
Monday, June 13, 2016

{Federal Reserve Bank of New York City}

While participating on our New York City sight seeing bus tour, there was of course no time for having the FREE Museum & Gold Vault Tour...
We still found it very interesting for walking here.
It is quite an impressive building, right on the corner of Liberty and Nassau Street.
NASSAU STREET, Manhattan does mention about its Dutch history, see screenshot below:
Nassau Street was named by 1696 for the House of Orange Nassau in the Netherlands...
Nassau was also an old name for Long Island. Dutch explorers originally called it 't Lange Eylandt, or Long Island.
Just click in the pink hyperlink above to go to the full story and info; very informative site!
Yes, Pieter and I both LOVE history and being in New Netherlands for visiting this very part of Manhattan meant a lot.
We also were so blessed with perfect sunny weather!
As always, not enough time for doing what you would love to do on such a short visit!
But I do hope you enjoyed this little insight in the history of Manhattan.

Thanks for your visit!


  1. Hello Mariette, I see the New York also has a beautiful Federal Reserve Building. The one in Cleveland, built in pink marble, is magnificent, and I hope that now I am in Ohio I will get a chance to visit it and take the tour.

  2. Gee the town of Bonners Ferry where I shop and take care of business. Doesn't have anything over 2 story. I believe it was less then five years we got our first elevator.
    Coffee is on

  3. Hello,Mariette,
    Such a grand building of Federal Reserve Bank!Beautiful tiled wall.
    I like the traffic sign standing by the building. I wonder I would not get lost on the street with a map and the sign?I often get lost in new places though. I hope you have a good new week.

  4. Hello Mariette,
    You both in New Netherlands st New Netherlands Manhattan, Enjoy in the history of Manhattan.
    I has beautiful day ad you too.
    Have a Lot of both!

  5. Ja, de nederlandse geschiedenis vind je overal terug in NY, veel namen herinneren aan de onze, maar dan een beetje verengelst.

  6. Hi Mariette. I imagine the security is seriously tight there, but it's such a beautiful, elegant looking building! Museum and gold vault tour sounds interesting. I hope you get time to do the tour in your future trip. I enjoyed learning bit of Dutch history in NY! Happy Sunday :-)

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    in Amerika gibt es schon überragende Gebäude. Ich frage mich nur manchmal, wie Menschen dort leben können. Mir wäre das alles ein paar Nummern zu groß. ;-)
    Unsere Stadt finde ich gerade richtig, noch ganz handlich, sie wird auch von keinem U-Bahn-Streckennetz durchzogen und man kommt relativ schnell überall hin.

    Liebe Grüße

  8. What a lovely connection to your "old country" you found in New York! It's so interesting to find out the history of the buildings, the cities. Thanks Mariette.

  9. Manhattan has many beautiful buildings. I enjoy seeing the tour through your lens. I so want to get back to NYC for a visit.

  10. Excelentes fotografias.
    Um abraço e bom Domingo.

  11. But where is the sun between these gigantic buildings ????
    Have a good day dear Mariette and good morning to Peter

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    I have been enjoying your New York explorations. Now I know where Nassau comes from. It seems to be found wherever the Dutch settled! It makes sense as doing honor to a royal name!
    Have a great week...........*s*

  13. Manhattan is fantastic so......enjoy it!!!!.

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    ein ganz imposanter Bau. Ein Hingucker.
    Du hast das Gebäude gut in Szene gesetzt.
    Einen angenehmen Abend wünscht dir


Thanks for your visit and comment.
