
Saturday, October 24, 2015

{Halloween Craze not Eco Friendly}

The POWER people of our World, only 1%, have turned the other 99% into Consumer Slaves. 
With all their propaganda via media commercials etc. they make people work harder and harder for things they don't need!
These Compliant Consumer Slaves are paying taxes to their governments, in the form of Sales Tax etc.
This is me, at Costco where they were/are pushing stacks of merchandise for Halloween...

Indeed, the West is being Controlled and Manipulated to BUY - BUY ever more!
The invention of so many seasonal things for which people are being brain washed to buy, is almost endless...
Halloween is one of them.

How much will end up in the landfill? Not very Eco Friendly!
Don't we think ahead anymore?
What kind of planet will be passed on to future generations... A scary thought!

This is the main reason, aside from the limited personal budget, that we never ever invest in anything like that mass produced 'STUFF'...
How about you?

Related link:
{My Old-Time Spun Glass Halloween Ornaments} | previous post by me showing our ONLY 5 ornaments for Halloween from durable materials


  1. I love to see alll the little ghost's & goblins at Halloween Mariette, but we almost never decorate for any holidays & don't shop at Costco. I've never figured out where to store 96 rolls of paper towels.

  2. Ugh . . .that spider is really ugly. Two issues here -- one, the real ugliness and creepiness of some of the Halloween stuff, and two, the endless supply of junk we are being brainwashed into buying. Buy quality, and much less, and hold onto it. Eschew the plastic, cheap, ugly, and disposable! Preaching to myself, too -- it's a constant struggle, as we are bombarded daily with these pressures. (Mariette, I don't even think I could have touched that thing -- haha!)

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    yes, it is so grazy, how things go on .. more and more and more ....
    I do not buy any decorations for any holidays, I do some handcrafts for this, if I want to ;O)
    Happy weekend to you,
    Love, hugs and blessings to you,
    Claudia xo

  4. I wholeheartedly agree and so does my college boy. He is so against consumerism and loves a good thrift store find. :)

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    dein schöner Post erfreut mich.
    Alles Liebe

  6. I so agree Mariette. It is such a shame that people get caught up in the madness,especially the ones who can least afford it.
    give me thrift stores any day. xx

  7. Hello Mariette, I agree with you strongly about over-consumerism, but I am not so sure that Halloween decorations are a big part of the problem. Don't forget that these can be stored and used year after year, and even after that are quite salable as second-hand items. I imagine that Halloween items are a small drop in the bucket compared to large sources of waste such as over-packaging of almost every consumer item.
    p.s. In Taiwan, almost every tiny scrap can be recycled; at least that helps!

  8. Tempos de Halloween tempos de comércio.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  9. I love Halloween. Most of people don`t want celebrate this day in Spain, but every year the number of persons is up. We do it long time ago, because my children studied in a british school. We enjoy a lot and boys and girls, come looking for sweets. I`m looking forward.
    TREAT OR TRICK,Mariette?
    Sending blessings and hugs.

  10. I too am on your side. Very minimal decorations around here.

  11. Amen. As I read once, we buy things we don't need, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't like.

  12. Hello Dear Mariette; First of all, SO sorry for my recent absence and let me send you sincere Autumn greeting♪ I DO hope to be able to go back my old routine daily life.
    Oh, Halloween is around the corner. There's always excessive way of things,isn't there. I just hope this event also can be the chance for kids to learn their culture.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  13. I've never celebrated Halloween, I agree there are too many commercial events to lure us to buy more and more useless stuff!

  14. Lieve Mariette,

    Heb helemaal niks met Halloween en heb er in mijn leven nog nooit een Euro aan uitgegeven.
    Ik vind de wereld om me heen al griezelig genoeg en maak me daar grote zorgen over.
    Zou trouwens ook nooit met een blij en lachend gezicht bij al die prullaria in winkel op de kiek willen omdat ik tegen die weggooimaatschappij ben.

    Fijn weekeind,

  15. Bonjour Mariette
    Oh elle ne rentre pas dans l'appareil photo celle-ci lol
    Bonne fête par chez vous.

  16. I think it's great if you buy because you want to, with your heart - to celebrate, to make someone happy, etc. But I'm totally with you about consumerism. I don't like many TV commercials around Christmas which push and make consumers feel it's wrong not to buy stuff. I buy most Christmas gifts out of obligation and I really don't like it. But I get presents for my boys, which is because I want to celebrate a special occasion in some way for them. My husband and I decided not to exchange gifts last year. Same thing going forward.

  17. I definitely agree with you. Most of that stuff is going to end up in the trash. Can you imagine even store that? beside's ugly :)

  18. Dear Mariette,
    Hollowen time was all probably to doing so over the entire day. Some shopping are sold very well. More chiledren has remember luts of sweets excessive worry of things in all of the country.
    Hugs and love from both of you!

  19. Great post, Mariette! I completely agree with you ... we are putting too much junk into the landfills!! xo Kristi @ My SF Kitchen

  20. I am glad we don't have all that Halloween stuff overhere, although commerce tries to introduce it desperately. With Christmas they succeeded already to have people buy things.

  21. Lees je tekst nog eens over en reageer even opnieuw... hier is weinig Halloween en ik vind het wel leuk om te zien maar doe er zelf dus niets mee ..tja net als kerst spullen kopen ,maar echt alles gaat hier als ik het niet meer wil naar de kringloop ,dus wordt weer verder gebruikt . Kopen soms iets nieuws erbij, maar ook jaren niets . Maar ja ik ben toch wel zo ieder moet doen wat hij zelf wil doen . Ik doe het zo ...

  22. I couldnt agree more, dear Mariette. Too much consuming - and they make a blast of all the celebrations. Not good for the future... Thats a big spider btw. iiiikkkk:-)

  23. Nichts gegen Halloween als solches, liebe Mariette. Aber es ist erschreckend, welch sinnlose Dinge da produziert werden, nur um hinterher auf dem Müll zu landen! Auch Weihnachten wird es immer grauenvoller mit all der Deko, die noch dazu immer hässlicher wird! - Der Mensch benutzt sein Hirn leider nicht, wie er es sollte. Wirklich traurig! Aber in den Blogs ist es nicht anders zu beobachten. Es wird konsumiert und konsumiert. Viel zu viel, als das man es wirklich brauchen könnte. So viele Dinge braucht KEIN Mensch! Meine Großmutter hätte gesagt: "Wo soll all das noch hinführen?!" Darüber mag man gar nicht nachdenken ...

    Liebe Grüße und danke für diesen Post!


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