
Saturday, October 25, 2014

{1987 Scottsdale Arizona versus 2014}

Yep, we had been to Scottsdale Arizona twice before; long time ago! That was in January of 1986 and in February of 1987. Both times my husband Pieter got invited to present a paper for the SPAWN MATE SYMPOSIUM. Each time we got to stay at the luxurious Registry Resort and even if this meant work for my husband, we did enjoy it very much! 
With the famous Camelback Mountain in the back; to us this was like PARADISE!
The Post Card's front gives a bird's-eye view of The Registry Resort's court-yard pool area. This 76-acre estate in Scottsdale, Arizona has 323 guest rooms, villas and bi-level suite, 21-lighted tennis courts, Health Club, two 18-hole championship golf courses and four of the Southwest's finest restaurants and lounges.
That's the reason that we went here in both years during winter in January and in February!
That's me on January 24, 1986 enjoying some bright blue sky and Arizona sunshine!
There is some glare from the glass in this picture as Pieter took it from inside...
As the above postcard already revealed, The Registry had four of the Southwest's finest restaurants...
Mouthwatering good I can tell you!
Both of us are not playing golf... Maybe next life?
But look at this Paradise-like Golf Course!
Yeah, Pieter is actually pushing this leaning palm tree back up–right.
He used to be mighty strong in his young years!
BUT... Since our last time at the Scottsdale Registry Resort, things have changed!
They completely wiped it off the planet in order to build condominiums and shopping malls, which would render more money. UNREAL but yes, here Pieter is standing in the back of those condominiums and it is ALL GONE.
Pieter said, so is also his full head of dark, curly hair (as is mine!)
Good thing is that nobody dared to move that Camelback Mountain; it is still there!
The above 2 photos were taken on September 4, the day before we flew back from Phoenix, Arizona to Savannah, Georgia. We did stay one night at the Hyatt Place Scottsdale/Old Town which is excellent and very conveniently located.
We still need to go back to Scottsdale, so Pieter will have a chance to ride their unique FREE Molly the Trolley...
Which I did on January 24 of 1986 - it is a fun experience too. 
See link below post with more info.
When we were in Arizona, 27 years ago, we did not have the money, nor the time for doing some sight seeing.
But we came back this year to see at least part of what is on this 1986 post card...
  • 1. Mission San Xavier Del Bac, Near Tucson
  • 2. Tree-Like Cactus
  • 3. Tucson
  • 4. U.S. No. 80 at Telegraph Pass near Yuma
  • 5. Hoover Dam
  • 6. Oak Creek Canyon
  • 7. Grand Canyon
  • 8. Petrified Forest U.S. No. 66 - The Famous Main Street of America!
  • 9. The Painted Desert
  • 10. Downtown Phoenix
Stay tuned for next posting where I will take you to Williams, Arizona and the WILD WEST!

Related links:
The West's Most Western Town | In 1888, U.S. Army Chaplain Winfield Scott visited the Salt River Valley and he actually founded present day Scottsdale! - Interesting history information!


  1. amazing that the land was so much more valuable as residences and condos. but i'm sure the hotels get harder to maintain and draw clientele from newer places as they get older.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      One wonders really WHY they made such a decision as this has been the best Resort we ever have had the privilege of being at...

  2. Phoenix / Scottsdale is one of my favorite destinations! The first time I visited way back in 1983, I stayed at the Registry ~ and proceeded to stay there many times during the next ten - twelve years. The last time I visited I was also saddened to find it gone!

    1. Dearest Helen,
      Yes, one is really saddened for seeing such a lovely place gone! Building more shopping malls and condos might prove to be wrong too...
      We love that area and especially during winter time.

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    this looks like a wonderful place to relax :O)
    Hope you are well after your days in hospital!
    Have a lovely and blessed weekend, take care!
    Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      But the sad part is that this place has been wiped off the map!
      We would have loved to go back but that's no longer possible.
      Yes, I'm well and enjoy the sunny walks in shorts and t-shirt, with summer temperatures.
      Hugs to you,

  4. Fun post, Mariette. I've not been to Scottsdale, but have a friends who live there. Enjoyed this and enjoyed your visit to Hyacinths. Hope you are recovering.

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      We both love Scottsdale and its surroundings, so well kept too! Sadly they had severe flooding in Phoenix valley right after we left. Hope your friends were okay.
      Yes, I'm on the mend!

  5. Deve essere un posto fantastico, ieri come oggi. Sei fortunata cara Mariette ad aver potuto viaggiare così tanto, poter visitare paesi lontani.....per me resterà solo un sogno. Un abbraccio. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Hai raggione, ma non abbiamo mai avuto il lusso di visite turistiche quando eravamo da qualche parte, il minimo, io a volte potrebbe partecipare a un tour per le donne ma Pieter aveva lezione ed essere disponibili nel pannello di discussione. Nessun tempo libero. Pertanto, era così buono per essere finalmente in grado di tornare insieme, anche se quel resort è completamente scomparso per fare spazio a condomini e centri commerciali. Ci è piaciuto molto questo viaggio e potrete leggere la sequenza...

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist traumhaft schön.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja es 'war' traumhaft schön da es komplett weggemacht wurde wegen mehr Profit.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  7. Dearest Mariette ,lovely place to relax and enjoy ! I wish you and PIetter are well and you will visit again this magic place !

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      Oh, we love Scottsdale, Arizona very much, despite the disappearance of this heavenly resort... And for sure we both will visit again!

  8. Ja soms kan je beter de herinneringen koesteren dan weer terug te gaan. Maar er is vast nog veel moois te zien, ben benieuwd naar de foto's.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, onze herinneringen aan beide bezoeken koesteren we ook en gelukkig is daarbuiten nog zóveel te zien en te doen. Wordt vervolgd...

  9. quanti bei posti hai girato Mariette!Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Davvero bei posti che abbiamo visto e visitato durante le nostre visite di lavoro.

  10. Hello, Mariette! You brought me back nice memories with this post!
    I was in Phoenix in 1992 and also visited Scottsdale, I still remember some of its beautiful buildings!
    Time goes by so quickly, and things and places change so much!
    Looking forward to reading more from you about the wild west!!!!
    Many hugs!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Probably all still was there five years after we stayed there. It is a lovely and very well maintained, clean area.
      You will read more in the next posts...

  11. Wow Mariette, the place has really changed! I'm glad they didn't move the Camelback Mountain. LOL!
    It's great you got to visit some of the places you couldn't in 1987. I've never been to Scottsdale but would love to some day. Looking forward to your next post! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh, we both did have a blast this trip and we will be back again for sure!
      Yeah, I was kidding about the Camelback Mountain as for more profit they literally would move mountains!
      You will enjoy the next posts, I've had to break it all up as to not overload the reader with photos and impressions. For us, this trip was above expectations!

  12. Too bad they tore down that beautiful resort. I've never been to the southwest; it looks beautiful. I laughed seeing your husband "straightening" the tree!

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Oh, isn't it a shame that for profit so many beautiful things need to go?!
      My husband in his 'stronger' years indeed. Little did we know that they would bulldoze off ALL of that within ten years. Too bad but we still had a lovely vacation in Arizona! Stay tuned.

  13. lieve Mariette ...
    ik hoop dat je al een beetje opgeknapt bent ....
    dat is een mooie plek om te genieten ..
    ik wens je een fijn weekend
    veel liefs

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, die mooie plek is helaas met de grond gelijk gemaakt, het moest wijken om meer geld te kunnen maken met shopping malls en met condominiums. Maar we hebben toch erg genoten!
      Ja hoor, het gaat elke dag beter en zo meteen weer een lekkere wandeling in de zon maken doet goed; lekker in de korte broek nog!

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist bedauerlich, wie sich ein solches Paradies verschandln läßt-
    Wir machen alles kaputt, nur um den Profit.
    Wieder wunderschöne aufnahmen.
    Einen guten Start ins Wochenende wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja ab und zu da steht man still und fragt sich wirklich ob es so nach Profit und immer mehr sein soll... Es war ein wirkliches Paradis und besonders im Winter wenn es hier kalt sein kann.
      Danke für deine lieben Wörter!
      Liebe Grüsse und auch ein schönes Wochenende.

  15. Dearest Mariette
    They transformed paradise to a common place ...
    Have a nice weekwnd

    1. Dearest Kajsa,
      Very well phrased and they surely did!

  16. They say it is progress but I doubt it... I am glad they left the mountain alone ha ha....
    I guess it has spoilt your memories.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      You are so right... it is a loss in our eyes. But we knew already that this resort was gone, it is weird to stand there and find nothing back from that huge 76 acres estate. All made room for shops and condos.

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    Of course the developers were interested in the money to be made, but how sad to see a lovely oasis abolished. As you say, it's strange to stand in an empty space and remember what was there.
    Enjoy the week end....*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Indeed it often goes at all costs... We keep our fond memories from the time it still looked like paradise!
      Happy weekend to you as well.

  18. Dear Mariette
    It's amazing how the developers created an oasis in the desert.
    It has always appeared a sophisticated environment.
    I suppose land will always mean an opportunityto make $$$ in the eyes of developers, so the attractive landscape goes and concrete towers replace it....sad.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Dearest Shane,
      You are so right about new development not always being the best for the environment...
      Hugs to you and happy spring weekend!

  19. I'm amazed that the resort is gone! I wonder why such things are built, then destroyed. Nothing lasts forever, but destroyed - I don't understand that one. xo

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      Me neither as it was shocking and we did actually see that all is gone. Marble, luxurious tiles, there are no words for it! Destroyed in the name of greed for more $$$.

  20. Hi Dearest Mariette; Wow and Oh My!!! What a change I smiled a bit with your slight jokes but sure makes us surprise and think... Yey, the famous Camelback Mountain is still there p:-) And so happy for you to be able to visit places where you missed last time(^_^)v

    So sorry for my belated comment, dear friend. Sort of really eventful days; I DO hope your condition is getting BETTER and having a bit relaxing new week!
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      People will move mountains for money... but they did leave the Camelback in its spot. Sad that they killed that 76 acre paradise though. But through human interference, so many things have vanished off this planet. Sad fact!
      We had a great time and fond memories.
      Yes, I am improving day by day.
      Hugs and love to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
