
Friday, September 18, 2015

{Carolina Wren on Nest}

You have seen photos before from a Carolina Wren on a Nest, in the greenhouse and such.
This time it had her nest in one of our fiberglass window boxes from Flower Framers of Cincinnati, on our kitchen bay window.
In my header, above, you can see the bay window... this nest was to the right.
When I walked around the bay window, with my camera, I could just capture her on the nest.
Our White  Verbena are not looking happy here; they actually died off.
But how clever to build against the corner, under the protection of the roof extension!

Related links:
{Wren's Nest} | previous post by me


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    just wonderful, and so clever to build the nest in the corner!
    Wishifn you a wondeful rest of the week,
    sending Love and hugs,
    Claudia xo

    P.S: I finished your thing yesterday and will send it latest tomorrow. I don't know, if I get to the postoffice today ....

  2. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist aufschlussreich.
    Alles Liebe

  3. It is amazing the spaces and places the birds find to build their nests.

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    ich liebe es sehr, wenn Tiere gleich welcher Art sich in unserem Garten wohlfühlen und freue mich immer,
    dass dieses Jahr z.B. ein Meisenpaar ihre Jungen bei uns im Kasten aufgezogen hat -
    Eichhörnchen, Igel und viele Vögel sind bei uns zu sehen - das ist so schön -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  5. Lieve Mariette,

    Leuk om de broedende vogels in tuin gade te slaan.
    Ik sta er vaak ook versteld van op wat voor plaatsen vogels hun nest bouwen.
    Dit jaar net als vele jaren op rij nest van merel in de hedera boven de serredeur en in het nest verweven plastic draagtas.

    Vogels bouwen hun nest op in hun ogen veilige plek én ze moeten er zeker van zijn in de omgeving genoeg voedsel te vinden om hun jongen te voeden, maar daar is op jullie landgoed vast geen gebrek aan.

    Fijn weekeind en lieve groet,

  6. Slimme vogel, lekker beschut plekje gevonden voor een nestje.

  7. Oh, that picture made me smile... How cute is that:-) Big hugs to you sweet Mariette

  8. Hello,Mariette.
    What a sweet story. The wren found the best place to build their nest!
    Your new header is lovely!
    Have a happy day.

  9. Sweet Mariette. I love this story. I love every animal, you know. My husband as well, but he is a fanatic of the birds. He has tell me about chochin many times. I want a nest in my window!!!!.

  10. Hello Mariette,
    Now isn't that warm hearting?!!
    So great to have a garden that is a haven for birds!
    I hope she will produce a few healthy and lively chicks for you to observe!!
    Keep well and enjoy what's left of the week!

  11. Hello Sweetie, how exciting it is to have a sweet birds nest so close to you.....
    My friend is also lucky she has one by her front window in one of her topiary tree.....


  12. Oh how wonderful! You are gonna have Carolina Wren babies! She is very smart to pick your window box to build a nest. I love her cute face peeking out from there :-) I look forward to updates on her and her babies!

  13. Oh how precious and heartwarming :) Happy hugs to you, dear one!

  14. Wie allerliebst liebste Mariette! Ich hoffe, auf dem Tablet alles richtig zu erkennen. Endlich komme ich auch wieder hierher. Zum Wochenende wieder ausführlicher. Mit dem Tablet ist da Kommentieren doch ziemlich nervig.

    Liebste Grüße

  15. How precious, Dear Mariette! So wonderful to see this interesting nest. Little birds are so sweet and innocent. Lovely to have them making a home where you can see them! Hope you are having a good week, my Dear. Hugs xo Karen

  16. lieve Mariette ,
    ik moest wel ff goed kijken ,maar toen zag ik hem zitten
    veilig in zijn nestje ,..hoe mooi is de natuur ...
    veel liefs xxx

  17. Dear Mariette,
    lovely to see another chicks badies birds near by your window with in wood garden from your camera!
    Hugs and Love both of you!

  18. Liebe Mariette,
    wie schön ist es wenn sich Vögel in unseren Gärten so wohl fühlen und ihre Kinderstube darin einrichten. Hier bei uns tun das sehr oft die Amseln. Sie sind so an uns Menschen gewöhnt und bauen ihre Nester an die ungewöhnlichsten Stellen. In unserer Eibe vor dem Küchenfenster hat mal ein Finkenpärchen gebrütet.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende. Liebe Grüße von Carmen

  19. Dearest Mariette,
    It looks like you had a bird's eye view of the carolina wren nest! (Excuse the pun!)
    Bird's build their nests in odd places. We always have phoebe's nesting under our deck. Lat year house wrens built a nest in a wall pot just inches from the door onto the deck. Do you think some birds build so close to humans because they feel safer from predators?
    Have a great weekend.........*s*

  20. I love it. So cute. Have a nice weekend.


  21. Took me a moment to find it but when I did I thought oh so cute

  22. It's a great privilege to have this Carolina Wren nesting in such close proximity.


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