
Sunday, November 22, 2015

{Clerodendrum Ugandense - Blue Butterfly Bush}

On November 11, I could make this photo from our Clerodendrum Ugandese - Blue Butterfly Bush and also called Blue Glorybower. A gem from Logee's that we do treasure.
While making this photo, I got bitten by a legion of fire ants... 
But still I was pleased with this photo.
In-between the rain we had, some beauty!

Happy weekend!

Related link:
{Clerodendrum Ugandense - Blue Butterfly Bush, Blue Glorybower} | previous post by me


  1. Liebe Mariette,
    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    bleiben liebe Grüße hier.

  2. Hello Mariette, Too bad about the fire ants--my mother lived in Florida for a time, and the fire ants were a terrible problem.

    Hope you get your computer problems solved--another kind of nuisance!

  3. Hello dear friend,
    Many thanks for your sweet comment on my gulls, your kind thoughts are so very much appreciated.
    It is still very difficult, but I am surviving :)
    I hope you are both well.
    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous blue flowers, they are so delicate and look like butterflies!
    Huge hugs and enjoy your weekend

  4. Magnifica fotografia destas belas flores.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  5. hi dear friend !! que bonito.. esepro que tenga un bendecido fin de semana junto a sus seres queridos

  6. Jolie photo Mariette
    À bientôt, internet n'est pas infaillible ;-)
    Grosses bises

  7. I have had a few fire ant bites. STINGS greatly. I hope there were no further complications. The Butterfly bush is beautiful. I wish I had one like that! xo

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    What a gorgeous color. I'm going to see if this one is hardy this far north.
    I'm sorry for your internet problems. Toes crossed they are solved soon.
    Have a great week end...........*s*

  9. Lovely flowers. Fire ants are terrible, we also have them in Australia, they really sting!

  10. Ik vin het een mooie foto hoor!Fijn weekend,Joan

  11. Ein herrliches Blau habe die Schnetterlingsblumen, ich genieße Deine schönen Fotos, liebe Mariette.

    Hab ein schönes Wochenende
    Liebe Drosselgartengrüße von Traudi

  12. Such a delicate blue flower! Ouch...I really don't like fire ants.

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    The blue flowers are beautiful! I know so intimately blown up your internet problems.
    It's few disagurting what are doing need that out...
    Lots of Love both of you!

  14. Hello Mariette,
    So bad!! you were bitten by the fire ants. However I really thank for the large size of your photo.I enjoy the closed up flowers! Lovely! Have a good day.

  15. Dearest Mariette; Beautiful Blue Flower and GORGEOUS photo to share for us, Dear friend♡♡♡ I DO wish you recovered perfectly by now. We also had blessed rain after a bit of dry days♪ 
    Thank you SO much for your kind and thoughtful comments, I felt really encouraged your sweet words. We are having Autumn days with big temperature difference. Take Care of yourselves☆☆☆

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  16. My dear, you are an special talent with plants and flowers. Now I´m sure. It`s no usually to have many beautifull flowers in this season. You have a great empathy with her. It´s really true. From my heart many, many congrats.

  17. Devi essere circondata da piante e fiori stupendi dove vivi. Al di là della pioggia, e del morso (se ho capito bene) che hai avuto, sei stata straordinaria a fare uno scatto così splendido! Pare quasi di toccarlo questo fiore. Un abbraccio. Paola

  18. Oh, hope the ants didnt hurt you too bad:-( Well, a price to pay for taking pics of that gorgeous flower-that is so beautiful- the blue color is amazing. Big hugs dear

  19. Deaest Mariette,
    this flower is georgeous!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Have a grest new week,
    Love and hugs,
    Claudia xo


Thanks for your visit and comment.
