
Monday, August 3, 2015

{Our Grand Hotel Mackinac Island Michigan Afternoon Tea}

In my previous post I told you that the carriage driver let both of us off, only 5 minutes walking distance from Mackinac Island Grand Hotel where we went for Afternoon Tea...
Yes, the tulips were in full bloom in front of Mackinac Island, Michigan's Grand Hotel on June 3...
The Grand Hotel got built in 1887 in just 93 days!
Quite a sight isn't it?
Such perfect tulips!
There were lots of tourists taking photographs but husband Pieter managed to capture their beauty very well.
For entering the Grand Hotel you must pay a fee of $ 10.00 and you may give yourself a tour.
We instead did head straight away for the Grand Hotel Afternoon Tea in the Parlor.
Each table had a bowl that gets removed when serving tea or coffee.
My iPhone 4S on the table...
A plate with an array of pastries and tea for me and coffee for Pieter.
On the right of the plate you also see a fresh-baked scone...
Pieter happily pours his coffee...
Looking really tempting.
Even though I usually don't eat any sweets, I did have the chocolate dipped strawberry and the little chocolate that was filled with yummy coconut mousse and topped with a blueberry.
I also ate the fresh-baked scone, without any marmalade.
Lovely cups!
Perfect timing at 4:00 PM with our Ferry departing at 5:00 PM.
But inside the building with the air-conditioning running, I was pleased that I did bring my packable polyester and silk Escada jacket!
This is a more than 100 year old Grand Hotel tradition, of serving Afternoon Tea in the Parlor, accompanied by a chamber music recital.
We enjoyed this lovely harpist.
The carpet reflects the red Pelargonium, that grow outside, see photo below!
Stunning view over Lake Huron!
When we leave for going on the veranda outside, I had t take these photos...
Sherry and Champagne with petite finger sandwiches.
An array of pastries...
Sorry for the poor quality but I wanted to give you a better look.
Plate with petite finger sandwiches.
Speaking of 'finger', we both were quite surprised that also our array of pastries got served without any pastry fork! Only a spoon for scooping up the mousse.
That is quite different from Europe and at this level I would have expected it as well.
Tea cups on a tray with lovely rose.
Coffee got served in these tea cups as well...
They might want to see my blog post: {Difference Between Coffee & Tea Cups}
No, that is not our Carriage... This is only for guests that stay at the Grand Hotel.
Love that big arch above the grand door!
Great architecture and for completing all that in 93 days, back in 1887 is quite astonishing!
Our Carriage driver did point out something about the azure blue color underneath those balconies for tricking birds into nesting elsewhere...
Tales from the Head Grand Hotel Painter where he states that every April they use some 150 to 200 gallons paint on the exterior!
Time to say goodbye to this incredibly romantic and patriotic looking island of Mackinac, Michigan...
We had such a perfect day and still very sunny!
Windy it got a little bit so Pieter kept his Burberry score from Last Call Outlet on and especially for crossing the Straits of Mackinac on Lake Huron.
It was lovely for living a day in the late 1800s and seeing so many different carriages.
Grand Hotel
Opened on July 10, 1887, the Grand Hotel was built by the Grand Rapids & Indiana and Michigan Central railroads and the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company through the efforts of Sen. Francis B. Stockbridge. It is built of Michigan white pine. With its magnificent colonial porch, longest in the world, it is a classic example of gracious living seldom seen today. One of the outstanding landmarks on the Great Lakes, it is the world's largest summer hotel.
We just walk around the corner for boarding again Shepler's Mackinac Island Ferry and for making it back to Mackinaw City.
The long Mackinac Bridge is visible here.
Hope you enjoyed this very special Grand Hotel Afternoon Tea, where many First Ladies stayed over their Century of service.

Related links:
{Mackinac Island Flora} | previous post by me
{Mackinac Island Carriage Tours} | previous post by me
{Patriotic & Romantic Mackinac Island, Michigan} | previous post by me
{Shepler's Mackinac Island, Michigan Ferry} | previous post by me
{505 S Huron Avenue, Mackinaw City, Michigan} | previous post by me
{Delta Annual Companion Certificate Flight to Detroit, Michigan} | previous post by me


  1. During the years we lived in MN, I never tired of making the trip to Macinac Island! More than several times in 24 years. I think my favorite trip was in early Fall when many of the tourists had returned to their homes. Take care, Helen

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist ein Gedicht.
    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

  3. Hé ,ook tulpenvelden ... maar wat groot en mooi daar apart dat groen en krijg meteen trek in koffie met wat lekers ziet eruit om in te happen ...

  4. Grappig dat ze tulpen hebben, ziet er sjiek uit daar binnen. Ze moeten alleen de airco's niet zo koud zetten dat je je jas aan moet doen!

  5. What a gorgeous hotel! The tulips are so colorful and amazing! And what a sight to see carriages at the front entrance instead of cars. Looks like you had lovely afternoon tea time. And Pieter, coffee in a tea cup :-) I love that pastry tray, which looks like it's a flower vase as well :-) The view from the hotel is incredible! I enjoyed all your beautiful photos!

  6. Wanneer je toch daar bent moet je dat een keer meegemaakt hebben zo'n kijkje binnen in het hotel en GRANDE is het, er is genoeg te zien, wat een scala aan kleuren en patronen in het interieur.
    Uurtje zou voor mij in elk geval lang genoeg zijn om hyper te worden en wanneer ik lang na de vloerbedekking zou kijken al eerder.
    Zag trouwens dat de rode Pelargonium zelfs terug komt op de etiketjes van verzorgingsproducten in de badkamer van luxe slaapkamers met namen van vele First Lady's.

    Dergelijke miniatuur hapjes zijn makkelijk in een of twee hapjes in de mond te steken en daar heb je geen bestek bij nodig. In Europa zag je het al jaren tijdens staande recepties (want waar laat je anders je bestek wanneer je in de andere hand je glas al hebt)en inmiddels is het overal doorgedrongen dat fingerfood van buffetten in restaurants tot schaal of mand aan (terras)tafel zodat ieder naar believen kan pakken.
    Ook verschijnen de laatste jaren restaurantjes als paddenstoelen uit de grond waar je aan tafel per persoon en per ronde maximaal vijf hapjes kan bestellen en dat onbeperkt, ik kan je verzekeren dat het zeker in gezelschap voor gezellige avond kan zorgen is mijn ervaring.
    Voor het gemak bestel ik voor thuis bij gelegenheden schalen met warme en koude mini hapjes,tapas of mezze, alleen al hoe dergelijke schalen opgemaakt en gerangschikt zijn met glaasjes,bakjes,bordjes etc. is een lust voor het oog en een streling voor de tong.
    Servetten mogen hierbij niet ontbreken net zo min als vochtige wegwerpdoekjes zonder geparfumeerd luchtje.
    Denk dat jullie al heel wat ervaringen opgedaan hebben in jullie actieve leventje en het bezoek aan dit mooie en romantische autoloze eiland zal vast ook nog lang in de herinnering blijven.

    Fijne zondag en lieve groet,

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    You and Pieter had a lovely trip. You remind me how lovely Michigan can be when it isn't covered in snow!
    What a charming place to enjoy afternoon tea and coffee. And there is a spoon which looks like the same shape I make. But, like you, I would have expected a pastry fork!
    Thanks for the pretty sights and ideas.
    Enjoy the week ahead...........*s*

  8. Toutes ces belles fleurs et ces petits fours...... mince alors, ça donne envie !!!!
    Profitez-en bien les amis !
    Grosses bises

  9. What a Grand hotel indeed! Amazing architecture and the views...
    I had also noticed when you mentioned your husband was pouring coffee, that it was a tea cup!
    Still it was a great experience for sure!

  10. Oh My! I enjoyed everyone of those shots. This is one of my favorite things to do! Beautiful!

  11. Dear Mariette,what a luxury hotel indeed!!
    Great capture of the beautiful and colorful tulips!
    The tea cups are so preety and the pastries look so delicious!
    Than you for sharing!Have a happy week!Hugs!

  12. We have not had tea at the Grand; looks like a delightful experience. Your pictures are beautiful, especially of the tulips and also the shot of the bridge. I heard the bridge is closed today because of the high winds.

  13. Deaest Mariette,
    You and Piteter has Lovely trip! Pilter lots of tulips taking photogrphs.and Your iphone 45 on the table tea for you and coffee for piteter has a tea cup.
    Chocolate dipped strawberry and little chocolate and topped with bluebary and fresh -baked scone without any Marmalate I love yours silk escata Jacket very nice for you!
    You both having perfect day.

  14. Wow what a wonderful place I would like to visit such a place

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    what a wonderful place!
    wishing you a wonderful new week!
    Love and hugs,

  16. Dearest Mariеtte, you had a very nice day at this luxurious and sophisticated hotel! I like to drink tea and tea parties with several small cakes and salty snacks. Teacups are wonderful! I've done similar edible spoons.
    The photo shows the gorgeous tulip garden that you saw! It was very pleased that share this wonderful day!


  17. Een prachtig eiland waar jullie verbleven en een sprookjesachtige locatie voor een theemoment.
    Lieve groet,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
