
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

{Extending Retainer Wall & Lawn}

In my previous post I already gave you an indication about the changes that husband Pieter was going to make.
At the end of that post, where Pieter dug up the Huge Indian Hawthorn and More, I promised to show you how it looks now.
First of all, here you see a clear view of the Magnolia Grandiflora 'Namnetensis Flore Pleno' being freed up!
On October 7, at 7:00 AM a truck delivered the concrete blocks that Pieter would need for extending the retainer wall.
Here you see very clearly the dirty part on the driveway, to the right of husband Pieter, where the Indian Hawthorn and the old Rosemary had been.
We regained quite a bit from our driveway; about one meter or over one yard!
Pieter also had dug up all the rattlesnake weeds and planned on extending the lawn.
So a big truck did deliver 2 mᵌ of topsoil on October 16.
That huge truck had problems backing up on the driveway but never mind, Pieter managed to scoop up all the topsoil.
This is where it got filled in... Behind the retainer wall, for extending the lawn.
Almost done and next grass seed was sown.
October 31, already grass has grown here! Some bare spots where we removed the big Black Gum tree on November 5, 2014.
It takes years for patching up such spots but with patience that will happen!
Do you like this extension of our lawn?
Next I will show you the finished retainer wall extension.

Related link:
{Digging up Huge Indian Hawthorn and More...} | previous post by me
{Black Gum Nyssa Sylvatica Cut Down} | previous post by me


  1. Hi dear MariettesQué ,, deseo que engaña un bendecido comienzo de semana junto a los suyos

  2. Dearest MAriette,
    oh, I know , this is a lot of work and yoiu need a lot of patience. But it is worth!
    We did this 2 years ago in my Mum's garden and this year it already has been nicely green :O)
    Happy nwe week to you,
    Love, hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  3. Hello Mariette,
    Many thanks for your kind and supportive words.
    You are so right, blogger friends are a great help when you get hit so hard.
    But I don't feel ready yet to get back to photography so I will publish the photos I have taken previously once in a while.
    Great job you did with your garden, it looks beautiful.
    Much love to you to, take good care of you both

  4. That's a lot of work with wheelbarrow, shovel and shoulders. But the payoff is beautiful. Well done. :) Looks great.

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    deine wunderschöne Pracht schenkt Freude.
    Sonnige Grüße

  6. Great job with the garden Mariette. The new lawn is growing quickly.
    In our garden we actually removed the front lawn, it was mostly weeds anyway and we have replaced it with mulch, pebbles and native plants that don't require watering and will survive the very hot Perth summers!

  7. That is a lot of work! But sure worth it...looks like the grass is growing very nicely. With your care and patience, I bet the lawn will look fantastic!

  8. Hard work in the garden, but I can´t think how will be in spring. So beautifull as usually.

  9. Hi Mariette,

    Just read your previous posts and had a look at your new hairstyle. It looks good on you Mariette! Very elegant. What a lovely colour you hair is too. I admire you for not colouring it.

    What a job removing the hawthorn. You must be happy it's all done know. Just before the winter sets in. Temperatures must still be lovely in Georgia, because the two of you are still wearing you summer clothes. It's mild in Rotterdam too. I don't mind in the least. I sat on a terrace yesterday, enjoying the autumn sun. I can't remember having ever done that before in November.

    Wishing you a happy week. Good luck on the garden!

    Madelief x

  10. Da habt ihr wieder eine Menge Arbeit. Bei uns sind schon die meisten Blätter von den Bäumen gefallen. Auch das macht viel Arbeit. Ich wünsche euch einen schönen Herbst.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  11. That looks really nice dear Mariette. A big green lawn to go and stroll in - how lovely:-) Seems a lot of work- but then the result makes it worth it. Hope you will have many happy moments in your garden - love your pics from that - very peaceful. Big hugs to you sweet friend

  12. your husband works so hard and does such wonderful work. :)

  13. Hard work indeed but worht it in the end

  14. Dear Mariette,
    Your husband Piter dug up the hugs Indian-Hawthorn That is a lot of work rook like the gran is before the winter sets in.
    Rosemary had been overs driveway just one yeard.Some bars spots your reemoved big black Gum tree.
    You will has happy weeks!
    Hugs and Lots of happy times!

  15. Wow! That grew in really quick. Looks fantastic!

  16. That was a lot of work....but I know you will enjoy the enlarged lawn.

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    die viele Arbeithat sich gelohnt.
    Mir gefällt die Erweiterung des Rasens.
    Viel Sonne wünscht dir

  18. Voilà un vrai bricoleur ! Le résultat est bien beau.
    Bonne soirée chère Mariette

  19. Lieve Mariette ...
    Pieter heeft zijn best weer gedaag ...hij heeft een mooi werkje geleverd ....
    En het gras groeide snel ... mooi hoor !!!
    heel veel liefs

  20. Dear Mariette,
    You and husband Pieter have been working very hard to make these beautiful improvements! Gardening is such hard work, but good for keeping in shape and staying young! I can see that it is keeping Pieter in good form. There is a nice satisfaction in seeing a job well done, too. It is looking very nice so far!
    Hugs and thank you for your kind visits. xo

  21. Dear Mariette,
    Wow~~! It is surprising.You have a large garden! It must have been a lot of work! But, yes, it worth. Our garden is so small but I easily get tired of taking care of that.
    Have a happy day.

  22. You have got a lovely house and a spacious is great to do some work in the compound as part of the exercise. Our front porch is all cemented and we are trying to cement a small portion of our back yard to have more storage space.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
