
Saturday, November 7, 2015

{In Memory of Mom}

From a sweet dear friend that knew Mom very well, we received some special Camellias in honor of Mom, around the time that Mom passed away on January 27, 2015.
Perfect timing as they were blooming a couple of days before All Saints and All Souls Day.
Friend B said that she chose this Camellia with a touch of pink because it resembled the softness of Mom...
THANKS again sweet Friend!
These are the CAMELLIA SASANQUA (northern lights) with beautiful long stamens.
A rather drab picture, taken during dark days. We've had lots of rainy days, followed by some dreary looking dark days.
But we are very proud of this young Camellia shrub that did bloom so well before the rain knocked down its petals.
The weather is rather typical for All Saints & All Souls Day...
Being born into the R. Catholic Church, in The Netherlands, we also celebrate All Saints' Sunday at the Christ Episcopal Church here in Dublin.
Our Church Family did mention Mom as well...
Mom will be also mentioned in her Dutch R. C. home Church of H. Lambertus in Horst, The Netherlands. on Sunday, November 8, during the NONES at 3:00 PM where they too will honor all those that past away since last year's All Saints & All Souls.
Note: NONES - (Christian Church) the ninth hour after prime or sunrise; the devotional service performed then.
In Dutch it is called LOF.
Sadly however, the Priest, Dr. James Arthur Johnson who did her 6-week Mass, died on August 18 himself...
He did such an excellent job on March 15, 2015...
It meant so much to both of us, doing so in the Church where Mom knelt with us in prayer during her four visits to the USA as well as in the R. Catholic Church where we used to attend.
May ALL our loved ones that died in the past year and before R.I.P.

Related links:
{R.I.P. Dear Mom} | previous post by me - sorry I was forced to take down all my special photos from Mom... upon demand from some toxic relatives. May God forgive them!
{ALL SAINTS DAY | ALL SOULS DAY} | previous post by me


  1. This is lovely, Dear Mariette! So very sweet of your friend to give you the beautiful Camellia in honor of your Dear Mother, and also so wonderful that your church has honored her name during this special occasion. These keep the memory of her close to your heart. Hugs xo Karen

  2. Hello Mariette, Flowering plants, and in particular those camellias, are the perfect tribute to the memory of your mother. I am sure that you miss her every day.

  3. Deaest Mariette,
    this Camelia is wonderful, what a lovel Memory in Honor of your dear Mum!
    Thank you for this wonderful post ....our loved ones, who passedaway are in our hearts forever ....
    Wishing you a lovely and blessed weekend,
    sending Love and hugs,
    Claudia xo

  4. Lovely tribute to your Mom from you and your special friend who gave you those beautiful camellias.

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist ein ergreifendes Gedenken.
    Sonnige Grüße

  6. So nice the flowers were blooming so well. A great honor you mother was remembered in church in the US.

  7. A lovely tribute to your mother. Camelias are a beautiful way to remember your beloved parent.
    I have never been able to figure out why toxic relatives are the way they are. They are generally very unhappy people so it can't be that their toxicity is bringing them any joy.
    Take comfort that we don't need pictures of your mother to remember her gentle beauty.
    Have a great week end...............*s*

  8. un bellissimo omaggio alla tua mamma!!!!! ti abbraccio forte forte e ti auguro un dolce fine settimana Lory

  9. So many lovely ways of remembering your mother. Blessings, Tammy

  10. What beautiful camelias. This is such a thoughtful gift from your friend! White blooms with touch of pink...definitely resemble softness of your mom. Reminds me of her sweet smiles. I hope they blossom large and beautiful each year.
    Hugs xoxo

  11. The best tribute for your lovely mum. She will be funny seeing your love by her.
    I wish you a good week end.

  12. a sweet remembrance for your mother.

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    Your mother with beautiful of memories and particular those Camellias.I thinking of us luts of life time your mom lovely smiles. Lots of love from both of your too!
    Hugs and lots of love both of you!

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    auch ich bin berührt von der Schönheit der Kamelie und dem Andenken
    an deine liebe Mutter - sie wird immer in deinem Herzen wohnen und
    die herrliche Blüte wird auch sie im Himmel erfreuen

    ganz liebe Grüße - Ruth

  15. Bell'omaggio alla tua cara mamma!Bellissima questa camelia bianca!Buon fine settimana,baci,Rosetta

  16. La camelia, meraviglioso fiore delicato, dal colore della purezza. Non potevi scegliere un fiore più bello per ricordare la tua mamma. Un abbraccio carico d'affetto cara Mariette ♥. Paola

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    wie schnell doch die Zeit vergeht. Bald ist es ein Jahr her seit deine Mama heimgegangen ist. Die Kamelie ist wunderschön. So nett von deinem Freund deiner Mama zu Ehren sie zu schenken.
    Hab einen wunderbaren Sonntag.


  18. What a lovely post in remembrance of your dear mother. How beautiful that the camellia bloomed in time for All Saints' Day. And I like how your friend picked one that had a little pink, for softness. Your mother sounds like she was a wonderful woman. What a blessing that your church family is there to help support you and remember her in their prayers. xo Deborah

  19. Die Kamelie ist wundervoll! Ein schönes Andenken und ein Platz, um sich in besonderer Weise an Deine liebe Mutter zu erinnern. Schade, die Fotos hatte ich nicht gesehen.

    Alles Liebe


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