
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

{January 11 Angel Sister had 1st Birthday in Heaven together with Mom...}

My thoughts have been very much with my Angel Sister who had another Birthday in Heaven and this time her very 1st together with Mom...
It was on January 11, last year that I talked for about half an hour with Mom; my actual goodbye to her as I did not get any chances later.
That phone call I will cherish for the rest of my life. I congratulated Mom first on the Birthday of her Angel daughter.
We did chat about a lot of things. 
Mom had not slept all night... so scared.
But knowing that she could call on all the ANGELS she knew by name, she did calm down.

She also was speaking so sweetly about my Dad. She said: 'I still LOVE him very much!' 
Almost on her death bed and still worrying about him!
When I told her that she had to focus on herself now, that all would be well with Dad, she accepted her fate and has been very brave.

On January 27 of 2015 Mom joined my Angel Sister...

MISS them both very much! 
But I know they are very close to my heart and in Faith we are forever united.

Related links:
{R.I.P. Dear Mom} | previous post by me
{ANGELS We Know By Name} | previous post by me


  1. Oh sweet friend, tears came out of my eyes reading this beautiful and sentimental post about your dearests 'both' joining in heaven and yes, I know they are together!
    You know... while reading I was thinking that I hope I'm lucky to have a great conversation with my mom on her last days, or be close to her, as it does happen sometimes people don't get a chance even when they're close and you my friend, were so very fortunate and gifted for ever to cherish, as you say.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Thinking of you.

  2. Beautiful post ... your angel sister is celebrating with your mother and the two are laughing and having a wonderful time together. They remain with you and look over you from above - cherish the memories - as I know you do. Sending you both love, hugs and blessings from Toronto ..xo

  3. Dear Mariette,

    Sending big hugs at this time as I read your lovely post.
    Time to cherish all the special and happy memories of your dear Mother and angel sister.
    Hope you are feeling well again.

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    lovely Memory post ....
    Big hugs and a wonderful week to you,
    Claudia xo

  5. Dear Mariette,
    These sentimental anniversaries bring back those warm memories and tugs on the heartstrings. We know that they are safe and loved in the arms of the angels as we miss them so dearly. Sending you warm hugs as you celebrate your loved one's special days in heaven.
    xo Karen

  6. Lovely post about your mam and sister, cherishing all the good memories.
    Hugs, Ada

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    das sieht schön aus.
    Alles Gute

  8. Hola Mariatte ,, bonito post con ese celebración,,que tenga un buen día

  9. Lieve Mariette,

    Alle triestigheid gaat op den duur toch over in een zoete herinnering.

    Telkens weer opnieuw zullen we sterk moeten zijn wanneer we een geliefde persoon verliezen om daar te geraken in die zoete herinneringen waar de scherpe kanten aan verdriet en gemis draaglijk worden.


  10. What a beautiful post about your angel sister and mom. Yes, they are together in heaven and in your heart, celebrating birthday. Your mom was really caring and loving to worry about your dad so much. Sending warm hugs to you...Tamago

  11. Hard to believe it's already been a year since your mom passed away. Time just goes so quickly. Hope your dad continues to be better. Best wishes, Tammy

  12. The best tribute for your angel sister and your dear mum. They continues being too loved in your heart and memory. I pray for them.
    Sending blessings.

  13. Oh, my sweet friend. Just want to send you a virtual long warm hug now. A lovely and moving post about your mum and sister. They live on through us though, in our hearts. best wishes for your dad, and I wish you and your love ones a wonderful new year. Warm thoughts dear Mariette:-)

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    Your beautiful happy memories mother and engel sister I was thinking of even yours and mind are fortunate even our both time of years Your husbands wih program for the melboune univerety and your uncle and aunt in broken Hill NSW.Your love to bring back some romance to the daily life.
    I was marry with Kenneth Stuart Johnson, Wesley Chrch Melbourne 19-7-1967.
    lets hope everybody life!
    Todays 38c hot weather never raining..
    Hugs and lots of love to both!

  15. Ja de herinnering blijft op den duur en het is goed die te koesteren.

  16. Oh how we cherish the last communication we had with loved ones. I too talked to my Mom by phone. She was in the hospital and I told her I would be there In two days to be with her. She was so reassuring that she was fine.....but died the next day.

  17. Cara Mariette, se non ho capito male, oltre a tua madre, hai perduto una sorella. Mi dispiace, non sai quanto mi dispiace. Ricordo perfettamente il momento che hai comunicato della perdita di tua madre. Ti sono vicina, tanto tanto vicina. Con infinito affetto. Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Spiacente ma mia sorella ancora nacque, lei sarebbe stata sessanta sei il 11 Gennaio. Era il tempo prima che anche nostra Mamma è con lei in cielo. Io chiamai Mamma nel 65 compleanno di Ángel di mia sorella e quell'era gli ultimi trenta minuti che io ho parlato da solo mai con mia Mamma... Quindi mi fece molto malinconico in questo giorno. Lei capisce...
      Un abbraccio grande,

  18. Dear Mariette,

    Thinking of you and wishing you strength and lots of happy memories of your aunt and sister.

    Sending a big hug.

    Madelief x

    1. Dearest Madelief,
      Yes, I do also have happy memories of my aunt(s)... but this was about my Mom and still born sister.

  19. Dearest Mariette, what a lovely tribute to your sweet mother and dear angel sister!!
    How time passes so quickly! It is already one year since your mother left and also six months since my mom passed away!! I am just preparing a dish of home-made koliva ( for her tomorrow's memorial service!
    Many hugs to you!

  20. Beautiful, poignant post about mom and sister. In your heart always will be.


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