
Saturday, April 30, 2016

{Healthy Vegan Pancakes Recipe}

For a healthy and very easy pancake recipe, this one will do the job!
Again I did substitute the whole wheat with whole wheat pastry flour from Whole Foods Market and it works just perfect.
Instead of berries I used the first time just fruits I had available... kiwi, cantaloupe melon and seedless grapes.
Dusted off with desiccated coconut (unsweetened!) that is available at Trader Joe's also, together with the coconut sugar.
Of course I also use the real Maple Syrup, grade A that we usually buy at Costco Wholesale 
This is how the batter looks like...
You can find the recipe under Vegan Fluffy Pancakes  by clicking it. 
Using my large 32 cm (12.5") cast aluminum Select Cuisine pan from Europe that we found at a wholesale in The Netherlands, where I went with my best friend Ellie.
It came home with me in the suitcase!
Mine did not turn out that Fluffy though, so I omitted it in my title.
Yes, you can be very generous in using this healthy Coconut Oil, also from Costco.
Pieter and I both loved them very much and I like to make a larger batch. Easy for having something on hand when you have no time.
Just add fresh fruits and flaked coconut with maple syrup and you are eating!
Hope this helped some of you that look for healthy recipes for diabetes type 2 or other health reason!

Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    bleiben sonnige Grüße hier.


  2. Bonjour chère Mariette,
    Voilà ce qui ferait bien mon petit déjeuner ! Miam, que ce doit être bon.
    Bonne journée Mariette

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    Pfannkuchen esse ich selbst gar nicht, nur meine Männer. Für mich sind die nicht so gut verdaulich. Auch meide ich inzwischen den Weizen, denn der moderne Weizen ist für Maschinenernte künstlich auf niedrig gezüchtet worden, er bekommt vielen nicht mehr gut. Dafür Urkorn wie Emmer oder Einkorn und den verträglichen Dinkel.

    Weinbeeren bzw Weintrauben wagen wir hier auch kaum noch zu essen denn selbst im Bioanbau dürfen sie mit Kupfer gespritzt werden,, wie ich gehört habe. Vielleicht ist das bei Euch anders? Melone esse ich gern pur oder im Frischkornmüsli.

    Dieses Jahr muß ich unbedingt draußen mal Brombeeren pflücken. Das nehme ich mir jedes Jahr vor - doch die Zeit ist nur kurz und schwupps sind sie alle schon weg ....

    Liebe Grüße

  4. Yum!! these sounds fabulous!! - fluffy is not always better ... yours look great... I love the idea of sprinkling with coconut!! wishing you both a fabulous weekend! Hugs, C.

  5. ¡Look grat!. It´s very interesting for me because I´m not a vegan, but I don´t eat any meat and I ever prefer food without animal origin.
    Thanks so much my dear. Have a nice weekend.

  6. Mariette,
    jetzt habe ich Hunger bekommen. Deine Pfannkuchen
    sehen so lecker aus. Muss ich aussprobieren.
    Einen stressfreien Start ins Wochenende wünscht dir

  7. I was just trying to figure out what I will have for breakfast. Already on my second cup of coffee. So I am going to go fix some vegan pancakes right now. Hope Pieter had a wonderful birthday yesterday. And that you are close to finishing all your photo albums. Quite a job that is. Best wishes, Tammy

  8. What is lovely Pancakes & Waffles I ate more of the my choosing pancake food of nature.
    How sweet tastes can stimulatte very good my brain started to feel like these pancake I would just stare at them happy of my life with good golfing time.
    Happy spring time!

  9. Hello dear Mariette,
    When are you serving them... I'm coming!!!
    Oh they look sooo yummy!
    Thanks for sharing this recipe with us :)
    I wish you a great weekend, do take care, warm hugs :)

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    da zeigst du, dass Gesundes durchaus lecker sein kann
    und auch noch gut aussieht -

    ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende - liebe Grüße - Ruth

  11. Oh they look so yummy! And healthy! I love fruits with my pancakes, too. Before reading, I thought it was cheese on top of your pancakes. Great idea to use coconut! This morning, I had a bagel for breakfast. Used strawberry jam and coconut oil on top. Maybe I'll have pancakes tomorrow :-)


Thanks for your visit and comment.
