
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

{Livonia, Michigan - Meeting with a Blogger Friend I Admire}

After our wonderful Mackinac Island tour, complete with Afternoon Tea at the Grand Hotel, it was back to Mackinaw, City and next day after breakfast I hit the road again for driving some 4 hours south to the Detroit area. We were staying at the Hyatt Place Detroit/Livonia for one night before continuing to the border of Canada next day. Just enough time for meeting with a sweet Blogger Friend that I Admire: Deborah from The Beautiful Matters. Over the years we have shared so many mutual interests and our love for tea on Blogger. It was about time for meeting in the flesh and sip a real cup of tea together!
Here we are; happy together!
Sweet Deborah did write about it even before I could put my act together: Tea and cookies with a blogger friend
Yes, before going on this trip, husband Pieter mentioned that our home smelled like a bakery as I'd baked about 10 lbs of Amaretti Cookies from Almond Meal with Coconut Palm Sugar to make them as healthy as possible.
Deborah sure deserved her two bags of these home baked cookies as she is one of the bravest women I know. A very touching post written by her was this one: In memory of my son and it is only weeks ago that her eldest son would have been 31 years old.
Hard to believe that this beautiful and brave lady had 10 children of which 3 are alive.
A true role model with a strong Faith.
We both had a white iPhone...
Both let our hair color be natural...
Both of us LOVE pearls: Deborah's post about it→ Looking for pearls
Both of us LOVE hand writing: Deborah's post→ Thank you notes
Both of us LOVE vintage handkerchiefs: Deborah's post→ Vintage handkerchiefs
Both of us feel alike: Deborah's post →  Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking - you can check out my comment on that.
Sipping Tea Together, feeling blessed!
 Living both a content life is very much like Deborah wrote: Blessings in the mundane
Words of wisdom...
Closing with Deborah's words:→ Ode to friendship
I certainly feel blessed knowing this fine lady!
Pieter speaks also very fondly of her and that makes me double happy.
If you not already have discovered this gem in Blogland, click on those pink hyperlinks for getting to know her great qualities.
Hope you enjoyed our tea time!

Related links:
{Our Grand Hotel Mackinac Island Michigan Afternoon Tea} | previous post by me
{Mackinac Island Flora} | previous post by me
{Mackinac Island Carriage Tours} | previous post by me
{Patriotic & Romantic Mackinac Island, Michigan} | previous post by me
{Shepler's Mackinac Island, Michigan Ferry} | previous post by me
{505 S Huron Avenue, Mackinaw City, Michigan} | previous post by me
{Delta Annual Companion Certificate Flight to Detroit, Michigan} | previous post by me


  1. Hi dear Mariettes ¡, que lindo encuentro de amigas L ese es una de las mejores sorpresas de este mundo blogger

  2. Mariette, I am overwhelmed by your kind comments. Thank you, dear friend. This post brought back warm memories of our afternoon together with your husband.
    And thank you, for putting in all those links to my blog! Blessings, xo Deborah

  3. Reading Deborah's blog post about meeting you was how I came across your blog, sweet Mariette :) It was a joy to see the two of you together and what a blessing to meet face-to-face. The two of you are precious ladies.

    Enjoy your week!

  4. Hi Mariette, I have been a follower of Deborah for about a year. I'm so happy that you two were able to meet in person! I share many things in common with both of you too! My husband is experiencing difficulty with diabetes, so I am not blogging right now, but I'll still be checking in with you. He is from the Detroit area originally and we both have enjoyed your posts on MI. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    so nice pictures of you two! Glad, you had such a loevly time with such a nice Blogger-Lady!
    Wishing you a great week,
    sending Love and hugs,
    Claudia xo

  6. Lovely meeting, Mariette! have a beautiful Tuesday dear! <3

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    herzliche und sonnige Dankesgrüße für deinen schönen Post

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    You had so glad to spend the day with a fellew blogger!
    Your both had happy together Tea and coffe times.Yes I hope that God will grant us many more years together.
    Hugs and love both of you!

  9. Thee drinken kan je op vele manieren en dit keer ging het niet om de luxe ambiance maar duidelijk om de sfeervolle ontmoeting van een blogger vriendin.
    Het zullen vast hele mooie en gezellige uurtjes vol gesprekken geweest zijn omdat jullie in de afgelopen jaren door het bloggen ontdekt hebben veel dingen gemeen te hebben met elkaar.


  10. Je legt aardig wat afstanden af in de USA. Leuk om een blogvriendin in werkelijkheid te ontmoeten en gezellig thee te drinken samen.

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    What a lovely way to spend an afternoon. Meeting blogger friends in person is like catching up with old friends.
    Thanks for all your wonderful posts about your recent travels.........*s*

  12. What a lovely meeting both of you had. Wonderful that both of you have lots in common. I'll be looking up the links you have in your post. Thanks Mariette!

  13. Oh how lovely! Sounds like you and Pieter had a great time with your friend Deborah! How wonderful you have so much in common. She sounds such an amazing lady. The post about her oldest son is very sad, but so touching. His life was way too short but he was blessed by a wonderful family to celebrate his life and love forever xoxo

  14. Dear Mariette,
    what a wonderful meeting. Your are both wonderful ladies.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  15. Mariette, your summer travels are full of fun times and beautiful places! Glad you has a chance to connect with your friend. I think meeting blogging friends in person is the cherry on the top! ;-)

  16. how nice. glad you have so much in common and could meet!

  17. lieve Mariette ,
    Via het bloggen leer je veel mensen ...en er zijn zulke hechte vriendschappen door ontstaan....
    dat zie ik nu wel op deze post ...fijn dat jullie elkaar in werkelijk ontmoet hebben ...
    leuke en mooie foto 's van jullie samen .....
    veel liefs

  18. Hello dear Mariette!!
    What a great experiance to meet a friend Blogger!!
    It happened to me many times in the past!
    How lovely, both of you have lots in common!
    Thank you for sharing!!Have a happy week!!Hugs!

  19. questi sono gli incontri del cuore!!!! tante affinità e il piacere di trovarsi...un abbraccio grande Lory

  20. That is great that you got to meet....and so much in common

  21. How lovely that you both got to meet, Dear Mariette! I follow Deborah's beautiful blog. You are both so much alike - gracious, kind, and true examples of courage and faith. Wonderful that you both found each other! Hugs xo Karen

  22. Wie schön, liebe Mariette! Ich freue mich mit Dir! Aber die Geschichte dieser Bloggerin ist eine sehr traurige! Was ist nur passiert ... mit all den Kindern. Meine Bewunderung für diese Dame und ihre Haltung! Die Blogs besuche ich morgen. Jetzt ist bei uns längst Schlafenszeit.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
