
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

{Pure Coconut Oil a Superfood and Recipes}

Maybe several of you already have added Pure Coconut Oil, a Superfood, to your daily diet.
If not so, maybe this will help in explaining its many benefits for our health and I also provide some RECIPES towards the end.
We find ours at +Costco WholesaleCo and always stock up on it.
Important is to buy the PURE Coconut Oil
Nutrition Facts
Important is that the Pure Coconut Oil has *No Trans & Hydrogenated Fats
Many health benefits...
Towards the end in the video you can read the above:

My personal introduction came through a dear friend from the Philippines.
She gifted me some Virgin Coconut Oil that she'd brought back from a trip to her birth country.
That made me purchase the book: Coconut Cures: Preventing and Treating Common Health Problems with Coconut 
As promised some recipes: Coconut Oil- Belly Flattening Muffins and more, please do visit my Pinterest board: COCONUT OIL A SUPERFOOD
Hope this did inspire you!


  1. I use it on my skin and hair, and sometimes I have spread a little on a Kind bar (the one with 4 g of sugar) for a quick meal. But I have yet to bake or cook with it. Thank you for the link.

  2. Deaerst Mariette,
    this sound like a really good thing!
    I will have a look on the link, what all I could do with it :O)
    Happy new week to you,
    Love and hugs
    Claudia xo

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    besten Dank für deine guten Informationen.
    Sonnige Grüße

  4. Very interesting, Mariette, I didn't know we could find Coconut oil!
    So you have a brand new Mac!! I got mine a couple of month earlier, what a difference!!
    Thanks for your sweet comments while I was away :)
    Hugs from France, enjoy the new week!

  5. I have given a lot of thought to this. I have read many positive things. I bought some over a year ago and it remained unopened because of all of the press about the saturated fat. I have read far more positive things than negative and thank you for this good piece of information for us. xo

  6. I use it for making crafts soaps. All of them have coconut oil, because is fantastic for skin, but I had no idea about their health benefits.
    Thanks for explaining us those unknwed things(for me) about it.
    Love dear Mariette.

  7. OMG! I'm running to get coconut oil now. I can't believe this and I'm so grateful you posted this sweet friend. Amazing! I will be pinning it for sure.
    Thank you, thank you.
    Have a great weekend sweet friend.

  8. I've been using it for a year or so now in my baking. Gives a nice flavor, too. :)

  9. Hello Mariette, It is amazing how opinions about coconut oil have changed recently, but I am still a little worried about all that saturated fat, not to mention the calories that go with it. It is also surprising that coconut oil used to be the main ingredient in cheap cookies, etc., but when you go to buy it as a separate ingredient it is exorbitantly expensive.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      There are still a few things; this is the unrefined, virgin oil and that in itself makes already a huge difference and the saturated fat is also 'non trans and hydrogenated'. You can read more about it here: Coconut Oil: This Cooking Oil Is a Powerful Virus-Destroyer and Antibiotic…
      At Costco it is really not that expensive and it will last a long time. One does not consume large quantities of it but just enough for keeping the arteries happy and healthy.
      Hope this link is more convincing to you as well.
      Sending you hugs,

  10. My youngers years used to be abundant in not only coconut oil but everything coconut. Now, I have to put up with buying them from the shop.

  11. Wow! your coconut oil was very coconut oil I had CoCo - Scalp afectted areas of affectd areas of the scalp using warm water and shampoo.
    Thank you very much our skin it was always nice things Dear Mariette!
    Hugs and love to both of you!

  12. Yes, I use it. I try to replace it for butter in my baking. I also put some in a small jar...and use it to remove eye makeup. Janey

  13. lieve Mariette .,,
    Dit is weer een heel intersant blogje ...dankjewel voor de informatie ..
    altijd intersant om te lezen en te oud om te leren ( hihihihi)..
    heel veel liefs

  14. Kokosnuss soll sehr gesund sein, liebe Mariette. Nur bei uns bekommt man oft schlechte Nüsse. Leider kann man nicht hineinsehen. Ich hoffe, für das Öl verarbeitet man nur beste Nüsse!
    Bei Ela - eigentlich aus Canada - las ich in einem ihrer Blogs auch über die - frische - Kokosnuss

    Kokosöl verwenden wir allerdings noch selten, ich habe aber schon begonnen, es zu benutzen, inspiriert durch meine Söhne.

    Liebe Grüße


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