
Monday, January 11, 2016

{Feeling Pampered with Silk/Wool Cap from Blogger Friend}

Oh my, on Christmas Eve, I was for the last time out of the house and than a very bad flu floored me literally.
Did not even notice that 2015 ended... it went past me.
Only on my Dad's 95th Birthday I managed to be up in the late morning and call him in The Netherlands.
From than on I improved, but did not want to be out in the nippy, windy weather as the warm temperatures from Christmas had suddenly dropped, even getting some night frost.
What a surprise when on Thursday, January 7, the mail delivered a parcel from France.
A sweet hand knitted gift from Anett from the blog: Faden Stille whom I follow since 2010. We have become virtual friends!
Friday, January 8, I did join Pieter for Rotary lunch and afterwards I did wear my silk/wool cap for taking a walk. Wearing of course my coat as well!
Spunky girl looks fluffy during the cold weather.
Me, showing off my crows feet from a great smile...!
Driveway is still damp and the weather dreary looking...
But our Verbena continues blooming inside the fiber glass window boxes from Flower Framers of Cincinnati!
Enjoying my Chanel boots; bought from tip money for consulting work in California!
You can read more about that here: {My Favorite Boots}
My silk/cashmere Jodphurs from Bergdorf Goodman 1994 still fit me perfectly and I love wearing them in winter time.
Matching cables in my Escada silk/cashmere sweater from December 26, 1993 - actually my very first Outlet score bought at Potomac Mills in Prince William, VA. We were traveling by car to the funeral of our Jewish friend in Delaware when we stopped at this Mall for lunch.
Thanks a lot Anett for so much WARMTH!
It warms the heart and the ears on a nippy winter's day...


  1. You look great! I wish I could still fit in my clothes from 5 years ago !!
    Love the hat, and the boots. Hope you're feeling better now. Not nice to have the flu during the holidays. Congrats for your father. 95, Whah!

  2. Hello Mariette, What good news to hear that you are on the mend. I'm sure that Anett's generous present helped to lift your spirits--you look as stylish as always!

  3. Sei sempre estremamente elegante e raffinata cara Mariette, hai un fisico da urlo, complimenti! Il cappello è attualissimo, mio figlio ne ha uno simile in nero. Bellissimo il tuo micione. Buon anno cara amica, da questo angolo di mondo, ti abbraccio forte forte. Paola

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind reizende Fotos.
    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

  5. Dit soort mutsen draag ik ook het liefst, lekker over je oren. Deze is mooi gemaakt met de kabeltjes! Fluffy vond de fotosessie wat minder leuk geloof ik.

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    oh wie schön ist die Mütze. So toll von deiner Blogfreundin für dich sowas zu machen und schicken. Lieb!
    Hoffe sehr du fühlst dich inzwischen wieder ganz fit. Pass immer gut auf dich auf. ♥
    Die Katze schaut wenig begeisternd drein...lach...aber sie passt auf alle Fälle gut mit dir ins Bild.
    Alles liebe und einen schönen Sonntag..

  7. So happy that you are out and about. Darling hat and it compliments your stylish outfit!

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Such good news to see that you are feeling better.
    The cap is lovely in color, style and and the cables are so evenly made, not as easy as it sounds!
    Our cold weather has turned into rain, which we still need.
    Continue to get better...............*s*

  9. Hi,Mariette,
    So glad to hear that you are feeling better. Your friend knows the hat suits you well!You look great and your Chanel boots are so cool, and what I like the best is your beautiful smile!
    Have a good new week!


  10. Wow...wat een mooie muts heeft ze voor je gebreid...
    Staat je ook mooi, en wat doe jij lang met je kleding :) ja wie wat bewaard heeft wat, en als je dan zorgt dat je niet 'groeit" kun je er lang mee doen. Ik ben helemaal verliefd op je laarzen, zo mooi...
    enne hopelijk ben je snel helemaal opgeknapt van dat akelige hebt het flink te pakken gehad dus...wij mogen het hier nog afkloppen...

  11. Very nice look from freely given you a cap. Cute pictures of her with a kitten. Regards.

  12. Happy new year dear Mariette:-) So sorry to hear you have been sick, but happy to see you are better. Ive had a lovely holiday away- and been offline most of the time... wonderful and a bit scary...hahaha - The gift is lovely, what a cute gesture from your friend. You look amazing anyway- and looove your cat. Sending big hugs and warm wishes for the new year:-)

  13. OH you make my day! I love seeing what you have and learning its history! And thank you for the wonderful information regarding exporting blogs. I saw some other great blogs of your that help as well. xoo

  14. Wow, what a wonderful gift from your friend! It must warm both your heart and ears for sure :-)
    Love the 1st photo very much - where you are holding your Spunky girl and smiling. So sweet! She does look very fluffy :-) You look fantastic wearing the cap and the whole outfit is very elegant!
    Have a wonderful new week, Mariette!

  15. I see you are well at the end!!!!. Hurra!!!!. I love Spunky. She´s a very fluffy and pretty girl. You are fantastic Mariette. So elegant as ever.
    I wish you the best week.
    Sending hugs.

  16. a very nice gift - and sweet bundle of fur. :)

  17. Sweet Mariette, your hat from yor dear blogging friend is simply lovely and it looks perfect on you :) I hope you are enjoying your New Year, dear one. Hugs

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    How lovely to hear to wonderful happy to be back to hold sweet girl holding your very good looking cap suprise when on the mail from france Anett from the blog feden, stille frends.
    You had join Pieter for Rotary lunch in after ward and I wear my silk wood cap.
    We didn't has no raining just too hot weatheres!
    Hugs and lots of Love both!

  19. the hat is absolutely beautiful!! It looks so soft and cozy even in the pictures

  20. Du Ärmste! Hoffentlich geht es Dir jetzt wieder ganz gut!
    Schön schaut die Mütze aus - solche Muster mag ich auch sehr gern! Nennt man diese Mütze bei Euch auch "Beanie"? Ein schönes Geschenk!

    Deine Stiefel sehen auch sehr schön aus, obwohl ich an sich keine langen Stiefel mag, aber diese könnten mir gefallen! Die meisten langen Stiefel sehen mir zu grobschlächtig aus. ;-) Chanel - sehr schön - gibt es sie noch zu kaufen? Ich wäre dabei! Ausnahmsweise ... bei langen Stiefeln - denn sonst nur Stiefeletten bei mir.

    Mich faszinieren diese Beanies, die oben an der Rundung so aussehen, als seien sie gefüllt. Wenn der Träger sehr langes Haar hat, wäre das verständlich, weil man es darunter stopfen kann, aber bei kurzem Haar? Wie bekommt man diese "Füllung" hin? Das sieht total interessant aus! Besonders bei Menschen, die nicht so einen langen hübschen Hinterkopf haben.

    Viele liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Nein, gefüllt ist diese Mütze nicht! Nur meine kurze Haare sind drin und ich staunte selber von die Form, da ich ja nie so ein Bild vom Kopf hatte vorher!
      Die Stiefel gibt es auch nicht mehr, sind schon vom 27. August, 1995. Damals von das Tip-Geld gekauft in San Francisco bei Neiman Marcus. Ich bin noch immer froh mit so ein Geschenk!
      Ganz liebe Grüße,

  21. Ich meinte so etwas - sind diese Mützen "gefüllt" oder sorgt langes schweres Haar für diesen Effekt?

  22. My Dearest Mariette,

    So glad to see you feeling better. You look so adorable in your jodhpurs and Chanel boots (to die for!!), but I must say that Spunky Girl steals a little of your spotlight. She is precious. You have clearly made some wonderful virtual friends. I think everyone responds to your warmth and caring, which comes across so beautifully in your Blog posts, as it does in our private e-mails to each other.

    Big bisous, ma chère amie,


  23. Danke für den Hinweis, liebe Mariette.
    Nun habe ich es geschafft, mir endlich die schöne Mütze anzusehen, die Anett Dir geschenkt hat. Sie steht Dir sehr gut und das Muster ist gekonnt! Anett aus der Fadenstille hat ein Händchen für anspruchsvolles Strickdesign.
    Ich schicke Dir liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Traudi,
      Ja, Anett hat wirklich viel Talent!
      Liebe Grüße,


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