
Friday, November 20, 2015

{Fall is the Spring of Winter}

It is a good thing that around us, in nature and often in our own garden, little miracles happen.
That sure does soften the harsh outlook into this world at times of grief for so many...
Fall is the Spring of Winter ~ Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Der Herbst ist der Frühling des Winters (German translation)...
Our Citrus trees blooming on November 11!
Lots of highly fragrant flowers are opening up.
But on Saturday, November 14 we had around 34°F or 1°C and thus, Pieter did bring all our tender tropical pot plants into the greenhouse.
In a previous post I did show you already this Monarch Butterfly...
Such a lovely sight and what a delicious nectar source for the Monarch Butterfly!
I myself also LOVE honey collected from orange blossoms.
Indeed, Fall is the Spring of Winter!
Wishing the Monarch Butterfly good luck when it makes its journey south bound and may the Citrus Trees continue their blooming inside the greenhouse.
Monarch Butterfly on Citrus Flower ←click for my short video

Blessings and Peace!

Related link:
{Monarch Butterfly - Danaus Plexippus} | previous post by me
Trip to Zitácuaro in Michoacán, México for Viewing Monarch Butterflies | post by me about us seeing millions of Monarch Butterflies... 


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    this is strange, Citrus Blossoms in November, and those beautiful Butterflies! Enjoy and have a lovely time!
    Love, hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  2. Dear Mariette,
    "Fall is the Spring of Winter" ,this is a beautiful poem. I studied this at my English class a couple years ago, and I liked it. Love to see your white flowers giving sweet nectar to the monarch butterfly. Indeed your garden is the spring of winter! How kind your husband, Pieter is. He brought tropical pot plants into the greenhouse. I forget to do that for my plants. Really shame! Thank you for sharing this post. Let's enjoy this time of the year!

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    über deine schönen Fotos freue ich mich.
    Alles Liebe

  4. Belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  5. Ja het is goed om naar iets moois te kijken in plaats van al het geweld dat op dit moment om ons heen gebeurt. Het zijn nare tijden.

  6. Lovely orange blossoms and the butterfly sure is taking advantage of it's sweet nectar.
    Have a lovely week Mariette.

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    Autumn is an odd season. It always feels like Mother Nature can't make up her mind.
    Still no frost since our frosty nights in October, but I do have most of the plants inside. Now I am thinking of bringing a few more petunias in for the winter.
    Enjoy your day...........*s*

  8. Hello! Your blog header never fails to bring a smile to my face ... a cozy, charming home. We are well on the way to wintry weather .. roads beyond our ski mountain closed for the next six months. Skiers are loving the snow beginning to blanket the resort. Take care, Helen

  9. Oh my God, orange blosson in september!!!!!. You are a really good witch of flowers. Very strange.
    it`s a pleasure to read you , Mariette.

  10. Hola amiga querida !! Que bueno que usted haya podido conocer el sur de Chile !! Que bonitas imágenes de esa flor de otoño

  11. An interesting flower and a pretty butterfly just saying

  12. Mariette, what a special gift! Much like the little Zephyranthus that have popped up after the rains. Love Mother Nature and her surprises!

  13. Dear Mariette,

    Such beautiful signs of nature in your gorgeous garden - love the butterfly on your flowering citrus tree.
    Sending hugs and hope you are enjoying the week

  14. Cara Mariette, ma sai che non conoscevo questa massima? Meraviglioso vedere che la natura anche in autunno, regala doni preziosissimi come questi fiori. "L'autunno, la primavera dell'inverno......" una frase veramente piena di romanticismo e delicatezza. E di questi tempi, c'è tanto bisogno ♥. Paola

  15. Oh, this is lovely, Dear Mariette, and it does bring sweet solace in these sad and difficult times. Wishing you many more 'small miracles' in this spring of winter. Hugs xo Karen

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    Your garden are fragrant flowers all so the monarch Butterfly Love honey orange blosoms. Pieter all ways with tender tropical pot plants in the green house.
    Hugs and Love both of you!

  17. Dearest Mariette; Oh, I love the phrase 'Fall is the Spring of Winter' very much♪ What an Awesome and Beautiful nature scene you had in your garden. The gorgeous picture the Monarch Butterfly on Citrus flower and seeing it must bring us warm feeling♡♡♡ This post sure represents the title, I thought☆☆☆
    Thank you SO much for your thoughtful comment and SO sorry for my absence. Thinking my 3 late family is no longer in the parents' house and graveyard making me feel a bit sad now. And hoping to have regular paces like before the eye surgery (^^;)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear Japanese friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  18. che bella frase!!!!!!! dolce e romantica, come tutte le foto che hai postato!!!! un abbraccio forte forte e buon fine settimana Lory

  19. It's wonderful to have the autumn of spring. Have flowers and butterflies. Regards.


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