
Thursday, November 5, 2015

{Retaining Wall got CURVE}

As promised, here the finished look!
The official inauguration of the added CURVE to our Retaining Wall!
Speckie walking to the CURVE and Tiggy-Tiger already sitting on it.
Our cat-girls LOVE the new addition, which Pieter built down in steps.
Can you see the markings where the huge Indian Hawthorn and the 25 year old Rosemary have been growing? They covered quite a section of our driveway!
Now it's free again and we both love the new look.
At the end, Pieter placed four solar powered LED lights.
We had some rainy days in-between and the wall might need another coating of Benjamin Moore Golden Mist but for the time being we're fine with it!
Tiggy Tiger showing you the entire wall, while Spicy, just disappears over the wall...
We love the huge Magnolia Grandiflora 'Namnetensis Flore Pleno' being solitair now.
Tiggy-Tiger and her brother Spooky...
Do you like this new addition, done by a lay-person who is not a mason?

Related links:
{Extending Retainer Wall & Lawn} | previous post by me
{Digging up Huge Indian Hawthorn and More...} | previous post by me


  1. Hi dear MariettesQué , ese muro curvo es muy bonito, espero que tenga un buen día

  2. That is a lot of hard work, glad both you and Pieter are happy with it. It really does make for a clean look.

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    Tiggy-Tiger and cat-girls Spooky likes stays when Pieter built there drivewy. Pieter had solar led lights very much ours same in here.
    Thank you so much for visit my place!
    Hugs and Love to both of you!

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    this looks wonderful! Your husband Pieter did such a great job!!! Wonderful with the LED Lights, and as I can see, your cats like the wall too :O) a lovely place to rest a bit and watch things going on ;O)
    Well done, my Dear!
    Happy week to you,
    Love, hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  5. Hello Mariette, Pieter did a superb job--I don't think that would even have attempted a curved wall. Your yard is now looking very tamed and manicured, but I'm sure that a new project is just around the corner.

  6. Dat geeft veel voldoening als iets zo goed gelukt is, het ziet er prachtig uit. Soms moet je inderdaad rigoureus zijn en de natuur niet je hele omgeving laten overnemen. Knap gedaan en zo leuk dat al de katten het komen bewonderen.

  7. Gostei de ver o muro bem como os gatinhos.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  8. Great job Pieter!!!!!!. That curve looks fantastic. Spooky and Tigi Tiger are happy inaugurating it.
    You two have a nice and lovely place. Congrats my dear.

  9. Dearest Mariette; Oh My, what a great job your husband did again for your Retaining Wall♡♡♡ Beautifully finished and your kitty family look happy too♬♬♬ I like the color as well as the curvy line. 'mason' is the first word for me p:-)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear Japanese friend in Australia, xoxo Miyako*

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    The wall adds a fresh new look to your dirveway. Pieter did a terrific job both with the wall and giant plant removal. I knew from previous pictures that the huge shrubs covered part of your driveway, but I did not realize how much until these pictures showed the marks. How nice it will be to simply drive in without having to avoid lots of growth.
    Toes crossed that you are enjoying some sunny days............*s*

  11. P.S. And it is all kitty approved!

  12. Lieve Mariette,

    Ziet er weer netjes uit en jullie kunnen samen met de poezen genieten na gedane arbeid.
    En de boom kan in het voorjaar weer aan alle kanten haar bloemen laten bewonderen.

    Fijne dag,Ger

  13. Nice job. The satisfaction is always greater when you do the work yourself, especially when it turns out well and looks the way you had envisioned it,

  14. What a great job your husband did with the retaining wall! Congratulations to him. Your cats approved it too it seems.

  15. This looks wonderful, Mariette. Your husband Pieter is seriously talented! I love that he built in steps. Looks great and fun for kitties! Oh, and the kitties did great job showing the wall :-)

  16. Liebe Mariette,
    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    bleiben Abendgrüße hier.

  17. Schaut gut aus, liebe Mariette, auch farblich zum Haus passend! Wow und sag, hat das alles Pieter wieder alleine gemacht? Meine Hochachtung!!! Ich überlege gerade was Hawthorne ist - Kirschlorbeer oder doch eher Weißdorn? Diese Magnolien sind wirklich wunderschön! Ich habe ja mittlerweile 2, die dunkle, die ich nicht ganz so gerne mag, aber sie war nun einmal schon im Garten und die weiße Sternmagnolie, die ich sehr liebe! Eine große wäre für uns zu groß. Dafür haben wir in der Nähe sehr große Bäume und im Vorgarten pflanzten wir gerade einen Walnußbaum, der noch einen praktischen Nutzen hat. Denn wir essen Walnüsse sehr gern.

    Liebste Grüße

  18. My very dear Marietta! I love the curve. This is a lovely addition to the beauty of your home and garden. This is one of the prettiest ideas I have seen in quite some time. And seeing the kitties is also a pleasure. xxoo

    Katie Isabella and Mommy

  19. Well I am impressed. it looks very good!

  20. Dat ziet er werkelijk fantastisch uit....knap werk heeft Pieter geleverd....
    Inderdaad veel beter dan met de onderbebroeieing die dan nog zo ver over je oprit heen groeit...
    Alweer een klus geklaard :) en zo blijft Pieter bezig, ik ben benieuwd wat het volgende is....
    Het is bij jullie net als hier, nooit klaar, er is altojd wat te doen....

  21. Such a lovely curve line. I really like it.Congratulations to your husband. I am glad to see your cats welcoming us. Than you! Have a good day, Mariette.

  22. Excelente trabalho...Espectacular....


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