
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

{Interlocking Plastic Water Filled Barriers in NYC}

Can't believe that almost 3 days of 2016 have passed by and I'm not really yet 'part' of it...
Slept most of the day today and yesterday I was thinking it is getting better. Wrong!
It made me think of the Interlocking Plastic Water Filled Barriers we saw on August 29, 2015 while walking alongside 5th Ave on the corner of 34th St.
Neat system!
Well, I too feel very heavily grounded and I do drink lots of water and eat lots of fresh fruits also.
On New Year's Day I managed to be up for cooking us a good meal in the oven with sole filets and brown rice in the rice cooker. 
But I'm not yet back to normal...
Another, not so pretty sight on the 5th Ave in NYC, on the corner of 32nd St.
We were shocked to see that much trash, also while riding the taxi from the airport into Manhattan.

Sorry for not being able yet to focus enough on reading your blogs...
Wishing you well!


  1. I'm sorry, Mariette, that you are still not well. It's great that you could get up to do some cooking. Please be careful not to push yourself too hard, though. I hope you make full recovery soon!
    I remember lots of trush when I visited NY, too. Must be hard to keep it clean when there are so many people coming from all over the world.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    I hope, you will feel better soon!
    Have a good start into the new week, and belatede HAppy New Year!
    Love and hugs and blessings,

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    alles Liebe und Gute wünscht dir

  4. Hello dear Mariette,
    Sorry to read you feel so bad.
    I wish you a quick recovery and think that if 2016 started not so good, it can then only get better ... chin up!! :)
    Much love and hugs from France :)

  5. Lieve Mariette,

    Er is maar een remedie om goed op te knappen van de griep en dat is RUST
    Dat geeft je lichaam energie om tegen griep of verkoudheid te vechten.
    Voldoende drinken is voor zieke en gezonde mensen belangrijk.Bij griep of verkoudheid kan je je behoorlijk lamlendig voelen en veel trek in eten is er niet, dan kan kop sterke hete vleesbouillon als simpel huismiddeltje het leed verzachten.

    En zolang de rommel van straat niet in mijn bed ligt is dat wel het laatste waar ik mij tijdens griep aan zou storen.

    Van harte beterschap,

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    The most important thing is for you to get better. Please take care!
    We are now seeing water filled barriers lining all our bridges, not sure why.
    My mother always said chicken soup and lemon sherbet was the best cure for any ailments!
    Take care...........*s*

  7. Hi Mariette: Get well soon. All that trash on the streets of New York is enough to make anyone sick!

  8. Lieve Mariette ,
    ik hoop dat je je vandaag iets beter voelt ...
    beterschap en pas op je zelf ...
    heel veel liefs ..xxxx

  9. Hello Mariette, Interesting to see the water-filled barriers. I wonder whether they attempt to reuse the water--such as for watering the grass in a park, or even cleaning the streets.

    Take good care of yourself.

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Your not well hopefuly soon as prices have changed full recovery Dear Mariette,
    Hugs to you always,

  11. hi Mariettes !! espero que tenga un buen comienzo de semana

  12. Happy new Year, dearest Mariette!
    I hope you already feel better and wish you a happy new week!!!
    Many hugs to you!

  13. Marieta Hello!
    In almost every city in the world it is in positive and negative ', but I'm sure you'll soon see many more things in better shape, I hope soon can recover and feel better! I wish you the best in this new year!
      Hugs! Rose m

  14. The more people there are, the more trash there will be. I absolutely hate driving down the street here in the morning because the roads are disgusting. The street cleaners work so hard all morning and yet by the afternoon, folks have thrown their trash all over the place again so it is a never ending battle. Really pathetic in this day and age, plus companies are just creating everything throwaway rather than investing in biodegradable products or doing away with plastic all together. People never think of where all this trash is going. It's really very sad. Sending healing wishes your way. Tammy

  15. Excelentes fotos urbanas.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  16. Funny new Header Mariette, hope you feel a bit better.

  17. Still not well. . I´m sorry Mariette. Keep calm.
    Recover soon!
    A lot of hugs

  18. Sorry that you are still under the weather. Feel better soon. janey

  19. Take care yourself , may be you need more days to feel good .Please rest and sleep more !


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