
Sunday, January 3, 2016

{Happy 2016}

Sorry for my absence...
Got a very bad flu and was in bed for the past couple of days.
So much for getting the flu shot on December 7!
Hope that tomorrow I feel better and can resume daily routine.
Wishing you all a very HAPPY 2016 and in good health!

Those lovely Camellias always bloom at this time of the year.
They look so perfect!


  1. A www sorry to hear you have been sick, to think you still caught the flu even after you had the vaccination...
    Hope you get well soon dear one.....
    Wishing you a Happy New Year....


  2. Hope you will feel better soon Mariette. Happy 2016 with lots of happiness, health and travel!

  3. I had to correct an in correct-Word incident the first time it happens or elso it get locked into a person's head forever-that's why I just worry not mentioning it earlier corrects yours.
    Love Roscato 1 talia Roscato-2011. Happy New Year with all your family. Lots Hugs and Love both of you!

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    alles Liebe und Gute für 2016 wünscht dir

  5. I had a bad flu in November before the flu shot which I had skipped last year. So in November I did take the shot. Wish you a very Happy New Year anyway and get well soon.

  6. Lieve Mariette,

    Het overkomt je helaas op de meest ongelegen tijd van het jaar en er is maar een remedie tegen, goed uitzieken en rustig aan doen.

    Wens jou en Pieter een mooi 2016 vol gezondheid, geluk,liefde en tevredenheid.

    Wat is die camelia toch een prachtige bloem.

    Liefs en beterschap,

  7. Are you sick my dear????. Ohhhh, I´m very, very sorry. Hope you´ll get well early Mariette.
    The best wishes for you and your lovely family in this new 2016. VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    I'm so sorry you have been sick. Continue you take it easy; flu is insidious and can lead to secondary infections if you do too much too early.
    Happy New Year...........*s*

  9. My dearest Mariette , I wish to recover soon and you come back to the routine . I had a flu at November for fifteen days ...I wish the new year will be without diseases ,full of energy and optimism for both of you !

  10. Happy New Year my dear friend .... There was definitely something going around this holidays season it left some of us on sofa and/or bed for days. Just starting to get back to life myself. I hope that you are feeling better too and can return to your regular activities. Being unable to function is no fun. May 2016 bring you both lots of abundance, good health, laughter, travels and adventures!! Thinking of you hugs and kisses from Toronto, Canada - C.

  11. First of all healthier. I wish you health and happiness of the entire 2016 years!

  12. Oh no, I'm so sorry you got flu. I hope you get better soon.
    Your photo with camellia is beautiful. Looks very festive with pink and red colors!
    Happy New Year, Mariette. I wish you a very happy & healthy 2016 xoxo

  13. Happy New. Year! Hope you are feeling a bit better!

  14. Beautiful new header photo. Sending healing wishes your way. Happy New Year!

  15. Gelukkig Nieuw jaar, geachte Mariette!

    Ik wens u lang leven, goede gezondheid, leuk... Van hartelijk!

  16. mi spiace per la tua influenza, spero che vada un po meglio!!!! ti auguro una pronta guarigione e buon anno nuovo di salute e serenita! un grande abbraccio lory

  17. das tut mir sehr leid, liebe Mariette -
    ich hoffe, es geht dir nun wieder gut -
    von Herzen wünsche ich dir und deinem Mann alles Gute -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  18. Ganz liebe Genesungswünsche sende ich Dir, liebe Mariette.
    Danke fürs einstellen bei Pinterest. ( Freu mich drüber )
    Liebe Grüße von Carmen

  19. A Happy New Year to you and Pieter, Mariette! Hope you had a happy Christmas and good New Year's eve. So sorry to hear you have been ill. Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Take care!

    Madelief x

  20. Liebe Mariette,
    Dir und Deinem lieben Pieter wünsche ich alles Liebe und Gute für dieses Besondere Jahr 2016, viel Glück, schöne Erlebnisse, aber vor allem Gesundheit! Auf ein neues Bloggerjahr mit Dir freue ich mich schon! Schön, daß wir uns hier im WorldWideWeb gefunden haben!

    Viele liebe Grüße

  21. Oh, jetzt lese ich erst von Deiner Grippe - ich wünsche Dir schnelle Genesung! Die echte Influenza hatte ich schon lange nicht mehr, aber ein grippaler Infekt kann einen auch ganz schön mitnehmen.
    Liebe Grüße und ich hoffe bis bald wieder!

  22. Dankeschön, liebe Mariette, für Deine guten Neujahrswünsche.

    Ich wünsche Dir und Deinen Lieben fürs Neue Jahr all das, was nötig ist, um 366 Tage gesund und glücklich zu sein.

    Alles Liebe

  23. .....und gute Besserung für Dich, werde schnell wieder gesund...

    Liebe Grüße Traudi

  24. Cara Mariette,spero che tu stia meglio e che possa riprenderti al più presto,l'influenza è proprio odiosa!
    Tanti auguri a te e ai tuoi cari per un anno sereno.
    Buona giornata

  25. Good Afternoon Mariette, Happy New Year to you. Oh I am so sorry that you have been laid low with flu. I really hope you will feel better very soon.
    With best wishes as always.

  26. Sweet Mariette,
    Sending warm wishes across the oceans for you and Piet.
    Have a wonderful fun filled year in this amazing world were so lucky to live in.
    Stay positive and welcome each day is my mantra for 2016!
    Hugs and love
    Shane xox


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