
Saturday, May 30, 2015

{My Rice Cakes FIT in this Dutch Rusk Tin}

For my favorite Rice cakes I did find this perfect Dutch Rusk Tin at: The Little Dutch Girl in Texas. Just click the hyperlink... BUT, when it arrived I had no Rice Cakes to try if it really worked. So when we came back from our one night at the Hyatt Place Atlanta - Perimeter Center and did some shopping I tried it out right away!
Yep it works! 
Table full with birthday cards, that we found in the mail, for Pieter, upon coming home from Dutch King's Day Celebration...
Bottle of water almost finished during my ride back from Atlanta and now I'm ready for my tea with a RICE CAKE!
Whole Foods Market is selling them and my favorite flavor is TAMARI with SEAWEED...
This is the Blue Delft Design Dutch Rusk Tin...
A windmill on the lid...
Excuse me: I could not wait!
Do you also love Rice Cakes?

Thursday, May 28, 2015

{Sedona, Arizona - Hyatt Piñon Pointe}

On September 3, of 2014 we did pass through Sedona, on our way to Scottsdale, returning  from the Grand Canyon. We fell in love with the beauty of its Red Rocks. We stopped at the Hyatt Piñon Pointe at that time and now we came back to stay here a couple of nights and to explore the breathtaking views.
Lovely Pueblo architecture and the view from this Hyatt Piñon Pointe is incredible!
The parking lot in front of our unit, our rental car is not visible here...
Husband Pieter is standing in the entrance of our  first floor 1 bedroom unit #1712. There are two levels.
Like a little village it is nestled atop a hill and there are 98 2 bedroom and 11, 1 bedroom units.
From our unit, looking to the left...
We did drive up the I-17 from Scottsdale and than the Red Rock Scenic Byway 179 ←click it for some photos and on maps for seeing the above.
Feels good to be home away from home with lunch on the balcony...
Outside our balcony we have our own Red Rock formation...
Next to the square wooden garbage bin you see the stairs going down. There was a very neat walkway, connecting the different units for reaching the pool, restaurant and shops.
Everywhere we saw yellow Banksia roses...
Beautiful landscaping and meticulous gardens.
Can you imagine for having a view like this from the pool area?
It felt heavenly to stretch out and relax...
Yellow Banksia Roses
Stunning views of the Red Rocks all around us...
Even from the Wildflower Bread Company we could see the beautiful Red Rocks...
My vegetarian ginger carrot soup with fresh baked bread from the bakery.
Stepping outside of the restaurant you had this view!
You can read more about the Sedona Geology ←(click). The deep red color for which Sedona is famous, is because of the presence of hematite (iron oxide).
For March 26th this was perfect weather!
View from the Hyatt Piñon Pointe...
Indeed, some of the most spectacular and picturesque canyons and buttes found anywhere in the world!
You can see that we are on top of a hill and Hwy 179 is visible here below.
Wherever you turn, the view is breathtaking!
We both loved their architecture, so well incorporated into the scenery.
Great art work near the shops
We both loved this!
Cute turtle...
Sedona is at an elevation of 4500 feet and got established in 1902
Next I will take you sight seeing to Cathedral Rock and The Chapel of The Holy Cross as seen on above's map...

Hope that this post has been helpful to others!

On Trip Advisor my Review of: “Sedona, Arizona - Hyatt Piñon Pointe” has been read by 2,799 readers.

Related link:

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

{Acacia Flower Fritters - Beignets de Fleurs d'Acacia}

We all learn from each other and so I learned from the last comment, written by Nathalie Santa Maria from France on my post about Our Robinia pseudoacacia - Black Locust after the rain. Nathalie posts about: Birdwatching and Photography - Refuge LPO  ←(click it)
She pointed out that the flowers are being used to make Fritters, or Beignets in French.
Beignets de fleurs d'acacia  ←(click for French recipe) or Acacia Blossom Fritters
Rowena also has her own Apron and Sneakers FB Page

Did any of you ever cook with these Acacia - Black Locust Flowers?

Related link:
{Our Robinia pseudoacacia - Black Locust after the rain} | previous post by me

Sunday, May 24, 2015

{Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. ~Henry Ward Beecher}

Also gratitude from birds, residing on our property...
Building their nests, raising their young ones and singing their happy songs!

Photo is from our wren bird house with the Carolina jasmine still blooming in April
Quote: Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. ~Henry Ward Beecher

Related link:
{Our Backyard Wildlife HABITAT Certificate from August 1997}  | previous post by me
{Our Wood Trail in 1994}  | previous post by me showing the very same wren house

Friday, May 22, 2015

{Our Robinia pseudoacacia - Black Locust after the rain}

In April we did have still lots of rain, like at the end of March while we were in Arizona.
Not so positive for a lot of blossoms...
Our Robinia pseudoacacia - Black Locust after the rain...
Husband Pieter could make this photo in the afternoon on April 15.
Full of rain drops...
Funny thing was that the tree only had blossoms on one side!
Weeds alongside the creek grow very well in all the rain!
The neighboring tree is the Acer Negundo Kelly's Gold Yellow Box Elder
At the moment we suffer a severe drought...

Related link:
{Our Robinia pseudoacacia - Black Locust} | previous post by me
{Cloudy Day versus Sunny Day} | previous post by me showing the Acer Negundo Kelly's Gold

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

{Highlights of US Route 93 Arizona}

For you some of the highlights along US Route 93 Arizona which we traveled up and down.
Fantastic maze of towering rock formation on the outskirts of Kingman
Photo taken from the car...
Towering rock formation, photo taken from the car...
Monolith Garden - towering rock formation ←click link for more information
Incredible rock formation
We traveled from Phoenix Sky Harbour Airport in about 4 h 40 min the 483 km (300 mi) to the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge on the Nevada border and on to the Hyatt Place Las Vegas in Nevada. See link below, about previous post.
The US Route 93 is also called the CANAMEX CORRIDOR
Highway 93. Starting in the north, across the Canadian border at Jasper National Park in the heart of the Rocky Mountains.  BETWEEN THE CANADIAN ROCKIES AND THE RIO GRANDE ←click on link for the above and below info.
Photo of Saguaro cacti, taken from the car
Indeed, a very 'green desert' it was only too bad that we could not stop alongside the road...
Joshua Forest Scenic Road (Wikieup to Wickenburg) ←click link for more info about the Sonoran and Mojave deserts.
Mojave meets Sonoran between Wickenburg and Wikieup ←click link to above picture with more to see
Lovely sight of abundant flora and fauna
Some yellow flower visible while passing by
U.S. Route 93 Corridor Projects ←click link for incredible photos of e.g. the 118 m high (388 feet) and 207 m (680 foot) span Burro Creek 1966 Bridge (photo 7)
Highest Bridges: Burro Creek 1966 Bridge ←
Sorry, the car window is not very clean... But don't you love the rugged area? Vast valleys and scenic vistas.
Nearing the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge through very rugged area.
From the Nevada side, looking onto Lake Mead
Sign on the Nevada side near Lake Mead where we stopped at 18:00 o'clock for this photo.
Just a dark cloud passing but we had no rain at all. 

Related links:
{Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge in Arizona} | previous post by me
I-40 West, Arizona The High Desert to Kingman Pass | Interesting 2.54 min. video showing where US Route 93 merges with I-40 West
Joshua Tree Forest Arizona Route 93 HD | Interesting short 1.50 min. video
US Route 93 Arizona | many accidents but now is more 4 lane
US Highway 93 South of I-40 Mohave County |  Click at bottom for more photos