
Thursday, February 4, 2016

{WHY are our spring bulbs NOT blooming?}

Happy to be feeling a LOT better and after one week I had a complete night sleep without excruciating upper/mid back pain. What a relief!
While walking yesterday around our property we were discussing WHY in the world we don't see flowers on our Snow Drops; Crocus and Daffodils?!

Pieter thinks it is because of some interaction between the roots of trees...

Makes one sad as we had hundreds of bulbs that performed so well the first couple of years.
We miss seeing our vases filled up with fragrant daffodils.

Even though we do have the chocolate letters with our cup of chocolate...

Does any of you have this problem of only having daffodil foliage but NO blooms?
And NO, we have NEVER EVER cut the foliage off!

Happy February!

Hate to say that my back pain is back again after just one day of relief...

Planting & Care | Bulbs need phosphorous being mixed into the soil below where the bulbs will be located! Bonemeal or superphosphate...


  1. Hi dear Mariettes ! Qué bonitas flores , espero que tengas un buen día , cariños

  2. Deaerst Mariette,perhaps it still is a bit early? I don't know they start coming out now, and I hope, in 2 more weeks, they will bloom :O)
    Have a lovely week and take care!
    Love and hugs,

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    Alles Gute

  4. Wonderful that you're feeling better from your back pain Mariette.
    Don't know about blooming times in your part of the world, I thought it would be too cold for anything to flower...

  5. Uma delicia bem fotografada.
    Um abraço e boa semana.

  6. Glad you are feeling better with the back pain. I had a ten days during flu, cold, whatever it was but it knocked me out for some time. But things have changed for the better now at last.

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    This reminds me that we live in very different areas. We won't see daffodils for at least another four or five weeks.
    So pleased for you, that you are feeling better.
    I have mini daffodils that comes up every year, start to set buds then dry up. I may move them this year and see what happens.
    Rain today after two day s of lovely sun.

  8. Hello dear Mariette!
    I agree with you!Maybe it is early!
    My bulbs have not bloom eather my friends next door!
    And i love daffodils and chocolate too!
    I hope you are feeling much better with your back!
    Have a lovely day!Hugs!

  9. I'm sorry your bulbs are not blooming. Maybe it's related to interaction with trees as your husband Pieter said? Or maybe due to weird weather..not sure but I hope they will decide to bloom!
    I hope your back gets much better soon xoxo

  10. Dearest Mariette,

    So glad to hear that you are feeling better - not nice when you are finding it hard to sleep and back pain can be so awful. Take care of yourself.
    Sorry your daffodils are not flowering - do hope that they will bloom for you again.
    Thanks for your kind visit to my blog and hope you are enjoying the week.
    Sending love and hugs

  11. Usually only my crocus bloom at the end of February, here in the Midwest, USA. I did have one little surprise crocus blooming last week. It made me so happy to see it.

    Years ago I had a beautiful stand of big daffodils that faithfully returned each year until my kids, in thinking they were doing a good deed of trimming some overly tall grass from around the birdbath, cut all of the daffodil greenery down back to the ground. The leaves returned each year for several years, but they never bloomed again after that. Now I am always careful to leave all of my flower bulbs foliage until it turns completely brown. I have had good luck with return blooms that way.

    I am hoping that your flowers may still burst out into blooms any day now.

  12. Liebe Mariette,
    das du besser schlafen kannst mittlerweile ist wirklich gut. Weiterhin meine besten Genesungswünsche.
    Also das mit den Blättern ohne Blüten habe ich schon bei Tulpen gesehen. Es können verschiedene Ursachen sein.
    Nährstoffe? Zwiebelteilung durch Vermehrung? Platzmangel der Zwiebeln? Die Blätter zu früh abgeschnitten?
    Stell mal deine Frage bei Google...du bekommst bestimmt in Foren oder Gartenseiten Antworten.


  13. Hello Mariette,
    I expect better these days, sometimes the muscles and conditions resist giving, and thus feel our being, but arrived.
    flowers and chocolate, umm this month is emblematic! Hugs, that better! Rose M.

  14. I have had daffodils that didn't bloom but most of mine now bloom. I think the soil makes a difference. Your daffs are beautiful on the tray.
    Happy February………..

  15. Dear Mariette. Sorry to hear your back pain is back - wishing you a speedy recovery sweet friend. Today we have snow again over here - lots of it - so I feel those blooming flowers are just a sweet promise of a spring to come:-) Lovely picture:-) Sending warm hugs

  16. Chocolate and coffee - is there a much better combination than that? I doubt it!

  17. Dear Mariette.
    So glad you are gradually feeling better with your back pain.I see how you must have been patient.
    I hope the time for your flowers to come soon.


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