
Friday, January 1, 2016

{Magnolia Blossoms on December 30}

Let's try if my FeedBurner will pick this post up again.
We saw at breakfast that our Japanese Magnolia, Magnolia x soulangeana blooming!
CRAZY... end of December and usually they bloom on my Mom's Birthday, February 12...
It has been raining on and off today and most petals were on the ground already...
This is done with my iPhone 6 Plus, not a quality photo but showing the blossoms!
To the left, most petals had rained off...
So much rain and still the sky looking very pregnant!
Blessings to all people that suffered from this extreme weather!
We can't complain too much here.

Wishing my Readers a Happy New Year!


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    wonderful Magnolia!
    Wishing you and Pieter a wonderful, lucky, and healthy New Year 2016!
    Sending Love, Hugs and Blessings,
    Claudia xo

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist ein Gedicht.
    Ein gutes Jahr 2016 wünscht dir

  3. Hello Mariette, Yes, your posts are coming through on the listing once again--I had thought that you were taking a little break for the holidays! It is weird when plants blossom out of season, but it will happen in unusual weather. Sometimes a thaw even in Cleveland will produce a few blooms, to be immediately blasted when the icy weather returns. The worry is for fruit trees, in which case early blossoming might hurt the next year's crop.

    Happy New Year to you and Pieter!

  4. Happy New Year dear Mariette and best wishes for 2016, with good health and happiness.
    Love the pretty magnolia - they are such beautiful flowers.
    Sending love and hugs

  5. Ik kan je nieuwe posts weer zien nu, hopelijk zijn alle problemen nu opgelost. Ik wens jullie een heel gelukkig en gezond 2016 zonder extreem weer!

  6. Cara Mariette, sei una cara amica sempre presente con tutte noi!Tantissimi auguri per
    l'anno che verrà a te e al tuo Peter!Bacioni,Rosetta

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    What a lovely color. The pink really pops against the gray skies.
    Wishing you and Pieter all the very best for a Happy New Year!.......*s*

  8. It has been unusually warm here too. Pretty bloom. Happy New Year to you and yours...Janey

  9. a late bloomer, for sure! happy new year!

  10. I have no any flower in mine at the moment....What a pitty!.
    Have a nice and magic night and HAPPY NEW YEAR MY DEAR!!!!!!!.
    Love and hugs.

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    ich liebe solch herrliche Blüten -

    ich wünsche dir und deinen Lieben einen wunderschönen Silvesterabend mit ganz viel Spaß -
    für 2016 Gesundheit und Glück

    herzliche Grüße - Ruth

  12. Oh how lovely! I enjoyed my visit here! Happy New Year!

  13. Yes, this post updated my side bar! I hope your feedburner issue is fully resolved.
    The magnolia blossoms are beautiful. But yes, crazy! Grass on our tiny yard area is very much green right now!

    Thank you for your friendship throughout the year, Mariette. It was a great year as I got to see you in person :-) I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year!!

  14. Crazy weather, indeed, dearest Mariette! In Greece also, a lot of plants have flowered in full winter!!! I wish you a very happy new year, dear friend, full of joy, happiness and good health for you and Pieter!
    Many many hugs!!!!

  15. Hola amiga querida ,, espero que este 2016 que recién comienza llegue cargado de bendiciones para ti y tu familia ,, y que podamos seguir manteniendo esta amistad virtual

  16. The pink is a wonderful pop of color against the gray sky. Lovely photos. I use my iPhone exclusively for picture taking. So much easier than carrying around a camera. We are starting the new year with gray weather here. Wishing you all the best for 2016. Tammy

  17. Happy New Years! Your Mum Birthday february 12 Japanese Crazy beautiful magonolia in Decmber showing in the blossoms! Our weather was no rainings just likes last years HOT summer times.
    I had golfing with nearly in the earey this morning I tryed promise me! This years!
    Happy New Years!
    Lots of Love Both of you!

  18. Hello dear Mariette,
    Many thanks for lovely wishes and words on my blog.
    2016 is a new but sad beginning for me but I will have to cope no matter what.
    I appreciate and value much your friendship, you have been so sweet and supportive :)
    I wish you a great health and happiness for you and your loved ones along this new year :)
    Kind regards and warm hugs from France :)

  19. Dearest Mariette ,lovely photos and real the weather is crazy.Also here many trees have bloomed .
    Wishing to both of you a Happy Year from the bottom of my heart !

  20. Liebe Mariette,
    Die zauberhafte Magnolienblüte weckt in mir die Sehnsucht nach dem Frühling.Erst im Wonnemonat Mai können wir hier im Alpenvorland die herrliche Magnolienblüte genießen. Hier ist das Wetter grau in grau und es regnet. Das Wetter ist auch nicht mehr was es einmal war. Normalerweise gibt es um diese Jahreszeit viel Schnee und Kälte. Nun ist das neue Jahr angekommen, viel zu schnell das Alte vergangen. Für 2016 wünsche ich Dir viel Glück, Gesundheit und ganz viele wundervolle Erlebnisse. Liebe Grüße von Carmen

  21. Dearest Mariette,

    Thank you for the kind visit to my blog and the note you left.
    Sorry to hear you have had the flu and do hope now you are feeling better.
    Sending love and hugs and best wishes for a wonderful 2016, to you and Pieter.

  22. Hi Mariette: Believe it or not the buds on a magnolia at a friend's place were starting to pop a couple of weeks ago; the weather has been so crazily warm. Now it has turned cold as it should and I suspect that tree will suffer some damage and may not flower next year.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
