
Monday, July 6, 2015

{Wren's Nest}

Sometimes tiny birds can surprise you with building a nest in a very odd spot...
Look where a cute Carolina wren build her nest!
Inside her nest...
Lots of leaves are being used as entrance...
Yep, inside our greenhouse, on a shelf in an empty pot!
Wondering if it is the same bird, or related to the one we spotted in 2011...

Related link:
{Wren Nest in Our Greenhouse} | previous post by me


  1. cute little nester. they find odd places inside our shed, too. :)

  2. Oh my, how precious and what a unique place fo a nest :) Thank you for sharing with us, sweet Mariette.

    Also, thank you for the many kind comments on my Facebook's always a joy to hear from you! Hugs

  3. What a clever bird, very safe place for her eggs. But also a bit dumb if the little oness have to learn how to fly.!

  4. Hello Mariette,
    The wren has found paradise in your hot house, probably a constant temperature and an excellent hiding place... well until you found it!!!
    I hope it will have a chance at raising this clutch!
    Keep well and enjoy your sunday :)

  5. Oh, sweet little wren. It is amazing how they find a place for their nests. At least she will be safe there. Best wishes, Tammy

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist sehr interessant.
    Alles Liebe

  7. Vero!Anche io ho degli ospiti pennuti sul mio terrazzo che hanno fatto il nido!Mi piace tanto sentirli cinguettare!Buona domenica,cara Mariette!Baci,Rosetta

  8. Dat is nog eens een slim vogeltje, zijn de eitjes nog uitgekomen?

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    What a sweet little nest to find in such an odd spot.
    Birds nest where they want to nest!..One year a house wren built her nest in a hanging pot right next to the door onto the deck. The constant coming and going never bothered her and we go a front row lesson in raising baby birds!
    Enjoy this holiday weekend...........*s*

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    da war aber jemand schlau, sich ein Nest so fein zu bauen und gleich auch
    eine geschützte Umgebung dazu -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  11. che tenerezza!!!!!! buona domenica cara, ti abbraccio forte Lory

  12. That is indeed a very odd spot! But I guess it's perfect for the wren as it stays dry and safe there. What cute little eggs :-) I hope you get to see the baby birds!

  13. I am visiting with you via Tamago. So nice to meet you. Carolina Wren's are such entertaining little birds. We had one to build a nest inside my straw hat in the garage one year! Your photos are beautiful. Have a nice week. I am following now.

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    A lettle next tired odd spot her nest after birds in side your green house.
    The little birds your love with them sweet ones!
    I had my golfing it was very happy with me only another raining today again more week?
    Hugs and love both of you!

  15. Funny spot for a nest, can't wait to see the baby birds! Wishing you and pete a lovely week ahead!

  16. Oh my dear Mariette! What a charming and precious little wren's nest. I love birds and feed them and one day I had a Carolina Wren nesting in my window between the screen and the window! One in my wind chimes. xox

  17. Really a strange place where to build a is sweet

  18. The birds are amazing. I have one behind the air conditioner container.They look for a good place for her babies.
    Sending hugs.

  19. Dearest Mariette; Oh, the nest which was made unusual place gave me smile and also thought how wonderful to live in that kind of environment♡♡♡ (I came here after your latest post :-)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  20. Wie schön! Hast Du den Vogel schon gesehen? Im Waldgarten fanden wir auch Nester, doch im jetzigen Garten noch keine einziges. Aber unterm Dachvorsprung nisteten Vögel, da komme ich allkerdings nicht hin.

    Alles Liebe auch hier

  21. My dear friend. I had to come here again as this is the blog you write that I saved so I could comment without having an impossible time with my friends' Google Plus. However, today and yesterday, I cannot find a way to comment even on this one except to come to this blog about the wrens. I wish it were less difficult. I think Google + wants to make people come to G+. I'm not sure why it is so difficult at times to comment.

  22. I am afraid I am here again as I cannot get to your latest blog unless this is it. xxoo


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