
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

{Rooting Azaleas Is Easy}

You have seen our Admiral Semmes Confederate Azaleas, of which one has been rooted by husband Pieter himself. Gardening on a scale like we do, is asking for quite a large budget and this way you can easily multiply the beauties you already got! Give it a try at home. Now is the TIME!
Saved from a Southern Living Magazine I had this page with Easy tips by Steve Bender.
Maybe some of you would love to know this or try out yourself.

Related link:
{Our Admiral Semmes Confederate Series Azaleas} | previous post by me


  1. This is very interesting and sounds fairly easy!
    I'm trying to grow catmint in a pot on our deck now. Green leaves began to come out, and hopefully we will have blooming catmint flowers one day :-)

  2. Las azaleas don unas flores de muchos cuidados , me encantan Marietta querida ,,

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    Theses photos were taken on April 12 with sunshie,They are so beautiful.It's very common that felling for your husband Pieter with enjoy himself.
    Hugs and love to both of you!

  4. It is time of Azaleas now; we can see lots of trees here and enjoying them now(*^_^*)
    Ours have a bit less flowers, Have a Lovely Day dearest Mariette;

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    this is very interesting! I never have tried this ....
    Have a wonderful week,
    Love and hugs

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    das habe ich nicht gewusst, dass man Azaleen per Stecklinge vermehren kann. Vielleicht versuche ich es einmal, denn ich habe ein prächtiges Exemplar draußen im Topf, das jedes Jahr ein bisschen geschnitten wird. Danke für den Tipp.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  7. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe

  8. Dear Mariette,it sounds very interesting!I dont have azaleas but i like them so much!
    Wishing you a lovely day!Hugs!

  9. Ik heb een Azalea die een onbedwingbare aantrekkingskracht had op mijn nieuwe poes. Toen ze net bij ons was heeft ze hem helemaal gekortwiekt. Elke ochtend vond ik de takjes op de vensterbank naast de pot liggen. Gek genoeg is hij daarna heel goed gaan groeien en bloeien, ze heeft blijkbaar groene "pootjes"....

  10. Geen gemakkelijk karweitje, wel leuk zeg! En wat een mooie foto bovenaan van jullie huis!

    Groetjes Janny
    Paper Roses

  11. grazie per il prezioso consiglio, un abbraccio grande Lory

  12. Lieve Mariette,

    Lang geleden was ik ook wel eens in de weer met planten stekken en stekpoeder en zo.....
    maar door gebrek aan ruimte in huis en tuin ben ik er mee gestopt.
    Planten die ik mooi vind koop ik wel bij kweekerij.
    En Azalia's vind ik wel mooi in grote tuin met statig huis,maar niet in mijn ''landelijke'' stadstuintje.

    Fijne dag en liefs,Ger

  13. Taking cuttings is a very satisfying thing to do. It does help a lot with the budget as well.
    Hugs Kay

  14. Hi dear! Loved your space here!
    xoxo :)))

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    danke für die Hinweise. Ich habe bislang so etwas
    noch nicht gemacht. Es ist aber einen Versuch wert.
    Einen schönen Wochenteiler wünscht dir

  16. Dear Mariette,

    Have never tried with Azaleas but have done hydrangeas. Thanks for sharing
    Hope you are enjoying the week

  17. For many many years, I have been saving pages and even whole gardening magazines with precious instructions, but as one can find anything on the web nowadays, I am presently getting rid of the old paper. As for the azaleas, I have been trying for years, but the do not thrive in my area. I still love them a lot!!!!
    Many many hugs!!!

  18. lieve Mariette .
    leuk om te weten hoe je ze kan stekken..
    helaas doen de azaleas het niet goed bij mij ...
    veel liefs

  19. Questa sì che è un'dea,Mariette cara. Ma tu hai provato? le azalee e i rododendri sono tra i pochi cespugli fioriti che crescono bene nel mio giardino (nord Italia) però non ci ho mai pensato .
    Seguendo queste chiare istruzioni però..... Grazie cara, ottimo suggerimento!
    un bacio

  20. No wonder your garden is such a little paradise, dear Mariette! :) You and Pieter know so many tips and tricks about gardening -- well done, you guys! :)
    Hugs :)

  21. I love Azaleas are so beautiful! Enchant my eyes!

  22. Dear Mariette, they are so lovely. Interesting - new to me... Love my flowers too. Big hugs dear

  23. Grazie Mariette. I always admire your green thumb and your knowledge about plants.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
