
Thursday, October 9, 2014

{Gladiolus in Cylinder Vase with Beach Pebbles}

Well, if your own Gladiolus Flowers don't perform; what do you do?
Getting a nice nosegay of beautiful Gladiolus flowers at Whole Foods Market...
Okay, that's been taken care of. 
Polished Beach Pebbles from The Home Depot inside the Cylinder Vase from Walmart.
Trying to photograph them proved another problem because it was dark and rainy around August 22.
But I had to do it since the flowers already showed signs of wilting away...
When I had bought the cylinder vase I had in mind that our own Gladiolus, seen here, would perform the same way for 2014...
For some reason though, they seemed very stressed or depressed... Almost flat on the ground and none of them was budding!
When Dutch blogger friend Willy posted this: Gladiolenfestijn in laag Soeren, it made me homesick... Just click the link and see a sea of flowers!
In my Dutch Nouveau magazine of September 2003, I found this example of how they could be presented...
My Beach Pebbles were not as pretty and I never had that kind of perfect light to make such a photo inside.
So I took my Cylinder Vase with the beautiful Gladiolus out on the balcony into limited daylight due to rainy days...
How come I could not see through the water as clear as on the photo in the magazine?
More and more I do admire those stylists and professional photographers!  Don't you?!
Maybe gray polished beach pebbles would have worked better...?
That glass cylinder vase is reflecting too...
Okay than, let's photograph them inside the vase, not through the glass...
My subject was so beautiful and I'm glad I captured them!
Do you love Gladiolus?


  1. very pretty! a very good way to display them!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      That does really let them show their beauty!

  2. Dear Mariette,

    Your Gladiolus are really pretty and love the way you have displayed them.
    My Mother used to grow a lot when I was growing up. They always remind me of Dame Edna Everage
    Hope you are enjoying the week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      The display is a very nice way like this and they have support, being inside the glass cylinder.
      Only disappointed that our own did not produce any flowers this year... The other vase showed you that usually they are gorgeous.
      We have a lovely week with sunny weather and low humidity!
      Enjoy your spring and sending you hugs.

  3. The poor glad's in the ground don't look too happy. The ones you have in the vase look wonderful. I'm glad you are enjoying them.
    Hugs kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Guess the over and over got knocked down by heavy rain and in the end just gave up for 2014... Let's hope next year they will yield flowers again!
      Oh we did enjoy those we bought; love them.

  4. Dearste Mariette,
    your Gladioles are wonderful! I love the way you have them in the Glas zylinders!
    Enjoy the beautiful flowers!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Gladiolus are lovely flowers for having in a vase and this cylinder worked well for them.
      Hugs and enjoy your fall weather.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    You has lots of rain in summer as is evidlnt in this photo.Those rain drop on the ursting flower buds very special. Husband Picter took this photo of a secound stem with flower on september 24.
    Leaves do start falling down and acumulate on the patio in front of your green house.
    A very good photo where Pieter is holding a single large wish I could transmit its fragrance.
    Thank you showed us lovely flowers!
    Hugs and Lots of love!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      You are still referring to the previous post with the Hippeastrum and that's alright; I got it!
      These flowers are also very lovely.
      Hugs and love,

  6. Replies
    1. Dearest Rachella,
      Of course, living in The Netherlands you will have seen plenty of them and they are a gorgeous flower!

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist eine wunderschöne Blütenpracht.
    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja nicht war? Ich war auch verliebt in diese Blütenpracht und so etwas müsste man immer in einer Vase haben können...
      Liebe Grüsse,

  8. De vaas is echt een vondst, ze staan in ieder geval rechtop en het is een mooie decoratie zo.
    Gladiolen doet me altijd aan de Nijmeegse vierdaagse denken, daar krijgt iedereen na afloop een bos gladiolen. Verder zien we ze hier niet zo veel meer in de winkels.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja als ze rechtop staan dan komen ze pas goed tot hun recht.
      Ja, zulke stevige stengels met bloemen die je dan zo in de arm gegeven werden...
      Toch moeten ze ergens nog verkocht worden omdat op Willy's blog er héle velden van vol stonden. Ze zijn mooi!

  9. Lieve Mariette,

    Heb al mijn hele leven een soort haat/liefde verhouding met gladiolen,dat komt waarschijnlijk door de lange rechte stelen,komt in de vaas altijd beetje stijfjes over.Ben altijd al meer gecharmeerd geweest van speelse schikking in de vaas.
    Kan me de tijd niet herinneren dat ik ze kocht voor mezelf,wel elke week dikke bos op de markt voor schoonmoeder want zij was er dol op.
    En wat de haar scherpe foto's in al die bladen betreft,niks is wat het lijkt,alles wordt tegenwoordig gefotoshopt volgens mij.
    Kijk graag naar professionele fotografie maar niet minder naar foto's van hobby en amateur fotograaf,
    Goede fotografie maken is echt een vak apart,tegenwoordig hebben sommigen het lef om zich fotograaf te noemen wanneer ze in de weer geweest zijn met camera op mobiele telefoon.

    Geniet van de door jou geschikte bloemen in glazen vaas en fijne dag gewenst!!!
    Ik ga zo even shoppen in Venlo.

    Lieve groet,Ger

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Ja, met de juiste, zware kristallen vaas, zoals die andere in een van de foto's, dan staan ze best mooi hoor!
      Scherpe foto's krijg je met name met de juiste lichtinval en daar kun je weinig aan photo-shoppen. Óf de flitser gaat af of het lukt gewoonweg niet om een foto te maken met donker en regenachtig weer. Gezichten zullen best vaak worden bijgewerkt omdat ze zó perfekt lijken, dan zouden wij ons allemaal moeten verbergen...
      Nee, ik heb ècht bewondering voor een goeie professionele fotograaf die in zijn of haar studio zulke mooie plaatjes kan schieten! Knáp werk maar hun hebben er ook heel wat in geïnvesteerd.
      Oh er is tegenwoordig zoveel fake en aangeverij over dingen die ze absoluut níet zijn, nooit waren en ook nooit zúllen zijn! Maar daar kijk je nogal snel doorheen toch?! Daar verspil ik geen tijd aan.
      We hebben een erg mooie dag weer, prachtig weer met nu nog 31°C om 16:15u.

  10. Your gladiolus is beautiful! I love the way you display the flowers in a vase with beach pebbles. Looks unique and very lovely! The photo from magazine is beautiful, too. Those professional photographers sure have magic skills :-) But your photos are really gorgeous, too! Love those close-up photos.

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you, we fell in love with those gladiolus in Atlanta, they had to come home with us. Professional photographers have a lot more tools than we have but that's their skill!
      Enjoy this gorgeous weather!

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    What a lovely way to display gladiolus. Glass and pottery are among the most difficult to photograph; shiny stuff gives soooooo much reflection!
    Enjoy your sunny fall weather..........*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      You too know what I meant with reflection problems, besides not having enough light.
      But we do what we can with what we got as amateur!
      Oh, we do have such a lovely fall weather; this is pure bliss.

  12. Hello Mariette!
    Oh yes I enjoy this presentation of gladiolus's!
    A great idea.
    I can well understand your question about the photographer managing pictures with no reflections..
    They take them into a studio for this purpose and direct a diffused light in such a way that there is no reflection.
    Kind of tricky when the non professionals we are to try it! LOL!!!
    Studio photography can give fabulous results - with insects too - but this is not my way; I guess I like to be immersed into nature when I take my own pictures :)
    Hugs from France!

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      That's one of the reasons that I love to take my items outside, to have natural light and also natural environment; nothing can beat that!
      You are so very talented in capturing the most fascinating shots in nature; only of course after being hours in your hide. Never easy but so rewarding most of the time!

  13. lieve Mariette ...
    ik heb jaren gladiolen bollen in mijn tuin geplant maar bloemen heb ik er nooit
    van gezien ..hoe he komt weet ik niet ...ik vindt die nieuwe babygladiolen leuk ..
    Maar in de vaas is ook een mooi idee !!!!
    veel liefs

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, wij hadden toch hele mooie bloemen, kijk maar naar die ene vaas die ermee vol staat. We hebben ook witte gladiolen maar dit jaar helemaal niks in bloei. Het moet aan het weer liggen, het klimaat dus.
      De babygladiolen ken ik nog niet...

  14. Da giovane non avevo molta simpatia per i gladioli!Ora li amo tanto e li trovo romantici!Bellissimi i tuoi!Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Sono felice per te che ora li amas! Essi sono così fragile, grazioso e bello come carta crepe e davvero molto romantico!

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    Yes, I do have gladioli in my garden! They are yellow and guess what....I bought them in Amsterdam six years ago!!! I also brought some purple ones and they are doing OK.
    I very much liked the way you presented them in that tall clear vase!!!!!!!!!
    Many hugs!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Good for you and I'm glad that your's are doing so well! Nieneke had also problems growing them in her garden in Greece; never got any flowers.
      We both loved this vase as well, hope to fill it next year with our own flowers.

  16. Dear Mariette,
    Oh, I do love how you have arranged your pretty gladioli! I have not tried to grow them here, but my Grandmother Beatrice grew them in her garden and would fill our arms with them when we would come to visit. I have seen them in the market, but have avoided buying them because I did not know how to display them properly. Thank you for sharing - now I will know how to arrange them beautifully. You always inspire me, Dear Friend.
    Hugs xo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you so much for your kind words and I bet those gladiolus would thrive in your garden! The climate is similar to The Netherlands and not as hot as down south with far better soil.
      Glad you got a new idea too; when we learn something we better pass it on. I found the magazines photo at once an inspiration.
      Hugs to you dear friend.

  17. hallo Mariette,mooie kleuren,heel leuk in zo een vaas,groetjes Irena

    1. Beste Irena,
      Ja zo een vaas laat ze heel mooi uitkomen ook.

  18. Dear Mariette,your Gladiolus look so preety in the vase with the pebbles!
    So beautiful colours!I saw at Delft's market they had many kinds of Gladiolus!
    I bought and decorated Floras vase!Your pictures are amazing!
    Have a lovely day!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you and yes, those polished beach pebbles are fun to use together with gladiolus.
      You are such an artist in decorating any object; always it turns out to be a lovely gift!
      Hugs to you and happy weekend.

  19. i gladioli sono fiori bellissimi!!!!! ti abbraccio forte forte Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Hai ragione sono così delicato e belli i gladioli!
      Un abbraccio forte in ritorno.

  20. The gladioli are beautiful in that vase; I never would have thought of arranging them inside a glass like that. But I can see why you missed your own flowers. The flowers from last year were gorgeous! I think this was a strange summer for many plants. Some that usually do well didn't.
    It's nice to be inspired by the professionals, but they also probably have the very best equipment at their disposal. I think your pictures are quite lovely.

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Thank you and today in Atlanta we saw again Gladiolus on sale... Didn't bring them home this trip as we were loaded already and it was so hot. Tricky for keeping such long-stemmed flowers fresh in the car for an almost 3-hour ride home.
      The inspiration from the stylist using a tall cylinder vase I really appreciated and I loved to share this unusual way of arranging them. But as far as photographers, they indeed have invested in their equipment and we will not even come close to their work. Which is fine too!
      Hugs to you,

  21. Liebe Mariette...eine super Idee mit der Zylindervase und den Gladiolen!

    Liebe Grüsse

    1. Liebe Julia,
      Danke und so etwas kann man auch mit andere längeren Blüten machen. Ich möchte diese Idee gerne teilen da ich es auch so super fand.
      Liebe Wochenendgrüsse,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
