
Monday, May 26, 2014

{In 2005 President George W. Bush visited Margraten - Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial in my Province of Limburg}

Tomorrow, May 26 is the official Memorial Day for the USA. We honor all the fallen men and women in service. 
Photo taken by my brother Martin Van den Munckhof
You can view more photos—also closeup from one Georgia soldier—and read about it in my previous post, see below.

We are proud of President George W. Bush's visit to Margraten, Netherlands at the American Cemetery and Memorial in my Province of birth; Limburg.

12½ jaar L1 - Amerikaanse president in Limburg | President George W. Bush visits Margraten on May, 8 in 2005. He did stay at Château St. Gerlach and was very complimentary towards the Staff.
Proud of my Province of birth; Limburg!
President George W. Bush was so nice and you can hear about it in this short video (link above) and it is mainly in English so you understand this TV program from my Province of birth, Limburg's L1.

President Honors and Commemorates Veterans in the Netherlands - Margraten, The Netherlands | From White House Archives May 8, 2005
Above link gives you the text of President's speech.
The Dutch have their Memorial Day earlier in May...

Related links:
{MEMORIAL DAY - FREEDOM HAS ITS PRICE} | previous post by me about husband Pieter's personal story


  1. that is nice that he visited the memorial in your province and honored those who were buried there.

  2. War is so terrible I think of the many, many men that lost their lives.
    We should never forget that we live in freedom because of their sacrifice.
    Hugs Kay

  3. I'm so delighted you mentioned President George W. Bush on this very special weekend. While I did not always agree with him, I have always admired him for reasons big and small. I think history will judge him more fairly than his political opponents and the left-wing media.

    Gros bisous, ma chère, M-T

  4. It is important that we remember and honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    das macht nachdenklich.

    Alles Liebe

  6. Lieve Mariette,ik was gisteren in Margraten voor herdenking, indrukwekkend prachtig weer,kippen vel,en we moeten herdenken,zoiets mag nooit meer gebeuren,veel liefs irena

  7. Oh, how special the visit must have been and the President is SO thoughtful !!! It is wonderful and important to have this day to memorize the honor (we do have same kind of holiday in August).
    I DO wish you had a bit of rest and spent a relaxing Sunday, dear friend Mariette♡♡♡

    Sending you lots of love and hugs to my dear Japanese friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  8. Memorial Day is a very important day, remembering and honouring the fallen soldiers.
    It is also a time to reflect on their bravery and valour as well as the significance of war.

  9. Good Morning Mariette, It is so important that we remember the service men and women who gave their lives for their country and here in England, as you know, we remember our fallen on Remembrance Day.
    Reading your post has brought back the memories of people I have known in my life, that have given their lives for our freedom..... and I remember them all, firstly because I am proud to have known them and secondly because I am truly grateful for the freedom we enjoy.
    Best Wishes to you.

  10. We kunnen niet lang genoeg herdenken, maar of de mensheid er iets van leert is nog maar de vraag. Het blijft altijd maar onrustig in de wereld.

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    ich finde es eine tolle Geste von Mr. Bush.
    Er ist nicht unumstritten - aber man muss auch die
    guten Seiten in Betracht ziehen.
    Einen schönen Wochenanfang wünscht

  12. You must be so proud president visited your province of birth and he was so complimentary. This is such a beautiful place. We remember and honor those who lost their lives in service. I hope for a peaceful world. Happy Memorial Day xoxo

  13. Dear Mariette,that is nice that president Bush visited the memorial in your province and honored those who lost their lifes so we can have freedom!
    Happy Memorial Day!

  14. Dearest Mariette it is wonderful to remember those who sacrificed so much for us and others around the world. Your mention and tribute here is lovely, Hugs, Celia M. (HHL)

  15. Queste cose storiche sono così belle da ricordare!Baci e buona settimana!Rosetta

  16. lieve Mariette ..
    ik hoop dat er nooit geen oorlog meer komt ...
    er zijn zo al veel problemen genoeg op de wereld ..
    een fijne avond ...veel liefs

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    I wish to memries for a peaceful world sending you lots of love and hugs to my dear Japanese friend in America.
    Hugs a lovely to all ways!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
