
Thursday, January 7, 2016

{Hummer Limousine in New York City}

On August 28, 2015 we did spot a Hummer Limousine on Broadway, near Wall Street in New York City.
With its full 10.5 meters of length, not an easy vehicle for inner city traffic I guess.


  1. my thoughts exactly! i'd hate to negotiate that vehicle anywhere but certainly there!

  2. Gol Mariettes 'n una gran limusina !! Espero je tenga un buen miércoles

  3. Whah, too long for Europe I guess. Would get stuck immediately!

  4. Grande e bela máquina.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  5. Het zijn opvallende auto's, een hummer variant had ik nog niet gezien. Heb ooit in San Francisco in een limo gezeten was wel een beleving!

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    dein Post ist in gewohnter Schönhei.
    Alles Liebe

  7. Nog nooit zo een auto gezien zo lang met met zo voorkant...

  8. It must take a very good skill to drive that car! I would not be able to parallel park it, never :-)

  9. That has to be one skilled driver!!!

  10. Just realized son Carl and I were in The Big Apple a week prior to you!! It is an awesome city, yes? Take care, Helen.

  11. Bonsoir Mariette,
    non les bouchons ne doivent pas être amusants là-dedans ..... mais pire.... les ronds points !!!!! LOL
    Grosses bises chère Mariette

  12. Lieve Mariette ,
    daar wil ik samen met jou wel een ritje meerijden
    lijkt me een hele leuke ervaring ..
    veel liefs

  13. I can siten in city Tours car'd I guess just behind Limousine!

  14. Dearest Mariette; Happy New Year for you and So sorry for my recent absence,Dear friend. I DO hope your physical condition is better now. I had unexpected busy New Year and not having written comments this year and starting from you now.
    Oh, that car DOES look hard to drive only for skilled driver:-) But sure want to have a chance to get in♪

    Hope you,your husband and all of your family (your father especially) will have a happy healthy year;
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    Hummers look so silly, they remind me of the toy trucks and cars that Proge had when he was little expanded to some huge oversized thing!
    Very happy to read of your continued improvement; please be careful and don't do too much too soon.
    Enjoy the week end!..............*s*

  16. My toughts as well!. It seems very dificult to drive that "tank". Too much for me.
    A lot of hugs.

  17. das ist ja Wahnsinn - liebe Mariette -
    allein der Name ist so lustig - ich traue mich noch nicht mal,
    einen kleinen Bus zu fahren - geschweige denn so ein langes Vehikel -

    liebe Grüße und alles Gute - Ruth

  18. My Dear Mariette,
    I think I would feel very safe inside this vehicle, but it is certainly odd looking! We have Hummers here in the mountains, too. Hoping you are feeling better and so glad to hear your Father is doing better. I know it has been a stressful time for you. Wishing you a lovely weekend ahead, my friend.
    Hugs to you
    xo Karen

  19. Dear Mariette,

    Must be hard to manoeuvre the big vehicle around the City, but a good way of getting a lot of people around.
    Hope you are feeling better
    Sending hugs and wish you a happy weekend

  20. Hi,again, Mariette,
    I see how hard to manage driving in the busy city! I would like to see that long vehicle in person.

  21. I would not have got behind the wheel of such a long car. :)


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