
Monday, October 26, 2015

{Strawberry Fields Forever}

On August 28, when we went on the sight seeing tour with OnBoard Tours in New York City, the very first stop was at Strawberry Fields in Central Park!

Beautiful black-and-white Mosaic was created by Italian craftsmen and given as a gift by the city of Naples.
Based on a Greco-Roman design, it bears the word of another of Lennon's songs: Imagine. 
It was a warm and sunny day as you can see from the shade.
Here husband Pieter walks to the left of the sign Strawberry Fields...
Both of us were so impressed with the sight, size and cleanliness of Central Park and would have loved to walk there and bike...
Very touching...
Yes John Lennon from The Beatles is being remembered in a beautiful area and his widow, Yoko Ono still lives across from Strawberry Fields in the Dakota apartment.
Our dear Dublin Friend Griffin Lovett turned 64 and instead of celebrating big at age 65; his kids organized a big party at age 64. 
Him being such a Beatle fan, this was perfect!
The Food Buffet was all done according to Beatle song titles...
Lots of work and very well chosen!
Strawberry Fields Forever!
Strawberry Fields Forever
'Strawberry Fields Forever' was originally intended to appear on the band's seminal Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album, but was instead released the same year (1967) as a double-A side with Paul McCartney's 'Penny Lane'. Both songs are named after sites in Liverpool and are steeped in childhood and English nostalgia.
It was a lovely evening on Friday, October 24 and the ending of a perfectly sunny day with 29°C or 84°F
Here you see only a section of their back yard with pool and part of the back porch.
They live in a majestic Gone With the Wind style home where they easily can host a a large group of friends inside and outside.
It is pure bliss for living here in the South!
Also we treasure this long friendship of 32+ years...

Related links:


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    It was in New york city on the sight seeing Yoko Ono. I remember Lennon's songs Imagine.I don't know of Yoko san still keeps at Dakota apartment.. I had to thinking of there memory of house... . Your husband Pieter had the sign strowberry Fillds. Thank you so much for visit my place so many years...
    Hugs and love both of you!

  2. Wat een gaaf thema voor een verjaardagsfeestje....en dat menu...wat knap, en ik wist ook niet dat er een speciaal stukje in het park was dat opgedragen was aan de Beatles....ik leer nog elke dag bij dus...het was vast een geoot succes...die verjaardag.

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich über deinen schönen Post.
    Frohe Sonntagsgrüße

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    die Beatles.... ja ich hab sie gerne gehört - wer kannte nicht die Liebesgeschichte von John Lennon und Yoko Ono -
    auch heute noch erinnert man sich daran - Musik bleibt immer in unseren Herzen -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  5. Hello my dear friend,
    Very nice pictures of Central Park, it was a nice and warm day. Griffin's party was very original, I liked the menu very well organized. Lovely post.

    I send you a big hug

  6. Dat was een goed idee de verjaardag op deze manier te vieren! Central Park is inderdaad zo fijn om in rond te lopen en te zitten.

  7. Good Afternoon Mariette, What a wonderful trip you had to Central Park.... I loved the mosaic and how wonderful that it was given as a gift by the city of Naples.
    Now I have to tell you I got myself a little confused, when you spoke about your Dublin friend Griffin. Living in England, I thought you meant your friend Griffin who lived in Dublin, Ireland, but of course when I read further I realised it was Dublin in America.
    The party for your friend looks wonderful and I love all the 'nods' to the Beatles songs..... they were very much a part of my youth as well.
    Have a lovely day today.
    Best Wishes as always.

  8. What a wonderful Beatles related party, love the menu - very original. Your friends have a lovely backyard.

  9. How wonderfully enjoyable. Every word and picture and the story that went with them of course. I LOVE that menu for his 64th birthday. How clever that is and the ticket! xxoox

  10. Wooooo wooooo woooooooo!!!!!!!!. You can not to know how I love THE BEATLES. They are gods for me. I´ve all his records. I love them Mariette. They will be my idols forever.
    Fantastic post my dear.

  11. What a beautiful mosaic in the Strawberry Fields! And what a great birthday party...I do love the menu! Sounds like you had such a great evening. Lovely ambience in the beautiful back yard by the pool :-)

  12. Lieve Mariette ....
    En dat allemaal in het hartje van New York ,dat zou je niet zeggen ..
    wat een mooi park en zo schoon ....ik weet zeker dat het een geweldige dag en avond was ..
    leuk dat je het met ons deelde ....veel liefs en een fijne week

  13. Nice, I am not a fan of strawberries although my grandsons love them so when I think strawberries I think Blain and Leo

  14. Superbe balade Mariette et vous avez du bien déguster !

    Grosses bises

  15. dear Mariette,

    Such a lovely post seeing your Strawberry Fields and a little of Central park and looks like you had a wonderful time there.
    Great way to celebrate your friends birthday party and such a gorgeous home and pool.
    Happy new week

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for this wonderful post ... Now I have this song in my ears all day ;O)
    Happy nwe week to you,
    Love, hugs and Blessings,
    Claudia xo

  17. Such a clever menu for the 64 year olds birthday. It is obvious that he is still loved.

  18. Ja sommige mensen hebben het in zich om van een feest echt een feest te maken(heb er net 3 achter de rug)en wanneer de weergoden de jarige dan ook nog eens goed gezind zijn is het helemaal een feest omdat samen met gasten buiten te vieren.

    Fijne dag,Ger

  19. Dear Mariette, Thanks for taking us along - would love to see that for real! Love strawberries too so perfect:-) Hahahah Hugs

  20. Aardbeien velden .. Ik had ze in Amsterdam in de achtertuin (tuin was groter dan het huisje en was midden in een drukke wijk).Ik kreeg ze toen en het werden er heel veel en ze werden super groot en lekker kan wel spreken van een zeker 33 jaar geleden (waar blijft de tijd ) geleden...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
