
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

{New Hair Style}

Well, here is my New Hair Style!
Quite a bit shorter...
Sunday, September 27... The day after we'd done another Etiquette Class for girls.
When we're outside, our felines always follow us!
Standing now in front of our HUGE Indian Hawthorn.
Husband Pieter standing in front of that HUGE Indian Hawthorn...
For a reason; as it is NO more.
Muscular Pieter did take it out and dug up its roots.
It was growing into the Magnolia Grandiflora Namnetensis Flore Pleno!
Friday, October 24 just before we left for the special Birthday party: 'Strawberry Fields Forever'
Our Magnolia Grandiflora 'Namnetensis Fore Pleno' is visible again.

Yes, cutting back on hair and on shrubs or trees often pays off!

Pieter is wearing a Burberry polo shirt and Alberto Tonal Stripe Five-Pocket jeans in black.
All of my outfits, including shoes are Escada. 

Related link:
{Contemplating Cutting my Hair...} | previous post by me
{Our Fragrant Magnolia Grandiflora 'Namnetensis Flore Pleno'} | previous post by me


  1. Du schaust immer gut aus mit Deinem Haar, liebe Mariette, ob etwas länger oder etwas kürzer.
    Bei Euch ist es ja noch warm - hier laufen wir schon in Winterkleidung herum.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  2. It looks beautiful! Manageable enough, cause shorter it could be difficult.
    You both look so chic and elegant. Great couple!
    Have a super week.

  3. Good morning Mariette.
    Your new hair style really suits you! You look good in those clothes you choose. Also you have a beautiful smile.
    I can not wear short skirts anymore.Your lovely photos make me think that I truly need to loose my weight!
    Have a happy day.

  4. I like the longer hair myself, but I also know shorter hair is easier to take care of. My wife keeps her hair about your current length, but whilenI am almost pure white she only has just a touch of gray at the temple's!

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    you look good with your hair a bit shorter :O)
    Lovely pictures of you and Pieter!
    Happy week to you,
    Love, hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    die Sonne scheint, und das ist erfreulich.
    Sonnige Grüße

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    du siehst so adrett und bezaubernd aus. ♥
    Hab einen schönen Tag.

    Liebste Grüsse

  8. ik vind het prachtig en zo kort is het helemaal niet !

  9. I think the one colour and shorter cut suits you very well.

  10. Et bien voilà, le coupe printemps est faite ;-)
    Tu es resplendissante Mariette
    Grosses bises

  11. Gostei de ver, belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  12. Always looking elegant Mariette! Magnolias are magnificent trees, you must be glad those shrubs aren't overtaking it.

  13. I've been waiting for this post! If you looked any younger, or more adorable ~ it would be against the law!

  14. I love your new cut Mariette, although it still looks long compared to my super-short one. You and Pieter look great, and I see you've been to NYC. No wonder you two stay so young, with all these activities. And tree-trimming and etiquette class, too! Would love to sit in on one of those classes.

  15. Cute hair style. I headed to the hair dresser tomorrow myself. Nice outfits!

  16. I LOVE LOVE :LOVE the new shorter hair style. It's so youthful. Cela te donne un coup de jeune. Of course, you always have that wonderful ageless quality about you. I have been out of the blog loop for a few weeks now (busy w/personal matters), but did I miss a post or two on etiquette lessons? If not, would love you to do some posts on something that is very near and dear to my heart, although a bit of a lost art these days. I'm so thrilled you are keeping up w/something so vital for future generations. Must be our mutual European roots, ma chère.

    Gros bisous, M-t

  17. You look wonderful in shorter hair, Mariette! Love your outfits, too! I had my hair cut recently, too, and it's about the same length as yours. (or maybe a bit longer) But my hair grows very quickly, so it won't be long before I'm wearing long hair :-)
    Have a wonderful day, Mariette!

  18. Woooooowww Mariette!!!!!. You two are so distinguished. I love your new look because it was fashion and confortably. You are pretty my darling (as usually you are). Congrats. You are fantastic with shorter hair. Nice election.
    Love and hugs

  19. My dear Marietta. We have Magnolia Grandiflora here as well in Tennessee. I LOVE them as I have often mentioned in my blog. Katie does;t say anything about them in hers. :-)

    I will have to have my hair shortened a bit as well. It is shoulder length. Just past shoulder as a matter of fact.

    I would love to see your felines. Hope you will post their picture. xxoox

  20. Liebe Mariette,
    was wird sich dein Peter glücklich schätzen, du siehst heute noch aus wie
    ein bezauberndes Püppchen -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  21. Good Afternoon Mariette, Your new hair cut suits you, it is lovely. Can I ask you, do you have curly hair, because I see a few lovely curls around your ears. How did you feel when you first had your hair cut, did it feel a little strange?
    I find as I get older, my hair is cut a little shorter. People say that shorter hair is easier to style, but I disagree, when my hair was long, I could style it very quickly and it always looked smart... whereas with shorter hair, it takes time to care for.
    Both you and Pieter are looking lovely in the photographs.
    Enjoy your day.
    Best Wishes

  22. Goodness, that Hawthorn bush was big to be taken out by the roots. I like your shorter hair. I still can't decide what to do with mine. And my hairdresser took a surprise trip to the States and won't be back until December 10th. Haven't had a haircut since June so may have to go to someone else in the meantime.

  23. Liebe Mariette,
    chic schaust Du mit Deiner neuen Frisur aus und bei Euch muss es sehr warm sein? Du trägst ein kurzes Röckchen und Sandalen, herrlich. Hier ist jetzt wirklich Herbst, keine Sonne mehr und Nebel, Nieselregen sind an der Tagesordnung, alles ist grau in grau, aber wir machen es uns gemütlich mit einer Tasse Ostfriesentee und sehen das Ganze positiv und gelassen.

    Herzliche Grüße zu Euch
    von Traudi

  24. Dear Mariette,
    I love your curty hair's some people has shoets hair when playing golfing times but I like my hair bit wrong hairs.Your Pieter's wearing a burberry polo shirt and Alberto tonal stripe five pocket jeam in black,
    I love to nice tolking about our hairs dresser too!
    Hugs and love of both of us!


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