per i bambini di mio fratello e anche padelle muffin da ghisa.
      Provate a immaginare, che è impossibile fare ora... Siamo stati fortunati con il nostro status di fidelizzazione di compagnie aeree, si sposta in una classe superiore. Abbiamo spesso ottenuto questo upgrade dall'economia al business e anche i miei genitori ottenuto questo upgrade dall'economia al business quando volarono indietro con me ai Paesi Bassi nel maggio del 1987... Il buon vecchio tempo!
      Un abbracio grande,

  19. wow, that's amazing to think of being able to carry cans of soup! Now we're all trying to figure out how little we can get away with! You have a lot of mileage there!

  20. what fabulous idea to share a little American children's eats... times are changing when traveling ... less and less we are able to bring. Hugs , Celia M.


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