
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

{When Frost Arrives, we MISS the Florida Bottle Palms!}

After having lived for THREE winters in the tropics, while working and living in Indonesia, we MISS the green and exotic look of it. Even more so the balmy warm feeling!
Frost is coming our way and that makes us long for the sight of Florida Bottle Palms; one of husband Pieter's favorites.
This is at the +Hyatt House Miami Airport our favorite home away from home.
Photos are taken on February 5, 2009 during one of our stays.
These are the ones that husband Pieter took, from his favorite Bottle Palm!
Indeed, their trunk looks very much like a BOTTLE!
Showing the Bottle trunk in more detail.
Pieter LOVED their unique Palm Fronds...
Well, it certainly would feel good for being there at the pool right now!
Yes, I know, we cannot complain about our Dublin, Georgia weather, compared to so many in the northern USA and Canada or Scandinavia where snow already covered their region.
But it is only after having LIVED in the tropics for 3 years...
Guess for most of us it is a favorite for being in the sunshine with green plants and palm trees around us... Well, as you can see, Miami does have all of that.

Stay warm and cozy wherever you are!


  1. When I was first married and for several years following both before and after traveling abroad for years, we lived in FL. Melbourne and Palm Bay. I LOVE palm trees of every sort. Even the so called cabbage palms. They are a delight to me and I am sad I can't ever see them again.

  2. Wonderful Palms, dearest Mariette!
    We had the first snow at the weekend ..winter is coming ...
    Have a wonderful new week,
    sending Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  3. Una palma notevole Mariette, che parla proprio della terra da cui proviene. Qui è arrivato il freddo, e stamattina il cielo è plumbeo e ricorda molto quello che porta la neve. Buona settimana. Paola

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    die Fotos zeugen von Sonne und Wärme. Palmen sind etwas
    Wunderbares. Deine Fotos sind wirklich toll.
    Einen guten Start in die neue Woche wünscht

  5. Palm trees just scream tropics don't they? The bottle palm is lovely.
    Have a lovely week Mariette!

  6. When you see Palms you know you are in a warm country. Here we had our first frost last night with slippery roads.

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    in gewohnter Schönheit!
    Sonnige Grüße

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    solche eine tolle Palme hatten wir auch mal - aber es ist mir zu aufwändig, sie jedes Mal
    bei Kälte unterstellen zu müssen- so viel Platz hab ich gar nicht mehr -
    sieht natürlich toll aus -
    auch bei uns hat es geschneit am Wochenende - allerdings ist noch nichts liegen geblieben -

    ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche - liebe Grüße - Ruth

  9. It has cooled off here in North Texas too. I kind of like it during the holidays. Now long about Feb. I too will be longing for Miami!

  10. Hi Mariette.
    It´s very cooled here. Palms are fantastic and I´ve in the beach house.
    Sending hugs and blessings.

  11. Dearest Mariette ,your palm tree is lovely ! I had a little own in my balcony and every year I covered it and it was safe .But i planted in our field ,outside in the country and the first winter even I covered it had FROZEN ....It is very difficult to save these trees here . Have a nice week !

  12. I hope the frost will not be too bad Mariette. The weather has changed in The Netherlands as well. We had our first frosty night last weekend and even a thin dusting of snow. Winter is definitely coming. I don't mind that much. I like the seasons and what it brings.

    The palm tree looks beautiful. I can imagine why Pieter likes it so much. Perhaps it's partly the memories too!

    Wishing you a lovely week!

    Madelief x

  13. Dear Mariette, Thanks for bringing some warmth through your lovely pictures and descriptions.. Gorgeous palm that is:-) We just had a bit of snow for a couple of days, kind of enjoy it though, went for a walk, and then gathered inside with candles and hot tea. But I am a summer person as well... so .... Sending waaaarm hugs to you sweet friend

  14. Nice, I do like also when I was a child frost was around more or maybe I just noticed it more I don't know which but now days I rarely see frost

  15. Bonjour Mariette
    Vivre avec des palmiers autour de soi apaise je trouve. Il faut le climat en effet ! Le dernier fait un peu la tête non ? lol
    Grosses bises chère Mariette

  16. Most unusual palm trees. I would prefer warmer places as Texas is very different. One day cold the next warm. Hot and dry and then too much rain. Nice when you take time to stop by and say hello.

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    Your husbands are sushine loved will off palms, Your snow aleady covered their region only after in the tropics for long times.Gorgeous! But I rarey has hot summer times.
    Lots of Love both of you!


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