
Friday, December 25, 2015

{Dark Days Before Christmas}

We are having some really DARK & RAINY days before Christmas, complete with THUNDER!
Not easy for making any photos...
Around 4:00 PM in the afternoon...
Lit all candles in our green wooden Christmas tree.
The idea for using a candle with empty escargot shells I got from a blogger friend.
You can see on my CANDLES Pinterest board
This Baccarat crystal caviar bowl is missing its top insert so it is perfect for filling it up with shells.
The Hardanger Christmas table topper is from Bad Münstereifel in Germany.
Holly berries are from our garden...
Thunder for now but on Christmas day the sun is peaking and it will be 82°F, like on Thursday.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!

My posts are not showing up on the Blog List for some reason... still an old one showing.


  1. Hi Mariette, Beautiful table decor. Wishing you the spirit of the season and many blessings in 2016. Merry Christmas. xo

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    frohe und erfüllte Festtage wünscht dir

  3. I like a Christmas tree with candles, and no decoration shells. I wish you a happy Christmas.

  4. Dear Mariette,
    Merry Christmas dear friend, to you and Pieter and happy holidays and best wishes for good health and happiness for 2016. I love the candlelight from the tree.
    love and hugs

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist hier auch nicht viel anders. Die Tage sind immer noch kurz, werden allerdings schon unmerklich wieder länger. Gestern schien aber zeitweilig die Sonne sehr schön. Nur wenn Besuch kommt, hat man nicht viel davon, da es drinnen genug zu tun gibt.

    Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie noch einen schönen 2. Weihnachtstag und denke, daß wir uns bis Silvester aber noch lesen.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  6. Dearest Mariette; Oh, I wish the thunder was the one brought you two wonderful Christmas,Dear friend☆☆☆ Beautiful Christmas Tree with lit candies and the other decoration is wonderful♪ 
    We don't have much sunny days this month with colder temperature; seems like we both are having sort of
    abnormal weather. Wishing you will have wonderful and not so busy coming year end.

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  7. Bonjour ma chère Mariette
    Très bonnes fêtes de fin d'année à toi ainsi qu'a ta famille.
    À bientôt
    Grosses bises

  8. In Nederland ook geen winter. .......waar blijft dat pak sneeuw?
    Kaarsen aan maakt het wel erg gezellig in huis.
    Fijne dagen nog.

    Liefs Bianca xx


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