
Sunday, November 1, 2015

{SWEET Gifts from Celia at High Heeled Life}

SWEET Gifts from dear Celia M. High Heeled Life & Resilientista, a Blogger Friend I very much admire!
We did have brunch with her and with Susan from Ava Grace's Closet, while visiting Toronto, Canada in June.
Look what sweet Celia sent us home with:
Pure Maple Syrup; Orangic Wildflower Honey from her lovely state of Ontario, Canada.
Also 8 Syrup Wafers... So sorry that my husband Pieter had eaten some of them before I even could take this photo!
We ALWAYS do use Pure Maple Syrup with our waffles and/or pancakes.
That's what I did again today, see photos below...
The remainder of those 8 delicious Syrup Wafers.
YES, I got to taste one; when it comes to sweets, husband Pieter will win!
Such delicious Pure Organic Ontario Wildflower honey!
Guess when my husband will ever reincarnate, he will be a 'Honey Bear'
Yes, I baked plenty of Multigrain Waffles, using the Multigrain Mix for Pancakes from Trader Joe's  
We got fresh raspberries and blue berries from Costco in Jacksonville, FL.
Yummy looking out on our balcony in the sunshine!
Generously drizzled with delicious Maple Syrup...
Still lots of Waffle Hearts left over for indulging many more times in Celia's Pure Maple Syrup and fond memories!
Freezing them and reheating in the Toaster...

THANK you ever so much SWEET Celia for so many SWEET Gifts that keep on giving!!!
Please do visit this very special lady as only yesterday she went through the very tragic anniversary of her accident in 2006.

Related links:
{Brunch in Toronto with Blogger Friends I Admire} | previous post by me
Meet Celia M. | How High Heeled Life came to be: About Sunday, October 29 in 2006...
Managing Change with Celia M. | YouTube video Excerpt from Celia M. Speaking at BIST (Brain Injury Society of Toronto) - Oct. 28, 2013   



  1. Dei doni davvero preziosi questi che hai ricevuto cara Mariette. Una sorta di scorta di salute e bontà. Un abbraccio carissima. Paola

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    sonnige Dankesgrüße für deinen schönen Post

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    da hätte ich auch gern zugelangt. Deine Waffeln sehen so lecker aus.
    Da läuft mir das Wasser im Mund zusammen.
    Ein schönes Wochenende wünscht Dir

  4. That looks very good and to receive real "stroopwafels", I can imagine your husband couldn't resist.

  5. Een beetje van je blogvriendin waar jij grote bewondering voor hebt en een beetje van jezelf, samen geven ze een heerlijk zoete traktatie.

    Geniet ervan!!!


  6. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf

    Delicious present! Enjoy them!

  7. Fotografias de coisas boas e deliciosas.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  8. Very delicious gifts and it was certainly nice to receive it. I makiny and berries can be tasted. Regards.

  9. Wow, what a sweet gift from your very sweet friend! I love maple syrup. Love it in my tea :-)
    Your dish of waffle hearts with lots of fruits on plate with pretty flower delightful!
    I bet it makes your husband "honey bear" very very happy :-)

  10. ooohh ziet er allemaal lekker uit, en ik zie dat ze in Canada dus ook stroopwafels hebben...
    jullie zijn weer verwend.....

  11. Dear Mariette,

    Such a lovely gift from Celia to take back home with you. I really love the sweet heart shaped waffle irons.
    I made pancakes for breakfast this morning and we had with strawberries, whipped cream with lemon, and pure maple syrup from Canada. ( I never buy the imitation syrup)
    Hope you are enjoying your Sunday and wishing you a great November

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    Such pretty and tasty gifts you friend gave you. I have never heard of syrup waffles, but they look yummy.
    This is the time when maple syrup comes into its own. Even though I have to watch my sugar intake this is a wonderful treat.
    I always enjoy seeing your little heart waffle maker. It adds a pretty touch to any meal or snack.
    Enjoy the coming week..............*s*

  13. The best and lovely gift for Celia. I don´t know that syrup but I think it´s yummy, isn`t it?. It´s fantastic visit you time by time my dear.
    Blessings and a lot of love.

  14. mmmh Ahornsirup schmeckt so gut - eine Köstlichkeit, die man immer wieder genießen kann zusammen mit Waffeln und leckeren Vitaminen und Wildblumen-Honig, ich musste lachen und kann gut verstehen, dass Dein Pieter im nächsten Leben als HonigBär wieder geboren werden möchte, das könnte ich mir von meinem Mann auch gut vorstellen ;-))))

    Liebe Sonntagsgrüße schickt Dir Traudi

  15. Sweet gifts (literally :) and the waffles look great ... perfect for freezing.

  16. You plated them so creatively! The look delicious.
    I live Trader Joe's. we have one very nearby.

  17. Que des bonnes choses, on reconnait de loin les gourmands ;-)
    Grosses bises Mariette :)

  18. My dearest Mariette .. so happy that you enjoyed the treats from Canada ...and that you managed to get ONE of the wafers (will have to send you a personal stash *smile*) ... loving your heart shaped waffles - the presentation with the fruit looks yummy and the floral on the plates makes it all pop. Thank you for your sweet words and thoughts - this anniversary has been very challenging and unearthing a real roller coaster of emotions (hence my social media hit and miss). It's all part of the healing process - and though I'm certain the future is bright there are times when the darkness is a formidable opponent and the fight leaves me depleted. Recharging my energy and looking forward to kicking butt!!! Hugs and Blessings to you both as you prepare for USA Thanksgiving <3


Thanks for your visit and comment.
