
Sunday, October 18, 2015

{Black and Yellow Argiope Spider}

When the weather is nice warm and sunny we can admire these Black and Yellow Argiope Spiders in their web. Their latin name is Argiope Aurantia.
They are beautiful and it is sad to know that they live only about one year.
When the first hard frost comes they die...
Here she has a FAT prey!
Seldom to have them eye-level as she had her web in the planter boxes on our driveway's retainer wall.
Here she is mending her web...
And down again...
One last shot early morning with my iPhone 6 Plus.

Happy days with sunshine for humans and for our Garden Critters!

Enjoy your weekend.

Black and Yellow Argiope Spider | about Beneficial Spiders in the Landscape


  1. Hi dear mariettas ,, realmente esas fotos de esa araña es una maravilla , el colorido es impresionante

  2. Liebe Mariette,
    du hast ganz wundervolle Fotos gemacht - ich wusste nicht, dass diese Spinne
    nur so kurzlebig ist -

    hab ein schönes Wochenende - liebe Grüße - Ruth

  3. Such beautiful images of the industrious spider!
    I'm glad I'm not that poor critter though.
    Her web is a work of art.
    Happy weekend dear Mariette
    Shane x

  4. Lieve Mariette dit soort 'wespspinnen' wordt de laatste jaren steeds vaker gezien in mijn woonplaats en ik lees dat het mannetje na de paring bijna altijd ingesponnen wordt door het vrouwtje die hem later opeet en haar tot voeding dient wat zijn nageslacht ten goede komt.
    Mooi en duidelijk zijn op de foto de zigzag matjes(stabilement) te zien in het web, waarvoor deze dienen daar zijn de onderzoekers nog niet helemaal uit.

    Fijn weekeind,Ger

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Jij hebt het over de Argiope Bruennichi die alleen in Europa, noord Africa en gedeelte van Azië voorkomt.
      De spin die hier getoond wordt is veel groter en is de Argiope Aurantia die alleen in Noord Amerika voorkomt.
      Ze worden ook wel de schrijvende spinnen genoemd. Dus google maar eens naar deze correcte naam, dan vind je de informatie wel.
      Liefs en ook een fijn weekend.

  5. Altijd een dubbel gevoel bij spinnen.. Maar zo in het web prachtig en deze zie je hier niet .. Fijn weekend,Joan

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind ausgezeichnete Fotos.
    Alles Liebe

  7. Wat een mooie foto's zo dichtbij, heel andere spinnen dan hier. Interessant om tie zien hoe ze haar prooi zo inkapselt.

  8. Rearest Mariette,
    Spiders do so much good in the garden. I just want them to stay out of my house!
    Hope you have a sunny weekend......*s*

  9. Hello my dear friend,
    This is a very nice and interesting post, the pictures are so neat and clear. I also wish you a very happy day full of sunshine and lots of love, send you both of you a big and warm hug
    Laura <3

  10. Nice photos, although spiders scare me, there are always loads of small spiders around our house and garden...
    Have a lovely weekend Mariette!

  11. Extra Mariette
    Leur toile est très spéciale et leur corps bien zébré. J'aime bcp les rencontrer.
    Je ne sais pas quand est-ce que certaines mentalités changeront.... Mais quand on voit qu'il n'y a que les anciens qui se battent et que les jeunes font du sport en salle...... c'est pas gagné !
    Bisous Mariette

  12. Beautiful photos! You did capture her wonderfully... it's interesting this year at the city house a spider made a web on the canopy ... for some reason I instructed everyone to leave it alone ... Though accidentally we all sometimes walked into, taking a little bit of it .. each time she rebuild it was a wonderful thing to observe mother nature at work .... wishing you a blessed weekend. <3

  13. Dear Mariette, wonderful photos. And look at that perfect web!
    I remember when I was in Seychelles there were so very big spiders all around.
    Have a nice week end,

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    You had beautiful photos of yellow Argiope spiders but only live one year. Them eye-revel in the planter boxes on your driveway's and down again your iphone 6 plas Happy day on sunshine times in your Garden.
    I had bad feeling of yesterday with my friends, but I will be back in my head...
    Hugs and love both of you!

  15. Wow, what beautiful pictures! She is gorgeous, even though I'm bit scared :-) I definitely love the beautiful web she created. It is sad they can live only one year....but she is lucky to have found your garden to live and be admired!
    Have a wondrful weekend, Mariette!

  16. She's a beauty and a talented weaver! How nice to be able to observe her up close. It does send a little shiver up my spine, though......Wishing you a lovely Sunday, Dear Mariette! xo

  17. Dear Mariette,

    The spider is a beauty and the photos have turned out well.
    Lately we have seen two white tailed spiders in the house which I do not like.
    Have a lovely Sunday - thanks for the kind visit to my blog

  18. Fantástica esta sequência de fotografias.
    Um abraço e bom Domingo.

  19. It is wonderful to see that you captured your spider well.The web is beautifully shinning in the sunlight.
    It is sad to know spiders live only one year.
    Hope you have a happy week.


  20. Ela parece ser venenosa mas essas fotos são muito lindas e cheia de detalhes.
    Na terceira foto, o trançado da telha parece trico ou crochê.

    Boa semana, cheia de alegrias.
    ✿˚° ·.

  21. Lovely images of what is surely one of the most interesting common spiders. Their colours are quite superb and the web a source of eternal fascination for me. One could seek out the myriad facets of nature for an entire lifetime and barely scratch the surface of the magnificence that is revealed by careful searching.

  22. Goodness, what a creative spider this one is, the web is lovely and so is she! In the garden outdoors they look so much prettier then inside the house, lol..
    Have a wonderful week ahead, sweet friend.

  23. Liebe Mariette,
    ich finde Spinnen sehr faszinierend und ihr Können beweisen sie immer wieder aufs Neue... danke für die tollen Fotos!

    Lieben SonntagAbendGruß zu Dir von Traudi

  24. Lieve Mariette ...
    Wat een mooie foto's ...nee die spinnen zie je hier niet ..
    was hij echt zo groot ???
    Een fijne week ..veel liefs

  25. These are surely award winning photos of a spider. They scare me to death.....But would be interesting to study through a window.

  26. Die sieht ja richtig gefährlich aus! Habe ich hier noch nie gesehen.

    Liebe Grüße


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