
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

{Fragrant Orange Jasmine or Murraya Paniculata}

Since we are getting rain and more rain and rather cool weather because of Hurricane Joaquin, I better show you some of our blooming flowers.
Our Fragrant Orange Jasmine or Murraya Paniculata
It is one of those tropic delights that we purchased from Logee's Greenhouses in Connecticut.
Orange Jasmine (Murraya Paniculata)←click it to go to Logee's website.

Let's hope that by Wednesday the weather has warmed up and the sun will be back!


  1. They must smell lovely. My jasmine is still blooming. Our temperature is still above 100 degrees every day. Mornings are nice. But wishing for cooler daytime weather.

  2. Dearest mariette,
    what a wonderful JAsmin! always so lovely to see all your wonderful plants and flowers!
    Thank you also for your so kind Birthday Greetings :O)
    Wishing you a wonderful new week,
    Love, hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  3. Such a pretty bloom, I could only imagine how wonderful they smell....


  4. you has so much raining..I have nany wonderful people here I mast get by from show us blooming flowers all in the years.
    your fragrant orange Jasmine of murragys panicutate.
    We have so much warm day,but will be back raining again....
    Hugs with Love always!

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    sonnige Dankesgrüße

  6. Hello Mariette, Your jasmine is quite beautiful. We are also just getting over a severe typhoon here, but oddly, the predicted rain afterward never appeared, and the temperature has shot up into the mid-90's.

  7. Prachtige bloemen heeft deze plant.
    Fijne week, lieve groet

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    ich hatte auch eine wundervoll duftende Jasminpflanze im Garten - leider war sie immer
    voller Läuse - deine sieht so schön aus - wunderbare Blumen betrachten ist gut für die Seele -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  9. Dear Mariette,
    Those flowers are pretty. I imagine they must give you lovely smell.
    I hope you have a nice new week!

  10. oooohhhh I know it and it smells nice.
    Wishing you the very best new week.

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    kleine Schönheiten mit einem einzigartigen Duft. Selbst habe ich keinen Jasmin in meinem Garten, aber der Nachbar, da schnuppere ich immer daran. Leider ist die Blühzeit hier vorbei. Du hast die kleinen weißen Blüten mit mittig gelben Pünktchen wunderschön im Bild festgehalten.
    Bei Dir sind keine guten Wetteraussichten, ich hoffe der Hurrikan verschont Dein Heim. Ich wünsche Dir ein angenehme Woche. Liebe Grüße von Carmen

  12. Oh, I love jasmins....... And, my dear friend Mariette, your amazing flower pictures always brings a smile to my face... everyday happiness:-) Hugs to you sweetie, and thanks for sharing

  13. What pretty flowers! They are really delightful and cheer my heart :-)
    I'm sorry to hear about the rash. Glad coconut oil is helping. When Goro got dry skin over eye area ((maybe some allergies) while back, coconut oil helped soothe his skin, too. I love coconut oil for many uses :-) Have a happy new week, Mariette!

  14. Your Jasmine must smell heavenly, Dear Mariette! A small pleasure when the skies are gloomy and gray. Wishing you sunshine soon - glad you are safe from the hurricane. Hugs xo Karen


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