
Sunday, October 4, 2015

{Princess Diana's Elephant Tie just like Pieter's}

Sometimes it is funny what you might come across in this world!
So it is for this silk Escada Elephant Tie, that I got for husband Pieter.
Husband Pieter showing his silk Escada Elephant tie...
Princess Diana wearing it with her Escada Elephant suit.
Princess Diana's Escada tie set to fetch £3,000 ←click on link from Fashion Telegraph UK
Closeup of Pieter's Escada tie...
Even though I never wore a silk tie, I have to admit that Princess Diana looked stunning wearing one!
This is me in May 2000, in Maastricht, Netherlands, wearing my Escada jeans suit with gold embroidered Elephants...
Not wearing a silk tie but a silk scarf with Elephants!
That's me, in May of 2000 after the International Mushroom Science Congress and after a hair cut!
Both of us, LOVE elephants, those intelligent and gentle giants...
Via FB's: What Animal Will You Be Reincarnated As? Pieter would be an Elephant as shown above!


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    das hast du gut herausgestellt.
    Sonnige Grüße

  2. Grappig dezelfde das met olifanten en ook nog hetzelfde pak.

  3. Sono senza parole! Intanto devo dire che sia tu che Pieter avete un aspetto meraviglioso! Il tuo foulard è assolutamente gorgeous!! ora che ho letto della principessa Diana mi chiedo: non potresti mettere all'asta anche TU la cravatta con gli elefantini? hai visto mai???
    Un bacio cara Mariette e buon weekend.

  4. Nice tie! I like elephants too, they're so clever.
    I must admit I was a big fan of Princess Diana, but can't remember that suit and tie, although she looked good in anything.
    I like your denim elephant suit and your Escada scarf too.

  5. Your husband Pieter looks wonderful with the elephant tie! With his gentle and sophisticated nature, I can totally see him coming back as elephant if he is reincarnated as an animal :-) You look beautiful in the jeans suit. And I love your look in shorter hair, too :-) Have a happy weekend, Mariette!

  6. A beautiful tie! I don't remember seeing Princess Diana in this, but she looked stunning. I love your elephant scarf too. Now I'm off to take that quiz. (I wouldn't mind being an elephant -- just don't want to weigh as much as one -- haha!)

  7. Lieve Mariette ,
    Dat is wel heel toevallig van de zelfde stropdas ,maar dan ook nog het zelfde pak
    het staat je heel mooi het pak ...en Pieters stropdas ook ..
    ik wens jullie een fijne zondag toe ...groetjes

  8. Pieter looks so elegant, and you too, dearest Mariette, with your Escada suit.
    But I really liked your white/gold scarf as well as your hair cut!!!!!
    I wish you a lovely Sunday, my dear friend!

  9. In really do like that scarf and the way you are wearing it!

  10. Such a handsome man, your Pieter. The tie is great! Frankly, I think it suits him better than Princess Diana, although I do love the masculine look on a feminine woman. Elephants are the most wonderful creatures. I have an elephant statue that is said to bring good luck. BTW, your haircut is lovely.

    Cheers, M-T

  11. Your husband pieter's was always good perfect Elophnt tiet of couse love both of you.
    I love your hair cut with a scarf silk Elephants.
    Have a lovely day both of you!

  12. What a joy you are my friend! Your husband is handsome and you are lovely. And after seeing the Princess I realized I miss her still. Always a pleasure to see you my friend.

    This is Katie Isabella's mommy


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