
Monday, September 14, 2015

{Late Summer Jasmine}

All throughout summer we will have some heavenly jasmines blooming.
This is the thick and fully double Jasminum Sambac - Jasmine Grand Duke of Tuscany, below post you find link with more info from my previous post.n
Such a late summer jasmine, with some sunshine is pure bliss!
Placed in a tiny silver vase and photographed on the balcony.
It has some pink edges.
Playing with the light...
The backside reveals some dried up petals, from an earlier drought.
But even those dried up petals do have their charm!

Related link:


  1. how very pretty! the center of it reminds me of popcorn. :)

  2. Liebe Mariette,


    Frohe Sonntagsgrüße

  3. Ik vind ze altijd wel lekker ruiken ook ...

  4. Ze ruiken zo heerlijk, niet! Ik heb een enorme grote gewone jasmijn aan de zijkant van mijn huis. Heerlijjk 's avonds die geur in huis.

  5. Je kan zien dat de zomer eindig is, nog even ervan genieten.

  6. My jasmine is all protected under a tarp. Of course, it does still dry up but it has been blooming consistently for some time and still has little buds to open up. :)

  7. A beautiful blossom....and great photography. Janey

  8. Bonsoir chère Mariette. Voilà une odeur enivrante. Mais qui à la longue donne mal à la tête. Grosses bises.

  9. Liebe Mariette,

    Du hast die kleine feine Blüte so richtig groß rausgebracht :-)). Ja, sie passt ganz wunderbar in das kleine silberne Väschen.

    Liebe Grüße

  10. Oh, Jasmins... One of my favorite flowers.... And what beautiful pictures, dear Mariette, can almost sense their wonderful scent all the way from over here:-) Warm hugs to you:-)

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    du hast die Blüte ganz tollherausgebracht - von allen
    Seiten. Danke für dei schönen Fotos.
    Einen guten Wochenstart wünscht Dir

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    I do love the scent of jasmine. We had an early freeze last winter so my potted jasmine was lost. I'll try again next year.
    Enjoy the coming week..............*s*

  13. I was just watering the garden, and realized my Granduka was full of dried flowers, which was expected after the heat wave we have had for many days. I could not see any new buds on it. Enjoy yours, dearest Mariette, as you will soon need to take it into the shed, I guess...
    Many hugs!!!!

  14. What a sweet jasmine. Love the pink edges! And I agree, dried up petals do have their charm...not being perfect is not a bad thing at all. It just makes them unique and precious!
    It's got quite cool over the weekend here. Autumn is coming! Have a wonderful new week, Mariette!

  15. Dear Mariette,

    I wish it was possible to send the scent of the rose through the internet as well :-). Your jasmine flower looks a bit like rose. Really pretty!

    Wishing you and Pieter a lovely week!

    Madelief x

  16. Nice Marietre. Jasmines are fantastics.

  17. I love jasmine and I wish I still had some. Here it is difficult to dig in the earth and there is no man handy to help me. If something dies, then I usually don;t get a replacement. The winter two ice storms killed my gardenia and ALL of my rose bushes. Saddest I have been.

  18. Deaerst Mariette,
    You are all mays duble jasminum placed in a tiny silver vase photographed on the balcony!
    Thank you for your always kind comments on my blgs.
    You with Pieter a wanderful time week!
    Hugs and love both of you!

  19. Hello,again Mariette,
    How pretty! Your jasmine is shinning in the light. Yes, light always makes art in photos.Lovely!


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