
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

{Is BLOGLOVIN' Stealing Your Page Views}

Maybe you did not know about BLOGLOVIN' Stealing YOUR Page Views...?
But YES, they do!
When you do read blogs through the Bloglovin' RSS feed reader, you will notice that they do not collect each post but instead are directing you to the blog post in an iFrame for driving more traffic to their own website.
The page view does not register in Google Analytics, nor in the Blogger Statistics Tab!
This way we won't get credit for people reading our blogs...
BUT - CHANGE your settings!
Go to and click to the right of your profile photo
From the drop down window, select Settings
Scroll down to:
Make sure that you mark I don't want the frame instead of the choice above!
Click Save settings
You're all done!
You may want to share this with your readers as well, we all can help each other, instead of continuing with driving traffic to Bloglovin'!
Thank you for your time.
As of November 8, 2022 I have Removed the widget and also removed my account from Bloglovin' which resulted in immediately much higher page views!

Their widget did no longer work and I had lots of login problems.


  1. Wow! I had no idea. You really are an amazing source of blogger information, Mariette. I have changed my settings.

    Merci beaucoup ma chère amie,

    Cheers, M-T

  2. My home page g+ number count had gone mad, playing yoyo like Polarbear! :-)

  3. Hello Mariette, Thanks for alerting us to this tip. These internet companies have to be watched like a hawk--at least in this case there is a setting you can change to fix things. Myself, I still use the reader that comes with Blogger, and lately have had few problems with it.

  4. Eventjes maar .. Maar .. Bloglovin maakt toch al zonder ieders toestemming een copie van je blog !Haal ik van mijn blog foto's etc .weg blijft dat gewoon op Bloglovin staan al wil je je blog niet ook nog eens via Bloglovin -ze doen gewoon.. ..

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    I did not know this, thank you for telling, i will have a look later there!
    Love and hugs
    Claudia xo

  6. My God!. No idea. Thanks so much for alerting us Mariette.
    Love, hugs and regards.

  7. cara Mariette, ti auguro un dolce mese di settembre! ti abbraccio Lory

  8. Another great tip for bloggers. I've never used Bloglovin' before. I always learn new things here :-)

  9. A good tip, Mariette! Thanks so much for sharing! xo Karen

  10. Danke dir Mariette...da werde ich gleich mal schauen.


  11. I'm so internet companies have to be watched like a hawko bloglovein staan with Je' blog I will have a look later there I havs changed my setling.
    Hugs and love of both of Love!

  12. ik ben volgens mij een beetje blond ..want ik krijg het niet voor elkaar ...
    maarja ik ben ook niet zo held erin ..jij bent echt goed in het bloggen ,,,
    ik krijg zelfs die Flag counter niet voor elkaar ...hahahaha zo goed ben ik ..
    heel veel liefs ..xxxx

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    BlogLovin habe ich schon lange rausgeschmissen. Mir wird das zu viel - neben all den anderen Plattformen, die ich schon aus Zeitmangel nicht bedienen kann. Ich sehe da auch keinen Sinn drin, wenn es zu viele Plattformen werden. Auch bei Instagram schaffe ich eigentlich nie, etwas zu posten und genauso bei Pinterest, nur daß ich es verlinkt habe und sehr selten einmal etwas pinne.
    Aber für die die das wollen, ist es sicher eine gute Hilfe.

    Der automatische Übersetzer erscheint seit einer Weile nicht mehr, siet dieser Graue Balken bezüglich des Datenschutzes ständig oben erscheint. Hast Du eine Ahnung, woran das liegt? Vorher hat er immer automatisch übersetzt.

    Liebe Grüße

  14. Dear Marietta !! Muchas gracias por la información de blogovin !! Muy útil


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