
Friday, September 4, 2015

{Brown Rice Syrup Glycemic Index 25}

For quite a while now I am also using Brown Rice Syrup with a Glycemic Index of 25, compared to refined sugar that has a GI of 80. That does make quite a difference for the body.
This is my go to ingredient whenever I make ORANGE MASHED SWEET POTATOES
click the link above for recipe!
We can buy it at Whole Foods Market but I never buy the organic, which is also one dollar more expensive.
Since it is rather sticky, I pour it directly from this jar instead of using also a measuring cup; just by eye...
Brown Rice Syrup
Above you even find more uses for this very healthy sweetener.
You just have to learn how to substitute it and you're fine.
Have you been cooking with Brown Rice Syrup?

Related link:
{Coconut Palm Sugar with Glycemic Index 35} | previous post by me
{10 Best Foods for Diabetes and Blood Sugar} | previous post by me
{CHIA for Iron Boost and Good for Blood Sugar Level} | previous post by me
{Tuscan Red Quinoa Salad - Whole Foods Sarasota FL}  | previous post by me
Sugar: The Bitter Truth | A very informative video with LOTS of information


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    you get a lot of good things, where we do not get here .. the recipe sounds delicious!
    Happy rest of the week,
    Love and hugs,

  2. Looks interesting.Wonder if I can get that here.

  3. Good Afternoon Mariette, I have never heard of brown rice syrup.... I wonder if I can buy it at my local health food store.... I will have to investigate. I have been using Agave syrup which I have been adding to yoghurt instead of honey.
    I am going into town tomorrow, so I will see if it is available as it looks like an interesting new ingredient.
    Enjoy your day,.
    Best Wishes

  4. Hello, Mariette,
    Looks interesting. It is first time for me to hear of brown rice syrup! I wonder if it can be added to vegetable juice I make every morning. Occasionally my juice needs something sweet to make it more delicious!
    Have a happy day!

  5. Actually have never heard of brown rice syrup nor seen it sold around here thought we are getting a lot more healthier options in the grocery stores. Of course, very, very expensive. I just bought a bag of quinoa flour and it was over $15.

  6. Hi dear Mariette!.
    I have never eat it, but it looks really good.
    Enjoy the rest of the week.

  7. I had never seen Brown rice syrup either, but we usually use Stevia, which has no calories.

  8. Dankeschön, liebe Mariette, für Deinen Drosselgartenbesuch und die lieben Zeilen ;-))))
    Ich kann eben nicht ohne Handarbeiten 'lach' und so sind viele Werke auch in meiner Sommerpause entstanden.
    Dein Bericht über den Reis-Sirup ist sehr interessant, danke dafür.

    ich schicke Dir sonnig Grüße aus dem Garten

  9. Sounds amazing. We are on low carb and Steve has dropped 16 pounds and feels better than ever. Hugs~Rebecca

  10. I've never tried brown rice syrup, but sounds like it makes a great substitute for sugar. I love sweets too much, so such alternatives are really good for me to keep good health. Thank you for your information :-)
    Thank you for your heartfelt words at passing of our Kit. Your kindness is such a great comfort for me xoxo

  11. Dear Mariette,

    Just read your comment on my blog. You must feel more American than Dutch. 32 years is such a long time! It must have been lovely to celebrate in NY. I have never been there myself, but hope to see it one day.

    Have a lovely weekend ahead!

    Madelief x

  12. I ate brown rice, but it never syrup. It can be an interesting flavor. Regards.

  13. Oh, that was new to me - sounds great to use though... will check to see if its available here. Bigs hugs dear Mariette:-)

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    I had with out suger and coffer almost nothings Brown rice syrup with glyclemic and sugar had Gl of 80. So much good heartfelt food. Thank you for your heartfelt words.
    Hugs and love to both of you!

  15. Liebe Mariette,

    besten Dank für deinen schönen Post.
    Sonnige Grüße

  16. I wonder how this would work in baked goods. I can imagine it in the gingerbread that I like to make in the fall. Or in pumpkins muffins. I'll have to try it. Thanks for the tip, Mariette.


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