
Sunday, February 28, 2016

{Part II of Husband Pieter's Trip to East Asia - Tokyo, Japan to Beijing, China}

 With Northwest Orient aboard the 747, husband Pieter did arrive after 10-½ hours at the Narita Tokyo International airport of Japan, local time 17:00.
They needed a temporary visa which was no problem at all.
By bus they went to the Radisson Hotel Narita
Radisson Hotel Narita is a great place for staying longer...
On March 22 of 1987, it was still called Narita International Hotel...
But the address remained the very same, and also the telephone number.
While the delegation went by bus to the hotel, Pieter wrote in his diary that he'd never seen so much military and tanks etc. around the airport, it looked like they expected an attack any time. 
The Japanese dinner with chop sticks went well and it even went better with some hot  Sake wine.
Everybody was very tired so they were in bed by 21:00... But Pieter managed to write some postcards and a short letter to me.
On Monday March 23, Pieter woke up early and had breakfast alone and took a walk. It was a cool and rainy day.
Pieter also prepared the slides for his lectures to be given to Chinese Universities. 
By 9:00 they all went by bus to the Naritasan Shinshoji Temple and a shopping center.
Sorry there are no actual photos as I mentioned already, we lost several slides during our move...
The weather was not so good for taking photos... as visible in this photo above.
By bus they went to the airport again and with flight 930 C.A.A.C. 747 to Shanghai, China with a lay over of 1-½ hour before continuing to Beijing.
Flying on such a rattling Russian Ilyushin Il-62 was quite an experience!
 Again there were lots of soldiers...
The service on China Airlines was by far not comparable to our US airlines. Flight attendants could learn from e.g. Singapore airlines. 
Pieter asked for some white wine with his dinner and the flight attended filled up his coffee cup (yes, with wine!).
C.A.A.C. means Civil Aviation Administration of China
 Late evening arrival in Beijing, China in the rain and it was rather chilly....

Luckily Hotel Kunlun (red marker bottom left) was not far from the Airport (to the right at the top).

Will be continued with Arrival in Beijing, China...
Thanks for your visit!


  1. Good Morning Mariette.
    I took off from the Narita air port several times when I traveled abroad, but never visited
    the temple in Narita mountain. Thank you for sharing!Hope you have a happy weekend.

  2. Dear Mariette,
    So nice to see the temple - it is lovely - and hear about the trip with all the soldiers and wine in a cup! So funny! My son has traveled to China several times for his job at Microsoft and has fun stories about cultures clashes. One time he tried to ask for a steak knife....well, you can imagine how that went. I'm looking forward to hearing about the rest of the journey. Hope your weekend has some beautiful sunshine. Your Magnolia tree is lovely!
    Hugs xo

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    bleiben sonnige Grüße hier.


  4. Liebe Mariette,

    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    bleiben sonnige Grüße hier.


  5. Hello dear Mariette,
    Although it is terrible to loose photos (and sometimes much more important stuff in removals) it is a pleasure to share this trip with you.
    I haven't been to Japan yet but I would love to!
    The architecture is so aerial and elegant.
    I wish you a great weekend, here it is rain for 3 days! :(
    Keep well :)

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    deine Bilder und Berichte sind sehr beeindruckend - was ihr alles erlebt habt -
    ich muss gestehen, dass mir die Größe der Städte eher Angst einflößt - bin nicht so der Stadtmensch - aber ansehen... immer gerne -

    herzliche Grüße - Ruth

  7. I wonder why all the military in Japan?
    Looking forward to the continuation of Pieter's travels.

  8. Sounds like chopstick practice worked well in Japan :-) And I think hot sake is a good way to relax!
    I've never been to Naritasan shinshoji temple but it looks nice place to visit. I'd love to stop by when I get a chance.
    Looking forward to Pieter's experience in China! Happy weekend, Mariette!

  9. Dear Mariette,

    Must have been a wonderful trip for Pieter to Japan and I enjoyed reading about the trip.
    My husband travelled to Japan before we met and loved his time there.
    Hope all is well with you
    Sending hugs

  10. Hello dear Mariette!
    What an interesting post!
    I have'nt visit Japan.only Singapore!
    Lovely pictures from Pieter's trip!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Have a happy week!!Hugs!

  11. Schade, daß Ihr einige Fotos verloren habt. Hätte man sie damals schon ins Internet stellen können, wäre das wohl nicht passiert.
    Das sind Erlebnisse ....

    Liebe Grüße nochmals


Thanks for your visit and comment.
