
Monday, May 2, 2016

{Husband Pieter's Selfie from the Mid Sixties}

Yay; I'm almost DONE scanning!!!
Only some remnants left and the feeling is GREAT.
So many treasures unearthed and relived!
Everyone should do this... archiving their family treasures.
Guess our digital era began with the Millennium year.
But before that, there were fun photos as well.
This Selfie (in a big mirror obviously) by my husband Pieter made me laugh!
Guess this photo has been made at the Open Lucht Museum in Arnhem, The Netherlands or Open Air Museum.
Happy that Pieter did quit his smoking when he turned 50!
This is one of the pipes, his Big Ben Pipo, that we still keep on our pipe rack.
Here, my Pieter is almost 22... A very handsome man, this was at one of his graduations.
Looking at him, he might as well have become a 'Dressman' (male model) with his always impeccable style.
I'm still very proud of him and very much in love as well.
Yes, yesterday my handsome husband turned 87!
Much to be grateful for and we hope and pray that God grants us many more years together.
At least, Pieter too is very happy with all the organized photos now to view as a slideshow on a big screen and reliving many fond moments.
Yes, due to his age also I was in a hurry doing and accomplishing this.
First I've done all his family photos and all of his thousands of slides.
In order to pass them on to his adopted daughter who's also related by blood to his ex, so there is lots of sentimental value in those early photos.
Pieter is the only surviving member of his family and now his Goddaughter and other niece do have that part of history preserved and explained by text.
That was a lot of work; hell it was a MEGA TASK!
LAST I've done our photos and it is amazing what we lived through with our job as International Consultants.
For sure I could no longer do that... not in the health condition I'm in right now, neither Pieter with his heart condition and knee problems. Both of us also do have occasional back problems.

Thanks for your patience and soon I will be catching up!

Happy Easter to my friends in Greece and all others I wish you a Happy Weekend.

Related link:
{Our 6 Vintage Tobacco Pipes and Cheroot Holder} | showing you Pieter's collection
{Royal Wedding invitation + PIETER's Birthday!} | showing a happy husband
 {Dutch King's Birthday Celebration in Atlanta, Georgia} | showing Pieter the day after his Birthday in 2015
{BIRTHDAY} | post from 2013 showing Pieter


  1. Hello Mariette, Happy Birthday to Pieter, and many happy returns! Next to marrying you, the best decision he ever made was to quit smoking.

  2. Dearest Mariette; Oh, Happy birthday to your Dear husband Pieter! He looks SO handsome in the two photographs. My husband also quit smoking around 50 years old and I'm really happy for that. Yes, many more happy years for both of you, Dear friend.
    Congratulations on your hard work, both for his family and for you two☆☆☆ Working together as International Consultants must be WONDERFUL years with lots of precious memories.

    I think (or hope) after the so called Golden Week in Japan finishing Soba guests, I'll be able to have more free time :-) Have a wonderful new week and spring days♬♬♬
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  3. Nou dat was een heel werk inderdaad en een terugblik in het verleden. Die Big Ben Pipo had mijn man ook, een heel klein kort pijpje. Ach ja iedereen rookte vroeger en nu bijna niemand meer gelukkig. Gefeliciteerd met je man, een respectabele leeftijd, hoop dat jullie nog vele mooie jaren samen hebben.
    Groeten, Marianne

  4. Hello Mariette,
    Happy Birthday for her distinguished husband!
    In the photos it looks very handsome! respectfully !
    the initiative to organize photos and other is really great!
    many good and beautiful memories!
    Warm greetings from the Caribbean!
    Rose M.

  5. Hello! Your husband looks like a movie star in the photos you've shared! His selfie is priceless. Sophisticated, a bit of mystery about him.

    I have been absent from Blogger for a while, finishing up the editing process on my five year journal ~~ kept during the years I cared for my Mother. From the day I brought her to Florida to live with my son and me ... to the day she passed away, as I cradled her in my arms. Blurb is 'publishing' my book ~ both sisters will receive a copy. Mother passed away in May, 2007 ~~ as you can see, it certainly took me a long time to do this. A labor of love.

    Your friendship means much to me .....

  6. Hi Mariette. Happy birthday to Pieter taha is very, very handsome. It´s really fantastic he already don´t smoke.
    Have a nice afternoon.

  7. Happy birthday to your sweet husband Pieter! He is such a handsome gentleman. Love both photos of him from his younger years. Having met him in person, I say he keeps his handsomeness at any age :-) It must have been really a huge task to scan all the photos and slides. But it's worth it, I'm sure!
    Happy May Day, Mariette. Have a wonderful new week ahead!

  8. Innanzitutto AUGURI a tuo marito!!!!! Immagino quanto lungo e faticoso sia stato il lavoro che hai dovuto fare, ma devi ammettere che ne è valsa la pena.Ora potrai rivedere un enorme e lungo bagaglio di vissuto, posti, luoghi, abitudini, storie, vicende e persone che hanno lasciato in voi un meraviglioso dono di vita. Sai una cosa? Mi piacete moltissimo come coppia, siete uniti, amate le stesse cose, si vede benissimo che vi completate, siete un TUTT'UNO ♥! Meraviglioso esempio per tutti noi. Un abbraccio e uno speciale per Pieter. Paola

  9. All the best for your handsome husband, good health and many more years of life. I admire you for working with photos. Yours very sunny.

  10. Hi dear Mariettes. M muy feliz cumpleaños para tu querido marido,, un lindo homenaje ,, se nota que tú lo quieres mucho,,,espero que tengas un buen comienzo de semana

  11. Dearest Mariette, congratulations and best wishes to your dear Pieter for his 87th birthday!!! Thank you for your good wishes on our Greek Orthodox Easter, which we celebrated with the whole family roasting a lamb on the spit!!!
    Many hugs and a happy month of May!!!!

  12. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind wunderschöne Aufnahmen.

    Sonnige Grüße

  13. Your husband looked very handsome in his younger days. A belated Happy birthday to him.
    What a job you did but certainly well worth it. I think I need to start on something similar, as I have dozens of albums that I never look at.

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    Happy his smoking perfect birthday to your lovely husband had gorgeous fantastic with made good one
    and his made with both idea with photos.
    Hugs and love both of you!

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    auch ich wünsche deinem lieben Mann alles alles Gute - Gesundheit und
    ganz viele schöne Momente mit seiner lieben und schönen Frau -

    herzliche Grüße - Ruth

  16. Mariette,
    es sit einfach schb, wenn man diee alten Fotos
    noch hat. Man sieht, wie man sich verändert.
    Einen angenehmen Abend wünscht dir


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