
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

{Oriental Lily Belgrado}

As I've mentioned before, around June is the prettiest time of the year for many blossoms. So it is for the gorgeous Oriental Lily Belgrado.
We acquired ours through K. Van Bourgondien & Sons, Inc. via their catalog.
Pieter took the above photo on June 15, in the morning and you can see an insect on the left lily.
Oriental Lily Belgrado is in the softest of pink...
Same plant, after the rain in the evening when I put it on the lawn for another photo.
Two days later, after Pieter had cut them off for filling a nice vase full, I had no chance to take a photo due to the rain... But this is after 18:00 when I just put them outside our bedroom's French door.
Their fragrance is so heavenly!
Around 19:30 the rain had stopped, so I did get to make another photo with them.
Love their dark stamens, full of pollen.
They did last quite some time in that vase!
Now we have to wait till next year...
Do you also have any Oriental Lilies?


  1. hi dear Marietta !!! que flor mas bella .. no conocia su nombre,, deseo que tenga un buen comienzo de semana

  2. I did have some lilies but they are not with me now. I am not sure what happened. But they were not oriental ones. Just tiger lilies. I think the man who cuts the lawn hurt them. I am wondering how much turmeric you take?


  3. I bet it smells amazing. It's also such a pretty and relaxing color.

  4. Such beautiful flowers Mariette! Wishing you a most wonderful July!
    xo Catherine

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Lillies are beautiful!
    Have a great week.
    Love and hugs, Claudia
    Still nothing from France. ..

  6. Hi Mariette,
    Your lilies are beautiful. My thumb isn't the greenest of thumbs so I wouldn't dare try to grow lilies...Hee,hee,hee.

    Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit and for your very sweet and kind comment. Hope you come and visit again soon.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  7. Lieve Mariette,

    De zachte kleur van deze oosterse lelie ziet er prachtig uit.
    Heb geen lelie bollen in mijn tuintje om de dood eenvoudige reden dat ik niet zo dol ben op de bloemen.
    En toch kan ik heel soms een enkele lange steel met bloem kopen bij bloemist van Lilium Candidum die ik dan in hoge cilindervaas zet bij het antieke beeld van Onze Lieve Vrouwke.

    Bedankt voor je lieve felicitatie op onze trouwdag :-) ook namens Harry.
    We vierde die in huislijke kring met kinderen en kleinkinderen,zaten ' s avonds met z'n allen aan de gedekte dis en ik heb er geen hand aan uit hoeven steken.

    Uit het prachtige veldboeket wat hier op tafel staat komt laat op de avond ook een lelie achtige geur maar heb nog niet kunnen ontdekken van welke bloem.

    Fijne dag en lieve groet,Ger

  8. I love the colors of these flowers.

  9. Prachtige bloemen en zo mooi gefotografeerd.

  10. Bonjour Mariette
    Une odeur et une fleur que j'adore, mais alors ça tache !!!!
    Bisous et bonne journée

  11. The lilies are pretty, especially in the blue vase, but I've had many encounters with the stamens. Boy can they stain your clothes. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  12. Hi Mariette, lovely pink lilies. I don't have any in my garden as I know lilly stamens are poisonous to cats, so even when I get flowers as gifts I cut the stamens straight away.

  13. Wundervoll schaut diese Lilie aus, liebe Mariette. Bei uns gedeihen Lilien nicht so sehr gut. Daher verzichte ich lieber darauf.
    Ich wünsche Dir noch viel Freude an ihrem Blühen.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    deine Lilien sind ein Traum. Die Farbe ist wirklich einmalig.
    Leider gedeihen diese Lilien bei uns nicht so gut.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht Dir

  15. Good day to you, dear Mariette! My, what lovely lilies! Their soft pink petals are stunning!

    May you have a splendid day. Hugs!

  16. Hi Mariette, those lilies are beautiful! Their pink color is so gentle and sweet. I wish I could smell the heavenly scent :-) Love the photo of them with rain drops. So beautiful!

  17. Good Morning, Dear Mariette! Oh, I can just imagine the heavenly scent of your beautiful lilies! I used to grow 'Star Gazer' lilies when I had more sun. Maybe I will try again in pots, like yours. Sending hugs xo Karen

  18. Hi Mariette,
    Thank you so much for visit my place so MANY Years, I think beautiful lilies floers.Pieter's are helping as nice all wase full in bedlooms..also always another photo beautiful idea Arigato gosaimasu.
    Hugs and Love to both of you!

  19. The pink color is just lovely and I can imagine how wonderful they smell. I have had lilies at other homes but not at our present home. Thanks for sharing yours.

  20. What a delicate colour¡. It`s so beautiful. That flower is named AZUCENA over here.
    Sending hugs.

  21. Dearest Mariette;  First of all, SO sorry for my absence lately! I just came haome from visiting my relatives and also had satrted hectic week. Well, hoping to slow down a bit :-)
    OMG, I love these light pink 'Oriental Lily Belgrado' very much♡♡♡ I remember my late brother bought me sometime knowing I like the flower and the wonderful fragrance. So I offer pink Lilly (if I think I can afford p:-)
    I hope you are having a wonderful week, no sunny days here for awhile p:-)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  22. Lilien sind so wunderschön und dekorativ - diese Farbe ist ganz besonders zart und schön -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  23. Liebe Mariette,

    ich stimme den guten Kommentaren zu.
    Alles Liebe

  24. They are beautiful, fragrant and look beautiful in a vase. Greetings.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
