
Saturday, February 6, 2016

{Steel Framed Flatiron Building New York City}

On August 28 of 2015, we also did view the Flatiron Building with its Steel Frame, on Fifth Avenue and West 25th Street in New York City.

Here it is! Constructed in 1902.
When the traffic light was red, I dared to stand in the middle of the road, for taking this photo.
Love that type of architecture and for sure I'm not the only Blogger who does.
Marianne from Biebkriebels did mention it in her post about Buildings and she's also seen the real Flatiron in NYC.
Don't know if the triangular building from Amsterdam she is showing in her first photo is also made with a Steel Frame.
Janey from Thick and Thin (air) did mention the Flatiron in her post Architecture where she also shows a triangular building in Fort Worth, Texas only 5 years later in 1907.
In Sevilla, Spain we can admire another triangular building Edificio La Adriática o Filella which you can see by clicking on hyperlink. Click on the photo again for seeing it larger.

Just taking you back in time with the New York Public Library Digital Collection where you can see the entire Fifth Avenue and its buildings on photos from 1911 and 2015.
Too bad that the Flatiron is left out in the 1911 capture... Not visible in this photo.
But the building across the street you can clearly see.
Next time I will take you just across the street to see what is there!

Related link:
Street View, Then & Now: New York City's Fifth Avenue just click the hyperlink and than on Take me to 1911! and go 10 clicks to the south for finding the Flatiron image from above... via NYPL Digital Collections


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    This is a very special building indeed! I don't quite remember if I had seen it when I visited New York, but I am sure I saw one similar in Vancouver on a much recent trip.
    I didn't know they are called Flatiron buildings! I will try to read more about them.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Many hugs!!!

  2. it's quite beautiful. And you are a brave woman to stand in the middle of the street in New York...even with the red light. Their crazy drivers remind me of Naples, and it's not a good feeling :)

  3. One of my favorite buildings in NYC.

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    this really is a funny and wonderful building! Thank you for sharing!
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
    sending Love, hugs and blessings,
    Claudia xo

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    bleiben Morgengrüße hier.

  6. Hello Mariette, Nice to see the original Flatiron Building is doing so well. That building was so popular that it was made into a cast-iron coin bank--just search Flatiron Bank and look at the images.

  7. Het gebouw herken ik idd nog van Biebkriebels. Jij hebt er snel een prachtige foto van gemaakt. Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  8. Bonjour Mariette
    Je me suis toujours demandé, mais comment apprécier le soleil avec ces immeubles trop grands ?
    Grosses bises et bon WE

  9. Excelente trabalho.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  10. Ja het blijft een bijzonder gebouw en al honderd jaar oud! Jij had een goed positie midden op de weg om het te fotograferen. Het blijft me fascineren die gebouwen.

  11. It's an interestingly shaped building. Very brave to stand in the middle of the road to take a photo Mariette.
    Have a great weekend! Ours will be extremely hot 42C (107,6F) expected on Sunday!!

  12. It`s a very famous buliding in the world and you are so crazy, taking a picture in the middle of all the cars, my dear jajajaa. I always think how are those "beaked" rooms.
    Have a good week end.

  13. Hello dear Mariette!!
    Very impressive building!!
    I would like to visit New York,one day!!
    Beautiful city!
    Have a happy weekend!Hugs!

  14. Cities are not my thing, Mariette, but if I have to be in them once in a while interesting architecture helps. This certainly fits the bill. There is a very similar building in Toronto, also called the flatiron building, now surrounded by a sea of concrete and chrome monstrosities.

  15. If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere ....New York ,New York
    mijn eerste gedachtens bij het zien van je foto's moet er gewoon ooit geweest zijn
    zeggen ze ....laat jij maar gewoon de volgende keer foto's van de overkant zien ..dan geniet ik daar wel lekker van .....want mijn ervaringen van vliegen is niet zo fijn ....
    ik wens jullie een heel fijn weekend

  16. it is iconic, and i, too, love that type of building.

  17. Mariette Hello, I hope're feeling better.
    Today by chance I saw a program that talked about very many situations N.Y. City the placement of the statue, their origin, etc and this building was mentioned in relation to its construction with the largest steel producer in those days, in the beginning. Very interesting!
    Knowing the history of peoples, is fascinating. Hugs, Rose M.

  18. This is such an interesting building, Dear Mariette! It's fascinating how it is constructed to fit in that little slice of real estate. With land being so expensive in NYC, this makes perfect use of existing space. Great photo angles, too, from the middle of the road! Hope that your weekend is restful and pain free! Hugs xo Karen

  19. Dear Mariette,

    These Flatiron buildings are wonderful and well done for getting the photo of this one.
    Thanks for sharing and wishing you a great weekend.
    Hope you are feeling better, have been thinking of you.

  20. This is such a beautiful building! Great capture, Mariette. You are very brave to stand in the middle of the road to get the photo :-) I love the comparison of photos of then and now. New York does have many old buildings stil standing there!

    I hope your back is better. Have a wonderful weekend xoxo

  21. Dear Mariette
    Those Flatiron buildings are new to me. They are beautiful in the clear blue sky. I enjoyed traveling the City with you!

  22. I love the buildings in such a shape. Interestingly the pictures shown. Regards.

  23. I love the Flatiron Building's unique triangular shape. It's such a distinctive and eye-catching building. Learn More About Flatiron Building, New York City


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