
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

{New Rose Arbor on High Heels}

Sure, our entire property is on a slope so there hardly is an even spot. This resulted also in placing our New Rose Arbor on High Heels!
Eden Vienna 7.5-ft. Vinyl Arch Arbor
Quite expensive...
But we found ours for a lot less: Hayneedle Eden Vienna 7.5-ft. Vinyl Arch Arbor and even with free shipping.
Searching on line can often yield surprising bargains!
Our pond has an overflow into the creek and Pieter still had some of those 6" Pvc pipes so his idea was for filling them with concrete and letting the Rose Arbor's feet stand (with of course the vinly 2 x 4s inside the legs) partly in the concrete.
It was still during the very wet season. This was April 13, when I took these photos.
Bird & bat house visible to the left.
This little 4-wheel Utility Cart is handy for towing things around.
On May 19, our two new climbing roses got planted.
I'd seen on María Cecilia's blog post from Casa Dulce Hogar in Chile, her incredible pink Eden Rose: Pierre de Ronsard roses (and clouds) and wanted to know if there also was a white variety.
Yes, I did find them at Roses Unlimited in Laurens, South Carolina, where Pat Henry & Bill Patterson offer a very extensive collection of all sorts of roses.
We also bought other roses from them, Jardins de Bagatelle a very fragrant hybrid tea rose in a cream color.
Excellent plant material and perfectly boxed up with their pots secured in a genial way!
Very healthy roses! Far better than the usual bare root shipment.
Our happy Eden white or Pierre de Ronsard roses!
Now we just have to wait for the first roses to show up and grow along this beautiful Rose Arbor.
Here you also get to see a detail from the redone wood trail which got extended a little for this Arbor.
That's how it looks from the other side...
Again a bird house visible on that holly tree.
Speckie-girl is making sure that the new roses are protected!
Do you have a Rose Arbor?

Related link:
{Cashmere Words of Wisdom & Update} | previous post showing the wood trail being redone.


  1. pieter is very smart. :) i hope the roses do well for you. and i like your sweet kitty model.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Yes, he sure is very resourceful and has two golden hands! Our kitties act like doggies more; always around and helping.

  2. Deaerst Mariette,
    this arbor is wonderful, I hope, the Roses will grow up soon and let you smile, when you look at the arbor :O)
    Have a lovely week,
    sending Love and hugs,
    Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you and yes, now it is really the wait for the roses to do their magic!
      Wishing you a happy upcoming weekend.
      Hugs and love,

  3. Ciao Mariette, il vostro giardino è bellissimo. Anche io ho una rosa Pierre de Ronsard e proprio adesso è ridondante di fiori, mi era stata regalata qualche anno fa per il mio compleanno: il 19 maggio! Come dire? Le rose arrivano sempre in quella data... e non solo da me!
    Un abbraccio e buon giardinaggio,

    1. Cara V.,
      Ciò che un bel regalo per il tuo compleanno e felice di leggere che fiorisce in abbondanza il tuo compleanno! Io amo le rose così tanto... soprattutto quelli profumati.
      Abbracci e buon fine settimana,

  4. Hello Mariette, Your new arbor looks elegant, and just wait until it is covered with climbing roses! You know I don't garden, but I have repeatedly heard that mildly sloping sites are good for air as well as water drainage, resulting in a healthy garden. Pieter has come up with a great solution for installing the arbor.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Thank you so much and believe me, I hardly can wait to see them climb up and covering it with lovely rose blossoms.
      Our sloping site is okay but the soil is in general very poor. We try to do our best by adding lots of potting soil. This arbor got installed in a very genial way indeed.
      Kindest regards,

  5. Dit is helemaal mijn "ding"ben ik altijd weg van jullie hebben er ook de ruimte voor echt erg mooi ...

    1. Beste Joan,
      Dank je wel, ik vond zo'n rose arbor ook altijd heel mooi en eindelijk staat ie er dan! We hebben genoet ruimte inderdaad maar toch wil je zoiets moois niet graag in het zicht houden! Dit is prachtig zo en mooi uitzicht vanaf de veranda en keukenerker.

  6. Looks fantastic. Very elegant - like in an old english garden. Congratulations!
    Have a happy time and all my best to you and yours

    1. Deaarst Elisabeth,
      Thank you so very much. Yes, this looks quite romantic and brings us back to old times.
      Enjoy your weekend and thanks for the visit.

  7. Wat een pracht van een rozenboog....en wat slim om die zo vast te zetten...
    Ik ben ook benieuwd hoe de rozen het gaan doen....het gaat vast mooi worden, ziet er vanuit verschillende ' hoeken' zo de foto's genomen zijn al heel mooi uit, laat staan als er nog een roos tegenaan groeid...en ja...wij hebben ook rozenbogen....3 zelfs, maar niet zulke mooie als bij jullie...gewoon simpele ijzeren.

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, een pronkstuk is het zéker en ik was er ook helemaal weg van! Romantisch en toch enigszins strak We kunnen amper wachten om de mooie Eden roos in bloei te zien al klimmende tegen haar mooie boog.
      Simpele ijzeren zullen ook best mooi zijn omdat ze toch aangekleed worden door de mooie klimrozen. Geniet ook van jullie tuin in deze mooiste tijd van het jaar!

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    ich muss mich immer wieder darüber wundern, wie praktisch dein Pieter veranlagt ist.
    Ich habe von dieser Rose noch nichts gehört und bin gespannt, wann du die erste Blüte
    hier zeigen kannst.
    Einen sonnigen Dienstag wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Danke und ja praktisch ist er und da wird es kaum etwas geben was er nicht schaffen würde.
      Dir wünsche ich ein schönes Wochenende mit Sonne.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  9. Wat leuk en romantisch zo'n rozenboog, ben benieuwd hoe het eruit ziet met bloeiende rozen.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, mooi hè! We kunnen ook nauwelijks wachten om het totaal plaatje te kunnen zien.

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    What a perfect solution for uneven ground. Your arbor looks so pretty; I'm sure you are waiting for flowers. I don't usually order live plants by mail, but yours look so healthy I may rethink my policy!
    We are finally getting some rain here, after one-third of an inch in May.
    I hope you get some soon...........*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Thank you and yes, it was a genial solution and great repurposing of existing material.
      Oh, when roses arrive like this, it makes all the difference for a healthy start. Bare root roses are so tricky to get going.
      We too got very little rain in May, anxious to see what June will bring.

  11. I only have 1 rose bush in my garden, but this year I want to plant some more, as they're my husband's favourite flowers. What a pretty cat.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Thank you and yes, roses are my favorite and Pieter loves them too.
      Our Spicy girl has a perfect face and she's a dedicated helper.

  12. Rose arbor on high heels! What a great idea! And looks like it worked perfectly. I can't wait to see the arbor covered with beautiful roses. It's gonna be so lovely.
    And good job, Spicy-girl, for protecting the roses :-) With you on guard, I'm sure roses will grow beautifully!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      This combination is genial indeed and over the years, those high heels will get covered by these climbing roses as well. For sure I will share its beauty when it blooms.
      Spicy-girls for sure will watch out; this is her territory and she loves to play in the mondo grass; catching imaginary monsters by jumping on them!

  13. Hi dear Marietta !! Me encanta ese tipo de pérgola !! Su jardín es una belleza !buenas tardes

    1. Dearest Angélica,
      Thank you and yes, we too love it very much, it adds beauty to our garden as well.
      Sending you hugs for a lovely weekend.

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    New Rose Arbor on High Heals!Pieter still had some of those 6" Pve piper so his idea.He look these photos Bird & bat house visible to the left. Very heathy roses far better tham the isual bare.
    It looks from the other side again a bird house visible on the that holly tree.the new roses are protected.
    we having a more raining days.
    Spending your Hugs back from both of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you for your visit and it almost looks like you only get rainy days in Melbourne. You make us envious as we need rain so badly.
      Sending you oodles of love and hugs, from both of us.

  15. Bonsoir Mariette
    J'ai hâte de voir le résultat déjà en septembre !
    LOL nous avons la même carriole ! Super pratique !!!!!
    Grosses bises ma chère

    1. Dearest Nathalie,
      You bet, we too! Hoping that this year we will get to see some results indeed.
      Oh, that cart is super convenient indeed.

  16. The arbor is already lovely on its own but will be even prettier when the roses grow and take over. I thought of doing the same thing with concrete in pots and placing wooden poles in them so that we could make a terraced canopy over our bedroom balcony. The sun beats down on that side in the afternoon and having some protection for the plants out there would be nice . We put a tarp over the other balcony but have no way to erect one off our bedroom. Have a wonderful Wednesday. Tammy P.S. Spicy Cat looks quite content :)

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Thank you and indeed it is pretty on its own and sure does not need total coverage!
      That might work out for adding some much needed shade for your bedroom balcony. We had shade from our Confederate Jasmin that grew on two sides of our French bedroom doors. But we had to remove it for the balcony renovation and now with the indoor shutters there is no need for it anymore.
      Spicy is a very content and happy girl and always near the home!

  17. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich wieder über deinen schönen Post.

    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke vielmals!
      Ganz liebe sonnige Grüsse zurück fur's Wochenende.

  18. Dearest Mariette; Rose arbor on high heels; What a wonderful job done by your talented husband again☆☆☆ He sure has "two golden hands" ♡♡♡ Must be the filled with joy seeing the arbor covered with beautiful roses♪ Have a wonderful rest of the week.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan (rainy season) to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you so very much and yes, he got two entirely golden hands!
      That joy of seeing it covered with roses, I will share with my readers as well.
      Hugs and love from the USA and please, do send that wet monsoon to us....

  19. Now that is clever! Your yard is going to be so pretty. It already is!

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Thank you and it sure is!
      We will enjoy it and share with you all.

  20. ჱه° ·.
    Logo, logo você terá um recanto agradável, cheio de belas rosas perfumadas.

    Ótimo restinho de semana
    cheio de saúde e harmonia!

    ╱/ Beijinhos.

    1. Dearest Inês,
      Thank you and it can not be soon enough for seeing those lovely fragrant roses covering this arbor.
      Happy weekend to you in good health and harmony.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
