
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

{205 Countries Visited - Welcome Mayotte & Message to Incognito Relatives}

Already on September 13, the 205th Country Visited my humble blog - Welcome Mayotte!
Mayotte is a little Island, West of Madagascar and belongs to FRANCE.

My Dutch relatives, that visit me Incognito, I do wish PEACE!
Mom is in heaven... please find solace by her last words: 'Oh wàt zijn ze lief allemaal!' or 'Oh what are they all sweet!' 
Such a blessing to have this on video...
No, we were not crazy for toting cans with dinosaur soup & cast iron muffin pans for our nephews. We loved them and still do!

Related link:
{Mom Lived 16 Days Short of Her 91st Birthday} | Previous post by me with added message to my relatives...
{Airline Baggage Weight and Campbell Dinosaur Soup} | Previous post by me about carrying cans of dinosaur soup and heavy cast iron gifts for our nephews.


  1. That's caz you're a lovely Dutch lady, interesting and have a beautiful and unique blog... look at me, from Ecuador!!!
    Hugs and congrats,

  2. Hello my dear friend,
    This is awesome! Must be because you are such a wonderful and smart woman sharing always very interesting posts. Send you a bug hug

  3. Deaerst mariette,
    it really is fantastic, that you have visitors from all over the world.
    Have a great weel,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    ( tomorrow I will do this thing, I hope, the new stuff will do well! )

  4. Wow! Awesome! Travel is pleasure who not be missed!

    Dankje well voor jou reactie on mijn blog. Ik ben niet kunstenaar. Mijn kunst komt uit mijn hart an gevoel.

    en een vraag: is dat correct geshreven? Ik proberen to Netherlands te leren.

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist interessant und aufschlussreich.
    Alles Liebe

  6. Dearest Mariette.....I remember Dinosaur Soup. My great nephews loved it when they came to visit.
    When Proge lived in San Francisco in the mid nineties I used to take all sorts of stuff back and forth. Two bags and a carry on sound like unimaginable luxury these days.
    We are experiencing cool(ish) nights and warm days. Hope you are enjoying a late summer............*s*

  7. This is wonderful, Mariette. Congratulations on the 205th country! I've never heard of Mayotte before.
    Have a great day xoxo

  8. Hi dear Marietta !, que gran viajera es usted , ahora es África , me gustaría mucho ver fotos de esos maravillosos lugare

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    Mayotte country your Mum lived 16 days of 91 birthday. 205th country and you had 6 countris.
    incredible great views gorgeous other country!
    Hugs and lots of Love to both!

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    ich gratuliere zu diesem Erfolg. Dein Blog ist international
    anerkannt. Er hat es aber auch verdient.-
    Ganz liebe Grüße zuDir

  11. Congratulations on the new reader, I'd never heard of Mayotte either. Well, I've learned something new today! Have a lovely day Mariette.

  12. That is one I too have never heard of!

  13. Wow, thats amazing my dear Mariette! I guess your warmth and heartfelt posts reach out to the hole world:-) Simple as that:-) BIG hugs to you sweetie

  14. This is a place I have never heard of, Dear Mariette! I wonder what it is like there......So many wonderful places in this world! Blogging ties us all together! I have relatives that visit incognito, too, but are stubborn and won't be nice. Lovely last words of your Dear Mother. Hugs xo Karen

  15. Good Morning Mariette, Congratulations, how marvellous to have so many readers from around the world, you must be thrilled to pieces. I have to be very honest when I say, I have never heard of Mayotte, but how wonderful, because of your blog, I now know exactly where it is.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Best Wishes as always.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
