
Friday, January 29, 2016

{Cheerfulness and Contentment are Great Beautifiers and are Famous Preservers of Good Looks ~Charles Dickens}

Since I'm having severe back pain (upper/center/left) there is no chance for doing much.
After the flu and a lingering bronchitis I worked really hard for having the house clean and laundry done and cooking a dinner for 12 for Pieter's Monday Night Club.
Guess that was too much; too soon.
As I already mentioned to Giga in a comment, I did serve a Polish Red Cabbage for which I got lots of compliments. A Lowell Red Cabbage Salad from World Market.
Their sugar content is 0 and also their sodium content is very reasonable with only 13%.
Together with pork loin strips and red skin potatoes pre-cooked and stir fried, it made for a good winter meal.
A healthy salad from Costco and I did make Tiramisù for dessert with Dutch Douwe Egberts coffee.

Also today the 27th is the 1st Anniversary of Mom being in Heaven...

It is a very dreary and rainy day.

'Cheerfulness and contentment are great beautifiers, and are famous preservers of good looks.'
~Charles Dickens

Hope you all stay warm and well, wherever you are!


  1. your meal sounds very good! sorry you wore yourself down again.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    I know it is hard to keep yourself cheerful and contented when you are in pain! Your dinner party sounds absolutely wonderful, darling, and I'm sure it was very much appreciated. Take care of yourself! hugs xo Karen

  3. Hope you feeling better today, Mariette! Only 2 good friends coming for lunch this weekend, I'm a little worry already. And you did 12, WOW! I did a party for my English teacher 26 years ago for her 25th wedding anniversary, party of 12 at her house, a good memories! And thank god, hubby are with me, I forgot peanut butter for the satay sauce!

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    I hope, you feel better now! Your Dinner sounds lovely, I love red cabbage!
    The saying is great, thank you for sharing ....
    Already 1st Anniversary, your dear Mom is in heaven ...time is running so fast ...
    Take care and have a wonderful rest of the week,
    Love and hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  5. Let je wel een beetje op jezelf? Is natuurlijk gemakkelijk gezegt, maar ja je doet het dan toch he...opruimen en koken .
    Wat moet gebeuren moet gebeuren,zo zou het hier ook gaan.
    Ik denk wel dat die rugpijn een nasleep is van je griep en bronchitis, het lichaam zal wat langer tijd nodig hebben om helemaal te genezen...Je hebt zo te lezen wel lekker gekookt voor de mannen.....fijn dat ze tevreden waren...

  6. Vervelend dat je last van pijn hebt. Hopelijk gaat het snel beter. Knap dat je toch een heerlijk diner op tafel toverde. Sterkte ook!
    Lieve groet,

  7. Hello Mariette, Please take it easy and recover soon!

    By the way, Dickens was apparently not much himself in the spreading cheerfulness and contentment department--he treated his own wife and family abominably. It is difficult now to disentangle all the stories, but all was not sweetness and light chez Dickens.

  8. This winter brings a lot of illness for you. Here it is a bit the same, I had the flu in November and now we both have a very bad cold for more than a week already. Wish you all the best and get better soon.

  9. Oh, Mariette,
    I feel sorry for you. Please take care of your self. Hope you feel better now. Here in Japan, it has been chilly and flue is going around. I need a mask when I go out.
    Stay warm!

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    What pretty flowers. The older we get, the longer it seems to take to recover.
    I hope you are entirely well soon.....*s*

  11. Get better soon Mariette, maybe you need to rest a bit more.
    A big hug and I hope you will think of the beautiful moments you had with your Mom.

  12. Dear friend. The first I want to tell you is I wish you feel very better. Time is going far and far my friend. Take it easy, please.
    Sending you all my positive energy and a lot of hugs.

  13. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist ein Gedicht.
    Sonnige Grüße

  14. How are you, Mariette Van den Munckhof-Vedder?

    As usual in me, the first thing is to apologize for my tardiness in sight, but the situation sends and difficulties in finding time seems on the rise despite my fondness for blogs.
    It is a great pleasure to visit your space back and contemplate your magnificent publications, so I am grateful for the opportunity you give us to enjoy them.

    Regards and see you soon.

  15. Perfect quote for all of us to keep in mind. I know the anniversary of your mom's passing brings you sadness. Sending you a big hug from TX. Take care of yourself. You need to get well.....back to 100%.

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    I'm very sorry you had back pain that was some time came up again with all after your just FEEL a better time!
    Todays has raining day. it would be nice has in three month ago.
    Hugs and Love your Both!

  17. I am feeling very content...just wish I didn't feel so sick. Went out to run errands today and shouldn't have done that. me oh my! I am hoping that we both get better soon! Janey

  18. Hello dear!
    How well your meals and dinners have been a success!
    and that it does not already under such pain!
    You receive a big hug and lots of peace before such a significant anniversary!
    Rose M.

  19. TRès joli bouquet et belle déco Mariette
    Bises et bon WE

  20. Liebe Mariette,
    so hat es dich auch erwischt - der Grippevirus ist dieses Jahr sehr hartnäckig -
    ich wünsche dir, dass du wieder ganz gesund und fit bist -
    deine Mama spürt deine Gedanken und wird sich freuen -
    pass auf dich auf und schone dich mehr -
    die Blumen sind wundervoll -

    ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende - wir haben ein wenig Sonne - aber sie zieht sich bereits zurück - es soll stürmisch werden -

    herzliche Grüße - Ruth

  21. Lieve Mariette,

    Zo te lezen lig je een beetje in de lappenmand net als vele andere om mij heen.
    Hier is de natuur van slag en ook de mens lijkt het wel.
    Verkoudheid of griepvirus is bijna niet te voorkomen en er zit niks anders op dan goed uit te zieken.
    Weet uit ervaring hoe moeilijk dat dat vaak is zeker wanneer er afspraken staan die je kost wat kost door wil laten gaan als goede gastvrouw.
    Jij hebt je gasten zo te lezen een gezonde en lekkere maaltijd voorgezet met als afsluiting een Italiaans dessert met Hollands smaakmakertje.

    27 januari zal een dag zijn en blijven met mooie en verdrietige herinneringen.

    Wens je snel herstel en sterkte in moeilijke tijden!!!


  22. Hello dear Mariette!
    I know how you feel for your mum,but as long as they are in our hearts they will live for ever.
    Many hugs!!

  23. Mariett, I'm sorry about your severe back pain. Please rest well and I hope you get better.
    Love the quote very much. Hugs to you for your mom's anniversary xoxo

  24. Dearest Mariette, I am so sorry that you had these paid . I wish you feel soon better .
    Take care yourself !All my love ! Olympia

  25. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. The flu, bronchitis, and now back problems?! I will pray for you, my friend.
    I love that quote by Charles Dickens. Of course, it's never easy when one is not feeling well.
    Blessings to you, Deborah
    p.s. Your meal sounds delicious. I love tiramisu.


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