
Sunday, January 31, 2016

{Highly Fragrant 1939 Sweetness Daffodils}

Due to my severe back pain, I just recycle this 2012 post of January 28...
  • Yesterday we had two big nosegays of fragrant 1939 Sweetness Daffodils. One for a dear friend and one for us to fill a white ceramic vase. What a bliss for having those in January. That is extremely early. Do any of you have bulbs blooming right now? 

  • Fragrant Sweetness Daffodils; Sunshine and Tea...

  • Dark chocolate Pomegranate from Costco.
  • Amaretti cookie hearts from Mariette's Back to Basics

  • Teapot is a French Pillivuyt

  • The ceramic spoon to the right is an American Favorites Porcelain Spoon from Avon. It is the 1988 pattern with Daffodils.

  • The sterling bon bon or nut spoon is a H44 H J Howe with daffodils.

  • 1988 Avon Daffodils spoon

  • Matching cocktail napkin with daffodil embroidery.

Sorry that you cannot smell their fragrance...

Related links:


  1. Hello Mariette,
    Hoping that in the coming days Continues feeling better every day.
    This entry recycled as you say, is great, every detail starting with the tray, teapot, beautiful cups, daffodils because everything seems charming, well worth it!
    Hugs and best! Rose M.

  2. I enjoy your sweet tea fragrance and cookies here in my room. Your antic spoon from 1988 is lovely.
    The pattern is sooo delicate. The sunlit on the plate is beautiful.
    Occasionally I have my back pain and warm the place with a heat pad.Hope your back pain will recover soon,Mariette!

  3. Lieve Mariette dat is nog eens gezellig thee drinken met al dat vrolijke geel.
    Zeker op deze sombere regenachtige zaterdag.

    Het gaat dus nog duidelijk nog niet goed met rug,helaas.

    Weet er alles van dat bloggen in tijden van pijn en ongemak op een laag pitje komt te staan en,dat is ook de reden dat ik de laatste 7 maanden niet zo aanwezig ben.

    Maar laten we hopen op betere tijden.

    Wens jou en Pieter het allerbeste en goed weekeind!!!


  4. Dear Mariette,
    I tried to write a comment from my tablet this morning but something went wrong and it could not get through. Now I am back home and I hope you already feel much better after your back pain!! Your daffodils are so lovely!!! I do have some white ones flowering at the moment!!!
    You have created a wonderful tea set with the yellow daffodils! I really like it!!!
    I wish you a very happy weekend, my dear friend!
    Many hugs!

  5. Hélio Marinete

    Beautiful fotos, I live yellow flowers.
    The embroidery in the napkin is lovely.
    Hugo for vou.


  6. Dearest Mariette ,amazing photos of this tea table set . I hope that you enjoyed this tea and you feel better . The daffodils are my favorite flowers but they keep a little . Take care yourself and my thoughts to you ! Olympia


  7. Que você recupere a saúde logo, logo! Estou orando por você.
    O post é lindo e alentador... uma mesa tão linda e tão caprichada!...

    Bom domingo! Boa semana!
    ✿゚ه° ·.

  8. Hi Mariette, I'm sorry your back pain hasn't gotten better :-(
    The photos from 2012 are beautiful! The daffodils are so pretty and dreamy. And the china, spoon and napkin with daffodils pattern are beautiful! What a lovely table setting :-)
    I hope you get better soon xoxo

  9. Beautiful daffodils, lovely china! The way you caught the sunshine on the vase of daffodils was great. I am so glad you did recycle this post or I'd have missed some beautiful images.

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    wunderschöne Narzissen und eine Augenweide in sonnigem Gelb. Im Garten blühen sie noch nicht, es ist einfach noch zu kalt, die ersten Schneeglöckchen habe ich schon gesehen.
    Entzückend ist das feine Porzellan, alles passt zueinander und die Narzissenstickerei auf der Decke ist traumhaft schön.

    Ich wünsche Dir gute Besserung und schicke liebe Abendgrüße mit.
    Traudi aus dem Drosselgarten

    1. They look beautiful daffodils in a porcelain vase. Cutlery is shown pretty. Regards.


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