
Friday, May 9, 2014

{Our Wild Violets}

Our Wild Violets are such lovely flowers in the wood garden!
Some call them Weed Violets... But are they not LOVELY?
Hard to photograph...
Yep, getting FACE TO FACE...
Such a lovely pastel tone for the spring...
Like a bearded, hairy edge...
Are they not pretty in a tiny silver vase?

Related links:
{Violets from our Garden and on French Country Style Wooden Tableau} | previous post by me
{Edible Flowers} | previous post by me
{Blogger Friend Dana Created These Lovely Ribbon Violets!} | previous post by me
{FOND MEMORIES} | previous post by me


  1. one of my all-time favorite wildflowers. :)

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    I love your gorgeous flowers in garden! your garden are all over beautiful.
    we has a beautiful day I will be outside all days.
    Hugs and love to you!

  3. Hola querida Marietta hermosas violetas ,, adoro el colorido y muy hermosas se ven en esos jarrones

  4. these wild violets are really beautiful and you made it beautifully domestic....

  5. Hi dear! I absolutely loved your space. I love flowers so and so much!!!
    kisses, Marie :)))

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    wonderful Wild Violets!
    Have a lovely week,
    Love and hugs

  7. Le violette sono fiori delicati tanto quanto deliziosi. Il loro profumo poi sembra quello delle fate. Bellissime le tue che, sicuramente, hanno donato una cornice stupenda alla tua bellissima casa. Un abbraccio. Paola

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    die schönen Blumen erfreuen das Herz.

    Alles Liebe

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    Your violets are lovely. There is something charming about these little flowers showing their bright colors for spring.
    I am amused to see your post as I have been looking out at the various early violets and thinking I should do a post about them. Great minds and all that!
    Enjoy your day.........xox....*s*

  10. They look perfect in silver. Violets are so special because of their fragrance. Also because it takes ages to pick a big bunch.
    Hugs Kay

  11. Dear Mariette,such beautiful wild violets!!And what a lovely color they have!!
    How preety these looks in your silver vase!!Wonderful pictures!
    Wish you a happy day!Hugs!

  12. Dearest Mariette!
    I am just back from reading your previous posts about violets. They are so beautiful little flowers!!!!
    I was happy to be sent some violet roots from a blog-friend in northern Greece last year, and I planted them in a pot. They are now about to flower and I am so excited about this! I guess I will have to re-plant them in the garden as I was told they are spreading in the semi-shade under the trees. I hope that by next year they will have multiply and I will also be able to cut some flowers and put them in a small vase. By the way, your small silver vases are so lovely, as are the china sets,the spoons and the tray of your older posts!
    Many hugs, dear friend and enjoy your lovely flowers!

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    in den Silberväschen sehen die Veilchen noch einmal so schön aus.
    Ich liebe diese Blümchen und erfreue mich in jedem Jahr aufs neue an Ihnen.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

  14. Preciosas!! qué alegría dan a una casa con su forma y su colorido
    Besos querida amiga
    Sin pereza

  15. Wow, how GORGEOUS and PRETTY your violets are♡♡♡ I always admire your varieties of plants in your garden. And I LOVE your pretty pictures of violets with blurry back which brings out the beauty of the flowers♪♪♪ The last picture of them arranged with the silver vase is SO magnificent(^_^)v

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend Mariette, xoxo Miyako*

  16. They are very pretty. I wouldn't mind some wild little weeds like that over here. ;) Have a fabulous Friday. Tammy

  17. Dear Mariette,

    Absolutely beautiful - love sweet violets and how beautiful they are in the silver vase in your home.
    Happy weekend

  18. Prachtig om de bloemen zowel binnen als buiten te hebben om van te genieten.

  19. I love violets. They are so pretty. Too pretty to call them weed :-)
    Your picture of them in silver vase is breathtaking! The light purple and silver color match perfectly!

    Happy Friday and have a lovely weekend xoxo

  20. Heel mooi Mariette! Vooral zo samen in een vaasje zien ze er prachtig uit!
    Fijn weekend!

  21. Dearest Mariette .. these are lovely and look so elegant in the silver vases you have chosen. Thank you for always sharing such beauty on your blog. Happy Mother's Day week-end... hugs and blessings, Celia m. (HHL)

  22. They are indeed beautiful!
    xo Catherine

  23. Dearest Mariette,
    I love violets too! We had many wild ones in bloom in the woods here last month.
    Enjoy your weekend! Hugs :)

  24. Dearest Mariette, These are so beautiful. Such a lovely gift from our sweet Lord. Each detail is perfection and they loot so refreshing in the little silver vases.
    Love to you and Pieter,

  25. How lovely, Mariette! xo


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